Nov. 5, 2018

2-man cell for 14 years

by Matthew Jankowicz (author's profile)


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Life is how you make it... [drawing of the interior of a cell with two men in it]

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California Department of Corrections (CDC) is creating a very major problems in every prison in the state. On level 1 and 2 yards they are making the yards 50/50 which means they are forcing "mainline" (IE: gang sters, and non programing inmates) to co-exist with "SNY" (sensitive needs yard, IE: programmers and men seeking rehabilitaion and change). Right now this is causing major problems on these yards that are already 50/50. There are riots, fights, murders and many inmates are being sent to the hospitals. Also the guards are being hurt too. I think they are doing this on purpose in order to secure jobs for the guards and keep inmates in prison longer. With the increase in violence the guards can ask for more money and offer more positions. The CDC union is the most powerful in the state. I think one of the main reasons why they are doing this so inmates will have to stay in prison longer because they get more time for fighting and killing each other and they become lifers with a 3rd strike.
California Department of Corrections (CDC) wants to keep as many prisoners as they can. They dont care about Restorative Justice Rehabilitaion. They have been in favor of housing us like animals and letting us die here. This 50/50 idea should be stopped right now. The SNY yard was started to stop violent attcks on inmates by other inmates. It also gave a place for inmates who do not wish to participate in the violent prison gangs started supported by guards who have a history of extorting and manipulating inmates to do their bidding. Now they are trying to stop the progress of the SNY yards by saturating them with violent gang members from the "mainline". They cannot name one good common sense reason for making these yards other than to serve their own purpose.
To all family members of inmates. Please contact your congress man, ACLU, and CDC as well and tell them to stop this distructive decision. There are also many advocates such as Prison Legal News, California Prison Focus, Prison Law Office, SJRA, PARC, FAMM and you can find others but please take the time to make some noise. The life you save maybe the one you love. Thank you very much for your help.

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sirwin2020 Posted 5 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

It was really eye-opening to read a first person perspective about how prisons are run. The image that society often portrays to us is that inmates are horrible people that have committed heinous crimes, and the people running the prison are doing some public service by keeping these people off the streets. Of course this isn't at all true, especially based on what you wrote about. Plenty of people in prison are wonderful and friendly but they've made mistakes in the past, have good justification for what they did, or have been wrongfully convicted.
Plus, if anyone is "horrible" it's the people in charge of prisons and the justice system. Before reading your post I had the impression that prisons weren't run very well and didn't keep the inmates safe. After reading your perspective, though, this absolutely affirms my belief that prisons are run by immoral people who treat fellow human beings like dogs and seek to make them suffer unjustly. This type of person is the last one who should be working in the justice system! I'm so sorry that such selfish and cruel people are trying to manipulate you and other inmates for their own benefit. The number one thing that upsets me is when people have no compassion and don't care about others, and I really hate seeing people, like you, suffer because of that.
I promise to spread the word about this cause and this blog so we can learn more about people in prison and fight for better prison conditions on your behalf.

Stay safe and stay strong.

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