The Novelist Portent
Johnny E. Mahaffey
January 22, 2016
It's great to be off of lockdown.
I was rushed out to work, first thing. And it was a hard day at work, trying to catch up. When I got in from work, I was exhausted but went straight to the kiosk and found exactly... part of what I'd expected. There was a message from Jaime telling me about the call dropping, and I should call back. This being sent before I DID call back, no other messages after that though.
However, there were NUMEROUS daily messages from Candice, worried sick about me, professing her concern, and want for my return into her daily routine. Her words being, as usual, very kind and sweet to me—a much-needed break in my otherwise grim day. She's even mailed me a picture and, my god, she looks the same as she did 20 years ago. Better in fact. Still a 10! Plus, she seems to be getting a little territorial about me, I love it.
It's a good thing they're playing the movie Solo from the Star Wars franchise for us tonight. I don't think I'd be able to sleep otherwise. I sent my son, CJ, the book last fall and now—after I watch this—I'll be able to talk to him about it. That's one of the reasons I wish they'd let us have more contact and tech. Really just so I don't lose touch with family and cultural allusions used in daily social life.
As I said, when I get my tablet, life is going to be so much easier—not just for me, but for everyone I know and love. That's the part that most people forget about prisoners. We are not the only ones being punished. Our families are having to cope with our absence and worry about our safety, with us having to reside in such dire and deadly environs. I
immediately shot an email out to Candice, letting her know that I was okay and that yes, it was a lockdown. That I would never go silent on her by choice. When I'm not heard from, it's because I'm being kept from making contact, not because I choose.
At my usual time, I called Jaime to talk to CJ, hoping to catch him with his aunt, Emily, as they stopped by. But he was showering. I'll try again tomorrow. But at least now he knows I tried and that I was on lockdown. I'm just so anxious to videochat with everyone. They'll see all my gray hair. :( Like some old silver fox...
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