Rise and Fall of the Gender part (2)
False Religion
Americans, United Nations, Continents
Have we even thought about what is religion? It has many definitions a belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. B. a system grounded in such belief and worship. The life or condition of a person in a religious order. A set of beliefs, values and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader. I like this definition to accept a higher power as a controlling influence for the good in one's life. What if the higher power a controlling influence for the bad in my life? In our constitution says you have the right to freedom of religion in America. What if that religion bringing destruction to the people's lives and destroyed them because they have become painstaking which means scrupulous. So with that being said of the higher powers controlling influence for the good n bad in one's life. That means you are guided or in accordance with the dictators of conscience, which makes you conscientious. Do we have conscientious objects in America, United Nations and continents. Who are these are the people who on the basis of religion or principle refuses to bear arms or serve in the military. For me I am not conscientious objector but I do believe in both based on certain standards. What if your religious belief has become a personal interest of a source of annoyance in your community. Your religious belief are hurting people instead of helping them. Do you really wanting to keep teaching false doctrine that is brainwashing people into becoming destructive and evil and cold hearted. Right now I want to talk to my Christian audience. We have to be careful who we listen to in this era because we are living in the last days. We have false teachings looming around. First we want to talk about to recognize them.
Deuteronomy 13:1-3 Attractive leaders are not always led by God. Moses warned the [unclear] against false prophets who encouraged worship of other gods. New ideas from inspiring people may sound good, but we must judge them by whether or not they are consistent with God's word. When people claim to speak for God today, check them in these areas are they telling the truth? Is focus on God? Are their words consistent with what you already know to be true? Some people speak the truth while directing you toward God, but others speak persuasively while directing you toward themselves. It is even possible to say the right words but still lead people in the wrong direction. God is not against new ideas, but he is for discernment. When you have a new attractive idea, examine it carefully before getting too excited. False prophets are still around today - the wise person will carefully test ideas against the truth of God's word. Jeremiah 23:9-14 How did the nation become so corrupt? A major factor was false prophecy. The false prophets had a large, enthusiastic audience and were very popular because they made the people believe that all was well. By contrast, Jeremiah's message from God was unpopular because it showed the people how bad they were. There are four warning signs of false prophets - characteristics we need to watch for even today. (1) They may appear to speak God's message, but they do not live according to his principles. (2) They water down God's message in order to make it more palatable (3) They encourage their listeners often subtly, to disobey God. (4) They tend to be arrogant and self serving, appealing to the desires of their audience instead of being true to God's word.
Matthew 7:15 False prophets were common in Old Testament times. They prophesized only what the King and the people wanted to hear, claiming it was God's message. Jesus indicates that false prophets were just as prevalent in his time. False teachers are just as common today. Jesus says to beware of those whose words sound religious but who are motivated by money fame or power. You can tell who they are because in their teaching they minimize Christ and glorify themselves. Is it possible for Christians to be deceived? Yes. So convincing will be the arguments and proofs from deceivers in the end times that it will be difficult not to fall away from Christ. If we are prepared Jesus says, we can remain faithful. But if we are not prepared, we will turn away. To penetrate the disguises of false teachers we can ask:
(1) Have their predictions come true or do they have to revise them to fit what's already happened? (2) Does any teaching utilize a small section of the Bible to the neglect of the whole? (3) Does the teaching contradict what the bible says about God (4) Are the practices meant to glorify the teacher or Christ? (5) Do the teachings promote hostility toward other Christians? False teachings entice us with subtle temptations. The Israelites were warned not to listen to false prophets or to anyone else who tried to get them to worship other gods - even if this person was a close friend or family member. The temptation to abandon God's commands often sneaks upon us. It may come not with a loud shout but in a whispering doubt. And whispers can be very persuasive, especially if they come from loved ones. But love for relatives should not take precedence over devotion to God. We can overcome whispered temptations by pouring out our hearts to God in prayer and by diligently studying his word. What cause the people to listen to them (what made the people listen to and support the false prophets? These prophets said what the people wanted to hear. False teachers earn fame and money by telling people what they want to hear, but they lead people away from God. If we encourage false teachers, we are as guilty as they are. What lulled the people into a sense of false security this warning was directed against false prophets whose messages were not from God, but were lies intended to win popularity by saying whatever made the people happy. False prophets did not care about the truth as Ezekiel did. They lulled people into a false sense of security, making Ezekiel's job even more difficult. Beware of people who bend the truth in their quest for popularity and power. What motivates them? Fame and popularity. Peter gave three warning signs for identifying false teachers.
(1) Shameful ways. Do their lives contain or condone immoral practices? Does the group listening to the false teachers have a lot of immoral sexual relationships?
(2) Greed. Teachers have a right to financial support (1 Corinthians (;1-14, Galatians 6:6, 1 Timothy 5:17, 18) but is money the teachers' or group's prime motivation? Before you send money to any cause, evaluate it carefully. Is the teacher or preacher clearly serving God or merely promoting his/her own interests? Will the person or organization use the money to promote valid ministry or will it merely finance further promotions or extravagant lifestyles?
(3) Lying. Is the leader offended when you ask for the scripture backing behind his/her statements? Does he/she fudge on the facts when asked for evidence. Believers today would do well to heed Peter's warnings against false teachers: the danger is great. With false teaching and loose morals comes a particularly destructive disease - the loss of love for God and others. Sin cools your love for God and others by turning your focus on yourself. You cannot truly love if you think only of yourself or rules or tradition. When your spiritual leader or religion telling you to harm others that is wrong. When your religion is self centered in the flesh that is wrong. Be careful of what teachings you take heed to. Be careful of the leadership you sit under because there are some dangerous spiritual leaders out there today. What you believe does make a difference in your life and the people you are around and connected to. I want to name a few dangerous Scientology when you decided to escape this occult they try to kill you. There's been testimony of people wanting to be free. They tried to kill them and they constantly followed Islam ISIS suicide bombing. Bombing people in the of Allah. Jehovah witness no blood transfusion is allowed even if the child needs it. You're going just die Besides these too Wicca, voodoo, and witchcraft they can kill you without a weapon, and cause evil things to happen to you. There will be a judgment day for even what you chose to believe. Roman 2:12-15 people are condemned not for what they don't know, but for what they do with what they know. Those who know God's written word and his law will be judge by them. Those who have never seen a bible still know right from wrong and they will be judged because they did not keep even those standards that their own consciences dictated. Our modern day sense of fair play and the rights of the individual often backs at God's judgment. But keep in mind that people violate the very standards they create for themselves. when you killing innocent people in the name of Allah, trying to kill somebody because they realize they are in an occult or denying somebody life because your ministry tells you blood transfusion is not of Jehovah all this is called shredding of innocent blood. God is going to hold you accountable for that on judgment day.
Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the lord hates, seven that are detestable to him
haughty eyes
a lying tongue
hands that shed innocent blood
a heart that devises wicked schemes
feet that are quick to rush into evil
a false witness who pours out lies
and a man who stirs up dissension
You may have been that false teacher, ISIS or Jehovah's [unclear]. The lord stands with open arms wanting to forgive you and give you a new beginning his kingdom that's going give you eternal life with him in heaven. If you tired of the lifestyle you're living in religion that you know is the occult and it's wrong.
I dare you to try the lord. HE will be your everything. All you have to do is trust his will for your life. Start reading the Holy Bible. I advise you to start reading Proverbs then Matther - Luke. There is a lot of answers to your everyday needs in Proverbs. You don't have to accept Jesus in public. You can do it in the privacy of your room, office, bathroom. Where ever you feel comfortable doing. Pray this prayer with me from your heart.
Father, I believe you love me and that you sent your only son to die for me. I turn from my ways of doing things and I turn toward Jesus. I receive the free gifts of his life in exchange for my old life. I place my faith and trust in Jesus alone to save me. Thank you, Jesus for dying for me and forgiving all my sin. I receive you as my savior and lord. I want to know and follow you all the days of my life. Let today be the beginning of my new journey as a member of your family. Thank you for being the way for me to come home. Amen
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