Jennifer Johnson's Speech
Let's Talk people of America, United Nation, and Continents
Let's give a little brief history. The legislative aimed at punishing Moscow for meddling in the presidential election and its military aggression in Ukraine and Syria. Russia gets sanctions. This was Jul 2019. The Republican-led House is set to vote soon on sweeping Russian sanctions package that defies the White House by demanding that President Trump get Congress permission before lifting or easing the economic penalties against Moscow. Trump has been unwilling to respond seriously to Russia's belligerence, leaving Congress with the urgent responsibility to hold Vladimir Putin accountable. The House and Senate negotiations addressed concerns voiced by American oil and natural gas companies that sanctions specific to Russia's energy sector could backfire on them to Moscow's benefit. The bill raises the threshold for when U.S. firms would be prohibited from being part of energy projects that also included Russian business. This very sad when our Congress has to stand in the gap to block a decision from the leader who supposed to have the American people's best interest at hand. But instead, the leader is everyone's opponent including himself. Donald Trump is a repeat offender. Can I go street talk on you? It's like this Donald Trump street balling, mafia (ing) and he's hustling all the same darn time. Those of us know street can pick this behavior up. You see he used Russia to bring prejudice and bias against Hilary Clinton election in 2016 concerning emails brought FBI Director James Comey on the scene to investigate her. He blocked her from having a fair presidential election by poisoning the minds of weak individuals that were voting. This lady had experience and everything to his none. All his puppets on the string end up going to prison. We still don't know who was paid under the table so now we have the 2020 election. Donald Trump has run out gas. He doesn't get Russia to do his dirty work. They are hot on the block. Something has already ended up in prison for election fraud. I am talking like Donald Trump in my head. So who could I use in another country cause that way they are desperate. I've already desperate for keep because I've already sanction the majority of them. So let me manipulate my way. If they want that sanction off them they better give me what I want. Joe Biden is my target this time. I couldn't stand that President Obama they thought they did something when they did that Obamacare, huh. It's untouchable. So Mr. Joe Biden you want to win this one I try Ukraine they in a world of a mess anyways let me do a little research on Mr. Biden and his son/work here for a foreign country while Mr. Biden vice president. Great that will sink him. Let the whole world know so they want to vote for him and get the Ukrainian to investigate further with the people he was working for. Voters don't bite off into Trump's forbidden apple. This man is an evil serpent. God reveals him out. Because you have Americans that are prayer warriors that pray around the clock but Bible says there's nothing hidden that wants to be revealed. Everything in the dark will come to light. God is in the business of exposing the hearts of leaders to his people. We have been fooled long enough by the false politicians you see Russian cannot touch our election no more. They're hot. How else can they help Mr. Trump their friend? So Mr. Trump decides to pull the American troops out of Syria to help the Kurdish fighters. So now who is going to fight for the Kurdish people against ISIS the Turkish army? Trump says anybody who wants to go in a fight, go! Here comes the Russians running into the fight. If they are helping Kurdish fighters because Donald Trump on the way and besides this their friend. Because at one time he had his troops helping. What are the motives of Russia? Why is that the Russian immediately without hesitation run to the fight? Why wasn't it China? Japan or any other country? Is this another way of helping Donald Trump? Now let's talk about the presidential election debate on October 15, 2019 I personally believe that the cam date should be younger. The next presidential election rules should be added you should be a certain age. I believe from 29 to 45 years of age would be a very good age factor. Because being a president you have so much weight to carry. A lot of responsibility. Second I believe in being experience but willing to learn from others, and listen and having a heart of compassion for other people. Third of all you have experienced some life challenging that the voters can relate to. Your policy can relate and make an impact of change in the government for the people. These are the new changes need to come forth in the next election. IF I could vote where do I stand with the election? Mayor Pete Buttigieg. You are willing to have the laws change about the semi-automatic and magazine. But when asked how are you going to get the guns off the street you said the police weren't going to do. You had no answer for how it will be done. I guess an imaginary person is going to make this happen or else the gun will remain on the street. This is a strike because you are willing to bring talk to the table but no action to cause it to happen. I would not vote for you. Kamala Harris, you are talking about Medicare for all but Bernie Sanders is talking about the same thing who are you outside Bernie Sanders. What are your real policies and ideals as a candidate I understand healthcare is a top priority in the American minds besides guns, etc? With that being said would medicare for all hurt our budget or add to. You have not given us the answers to your clone policy. When you want the policy, you need to be able to back it up. I would not vote for you. Elizabeth Warren because on July 29, 2019, Warren on Monday rolled out a trade policy that would propose nine preconditions for U.S. trading partners to meet to participate in agreements including an end to fossil fuel subsidies. She did not rule out tariffs, echoing some of the rhetoric jump used in 2016 as he wooed working-class voters in places like Michigan. In I listened to the debate last night. She sounds like a candidate who has her stuff together. Bernie Sanders his health is failing him. He had a heart attack. My dad a retired VA. has a heart disease. He had a heart attack then three more came behind that. Then heart disease got so bad till they had to put a stent in his heart. Bernie Sanders said he is alright is one thing but later on down the line if he gets voted in. He gets sick again. Who is going to see about the foreign country and Americans? Second his age factor is major since I am with Jimmy Carter on this age factor of a president. He even admitted that he's cough I do the same job as he did when he was younger. So many words.
Bernie Sander's policy is too far-fetched for me. I would not vote for him. Joe Biden, let me say his son didn't violate any rules by working for a foreign country. There was no scam. Your constitution and law of the land do not say if you are the son or daughter of the vice president you cannot work for this BP oil company in Brazil. So stop picking Donald Trump because your son and son-in-law and the people close to you always found to be dealing with treacherously in Washington or with foreigners. Are you hiding your taxes because it will reveal something illegal and had 20 businesses over in other countries but was tiring not to turn them over. Because you wanted to still be in charge. Stealing from people that are in poverty at the University of Trump. Cause a newscaster to get fired and ridiculed because you decided to do and say inappropriate things about women. Mistreated people who had issues but didn't give a darn all you wanted was that president seat. Putting children in cages, causing families to be broken because of your crackdown on illegal immigrants that is drug cartel and killing people. MS is bad. All them in a gang. But people who assassinate innocent people's character. They are really talking about themselves. If people who hurt innocent people are actually hurting and destroying themselves I personally would impeach Donald J. Trump right on out of the president's seat. How could you mess with people who have wisdom and experience? Even in the midst of Donald J. Trump's attack these people they didn't get upset or fire back. I admire these three people, President Obama, Hilary Clinton, and Joe Biden they get the job done. They ain't with the foolishness like our president Donald J. Trump. Come hell or high water, obstacle, a barrier they get the job done. There is nothing shady about Joe Biden or his son or Hilary Clinton or Obama. We need to cut this communication line to the confusion in our country America, United Nation, and Continent by impeaching Donald J. Trump and voting for Joe Biden. I want Joe Biden's son to know don't beat yourself up about what Donald J. Trump tried to do to you and your da.d REmember you are somebody special that why you will always have the foolish coming up against people that has wisdom and sense of direction in life. Yes, Joe Biden's age is a factor but there is no set of rules for this election. I strongly believe that Stacey Abram should run for vice president. With those two in-office our country and nation can be charged. God has birth to something in their wombs for the American people, United Nation and Continent. I told a sister in my church I feel a change in the atmosphere God is getting ready to do something for the America, United Nation, and Continent. God is revealing the hearts of the kings. God is saying this one needs to go. Hong Kong leader, Donald J. Trump, Turkey leader all these countries leaders and Donald Trump needs to be impeached and removed ASAP because they ain't nothing but a hindrance. You see a lot of the leaders are in for the money, prestige, power, and controlling the people. Thugs have become our leaders' idols. All they think about themselves and controlling others. How many know uncontrolled pride is self-destructive. Some of our leaders are spiraling out of control and about to lose their minds. God allows evil kings to reign for a little while just to bring his purpose across that you need to put your trust in him because man will fail you. That's why we have to pray for our leaders and who to vote for. Idols will destroy a land. Because you are putting your idols before God, you say what is ideal. I am glad you ask an image used as an object of worship - a false God something visible but without substance. some will argue Christianity is an idol because it's a religion but you can't see your God. I am not here to argue religion. But I know God is real because he has been real in my life, raped by somebody who was HIV positive but no trace in my body after 25 years, was molested had a lot of mental health and emotional issue God healed me. Could have lost my mind behind all that I've been through but God. Hebrews 11:1 now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Do you remember how you felt when you were very young and your birthday approached? You were excited and anxious you knew you would certainly receive gifts and often special treats. But some things would be a surprise. Birthdays combine assurance and anticipation and so does faith. Faith is the confidence based on past experience that God's new and fresh surprises will surely be ours. God called the universe into existence out of nothing, he declared that it was to be and it was. Our faith is in the God who created the entire universe by his word. God's word has awesome power. When he speaks, do you listen and respond? How can you better prepare yourself for God's word? For me, it's praying. I know a lot of people saying we been praying, fast, protest and stand our ground. Nothing has been happening. Where are your faith and trust? I have been silent for a reason, two months ago God says to me begin to pray this scripture for some areas in your life and the president of the United States. He says I have the government in my palm. I control everything. Man thinks he has control but I have the ultimate control. So me and the church being to Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep and hidden things, he knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with him. God exposes Trump in this Ukraine situation. Expose Hong Kong leader heart. We got to pray that God would give us wisdom who to vote in the leadership. God is in control of everything. Read in the holy Bible Daniel 2 but I want to talk about King Nebuchadnezcor's was trying to make him and his boys serve false Gods. Nebuchadnezzar was seeking astrologers. The astrologers told the king that not a man on earth could know the dreams of another person. What the King asked was humanly impossible. But Daniel could tell what the king had demanded and he could also give the interpretation because God was working through him. In daily life, we face many apparently impossible situations that would be hopeless if we had to handle them with our own limited strength. But God specializes in working through us to achieve the impossible. The astrologers were unable to persuade the king with any amount of logic or rational argument. The king asked for something impossible and didn't want anyone to change his mind. When the power goes to a leader's head, whether at work, at home, or in the church, that leader can sometimes begin demanding the impossible from subordinates. At other times, it may be the rantings and ravings of someone in Hong Kong leaders or Donald J Trump deluded with power. Just as Daniel dealt wisely in the situation, we can ask God to give us wisdom to know how to deal with unreasonable bosses. That is a word for or legislatives, congress, and senate. How did with Donald J. Trump and United Nation, Continent how to deal with your dictatorship and presidents
The astrologers said that the gods "do not live among men, of course, their gods didn't - they didn't even exist! This exposed the limitations of astrologers. They could invent interpretations of dreams but could not tell Nebuchadnezzar was furious when his advisors couldn't fulfill it. It was not unusual in these times for astrologers to be in conflict with the king. They sometimes used their craft to gain political power. This astrologer reminds me of ISIS who is fighting to gain more area Muslim states. Their religion Muslim is being used as a craft to gain political power. By the astrologers and ISIS answering that the gods for astrologers and for ISIS they believe in bombing/war to take the Kurdish territory they have betrayed their concept of Allah and gods. This makes it a hollow religion, a religion of convenience. They believe in gods and Allah, but the belief has made no difference in their conduct. Even with today in this era, many people profess to believe in God, but it is also a hollow belief. In essence, they are practical atheists because they don't listen to him or do what he says Do you believe in god? He does live among people and he wants to change your life. What I like about this story Daniel was a ta crisis. United States of America, United Nation, and Continent we are in a crisis what are we going to do? Do you know what you need to do? Let's reflect back to Daniel. Imagine going to see the powerful, temperamental king who had just angrily ordered your death! Daniel did not shrink back in fear, however, but confidently believed God would tell him all the king wanted to know. When the king gave Daniel time to find the answer, Daniel found his three friends and they prayed. When you find yourself in a tight spot share your needs with trusted friends who also believe in God's power. Prayer is more effective than panic. Panic confirms your hopelessness; prayer confirms your hope in God. Daniel's trust in God save of himself, his three friends, and all the other wise men of Babylon so many people say well he doesn't hear me or chose another religion over that belief. Because Christianity is too hard for me, or I can't do what I want to. A lot of people been taught hellfire messages so they feel anything they do is going to send them straight to hell. Galatians 5:16-21 so I say, live by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the spirit and the spirit is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the spirit, you are not under the law. The acts of the sinful nature are obvious; sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hated, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, and envy drunkness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Paul describes the two faces conflicting within us - the Holy Spirit and the sinful nature. Paul is not saying that these forces are equal - The Holy Spirit is infinitely stronger. But if we rely on our own wisdom, we will make wrong choices. If we try to follow the Spirit by our own human effort, we will have our only way to freedom. From our evil desires is through the empowering of the Holy Spirit see Romans 8:9 Ephesians 4:23, 29, Colossians 3:3-8 in your Holy Bible. We all have Holy Spirit's guidance, we must deal with them decisively (crucify them Galatians 5:24. These desires include obvious sins such as sexual immorality and witchcraft. They also include less obvious sins such as selfish ambition, hatred, and jealousy. Those who ignore such sins or refuse to deal with them reveal that they have not recovered the gift of the Spirit that leads to a transformation. I feel the people are last in United States, United Nation, and Continent a lot of the wrong is overriding who they really are. What are the wrong desires evil, destructive, easy to ignite, difficult to stifle, self-centered, oppressive and possessive, decadent, sinful, deadly? God says he wants to free the following people from your sinful, kidnapper, child molester, rapist, child abductee, opioid addict, or any drug addict or alcohol, the sex addict, prostitute, the stripper, the murders, drug dealers, the people who are lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, sexual killers & rapists, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, grandma, granddad, foster parents and adopted parents, ungrateful, greed unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, cheating, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. God says he wants to free you out of bondage. He is calling you to freedom in the Spirit. There is nothing hidden from God almighty is what you doing with you have to look over your shoulder on sleepless nights because the lord is dealing with you to get it right. The eyes of the Lord are everywhere keeping watch on the wicked and the good prv 15/3, death and destruction lie open before the Lord how much more the hearts of men prvs 5:11 at times it seems that God has let evil run rampant in the world and we wonder if he even notices it. But God sees everything clearly - both the evil actions and the evil intentions lying behind them. He is not an indifferent observer. He cares and is active in our world. Right now, his work may be unseen and unfelt, but don't give up. One day he will wipe out evil and punish the evildoers, just as he will establish the good and reward those who do his will. To all who is doing those things above and the dark things, nobody knows the secrets of your heart. God knows all our sins as if they were spread out before him even the secret ones. We don't need to cover up our sins before him because we can talk openly and honestly with him. But while he knows all that terrible information about us, God still loves us and wants to forgive us. This should encourage us to come to him rather than frighten us into covering up our sin if you are tired of being the way you are or being in a condition you know that it's going to lead you to destruction or death, you want a change, Jesus doesn't care about your age, gender, or what you did wrong a second ago. He wants you. He doesn't care if you are the biggest sinner in the world. He wants the presidents, legislatives, ISIS, Russian, Dictators, senators and Congress, and our citizens. I go if you desire to change today go in a private place pray this prayer with me. Father, it is written in your word that if I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that you have raised him from the dead, I shall be saved. Therefore, father, I confess that Jesus is my lord. I make him lord of my life right now. I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead. I renounce my past life with Satan and close the door to any of his devices. I thank you for forgiving me of all my sins. Jesus is my lord and I am a new creation. Old things have gone away; now all things become new in Jesus's name. Amen. God loves he will never judge you or leave you alone. Jesus feast with the sinner and everything. So, Jesus is a cool person to hang out with he will never lead you down the road to destruction or death.
I love you all. Your friend and Sister Jennifer Johnson
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