April 3, 2020

America incarcerated

by William D. Linley (David) (author's profile)


Date: 03/28/2020 11:46 AM CDT
Subject: America incarcerated

NYC is facing a grim reality that the neighbourhood parks will be shut down to all use.


Can you imagine being forced to live in your small city apartment 24 hours a day?

In desperation, I am sure, that families are going to the park. Not out of disobedience or lack of caring.

It just hit me...

America is now getting a small taste of what "we" have done to our citizens for decades. "Excessive" punishments of forcing people, usually 2 strangers, to live 18, 23, even 24 hours in a 10x8 foot bathroom.

Prison is, or should be for modern purpose, a temporary punishment to help a person rehabilitate. To become a contributing member of society. Very few are lost souls, and career criminals. Instead, America's prison's have become a severe, cruel and inhumane torture designed to break a person. A warehousing system with no rehabilitation or education designed to generate money. A false economy. Often prison has led to complete insanity.

I have to laugh, how Americans are at their limit! After only a week!

Welcome to a small taste of being incarcerated.

The biggest difference is you know your still free.

You know you have control of the locks.

You know you can walk out.

There is nothing that compares to hearing that heavy metal clang of the lock sealing you into a concrete tomb. Whatever happens between you and your mind..you and your memories..you and the strangers locked in with you...you and your God....

No one is going to help you...

Day after day, week after week, year after year, decade after decade...

Until there is no emotion or life left in you. You are but a shell of a human being.


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