Aug. 23, 2021

Collection of Otis Quotations

by Otis Lee Rodgers (author's profile)



Wait for me
You waited for my return
You pleaded for visiting approval
and waited for calls and letters
than never came

You put your life on hold
You sacrifice your all
You waited ALONE when those
Who use to wait grew tired of waiting
You trusted and kept faith in me
like no other could
You waited in the midst of so
much hopeless despair when others
abandoned me and had long forgotten
believing it was USELESS and
POINTLESS to wait.

You saved me and how I survived
will be known ONLY to you and me
You simply knew how to LOVE

and how to WAIT like no other could

You trusted and you trusted well
You waited and you waited well
And against all ODDS



Anguish, pain and toxic stress in my life
rides the winds of my awaken sleeping
shivering in sudden awakening I stare in
a void wondering, looking out at the
desolate prison yard amidst the grotesque
electrified razor wire fences

How can this insidious inconscionable evil
be and how long will this travesty of
inhumanity and wanton sacrifice of life
go unanswered and unrevenged?
How long will the avenging massing
thunder clouds of my soul hold back the
volcanic eruption of the devastation of my
anger and HATRED

Which sunrise will bring the light of my
and evaporate this macabre 'ghoulish'
nightmare; just another surviving night
awaking to the nauseous smell of the
living dead.

Tormented, tossing and burning, wishing,
hoping, trusting for the WINGS of
JUSTICE to set me FREE from the
HORRIBLE crimes and WRONGS done to

I am not tired of being kicked, deprived
and dehumanized. I am not tired of being
hold 'hostage' under threat of death,
enduring substandard medical care, abuse,
and exploitation; being served dog-food
and soybean filler.
What tires my tireless is the
continuous and absolute lack of creative
abuse heaped upon my life by my

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1). In our lives there are only a few truism and in our search for life's truths we seem to forget - that our true and lasting accomplishments are the results of our own laborious, individualistic step-by-step achievements.
2). There lies no difference between the receiver and the giver. In truth there is only the receiver. For even the giver-receives when giving; a sense of joy and satisfaction.
3). We are like flower seeds, that needs to be planted into a fertile environment and allowed to germinate and only when a person has blossom into a fully evolved, developed individual is that person able to share the sweet fragrance of the flowering of there wisdom upon another.
4). The wise makes peace first with their families, whereas, the unwise attempts to make peace only with their enemies. There can be no peace with a "true-enemy," only periods of rest of non-violence.
5). Surely it has been said "We learn best by teaching."
6). Lack of communication breeds fear, distrust, and confusion.
7). If I am "politically incorrect", it is because I am not political.
8). Our psychological memory is covered with superficial garbage that we must unburden ourselves of.
9). "Intellectual Self-Defense" is forever the seed of enquiry and not merely accepting the truth of another as your own.
10). I am not attempting to teach you anything, rather I am trying to unlearn you from the failed dogmas and ideologies of the past.
11). Love is like a pearl inside of a shell, sometimes you'll have to break the shell of it's defense to experience the tenderness of it's enormous beauty.
12). Living is more reflective than prospective.
13). If you aren't ready to accept another's answer then don't ask the question.

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14). Over the ages we have heard the teachings of many so-called prophets; Messengers of God (MohAMMED); Reincarnated God (Buddha); and even a Son of God (Jesus) and they have all failed to change and engender compassion and lasting contentment within the hearts and minds of mankind. "We" are just as unloving, violent and self-destructive today as we have since day one.
15). Have you notice the hypnotic trance or frenzied behavior of those during a church sermon/service? As they exit the church, they have this euphoric glow, slightly serene look as if they are un after-glow after sex. The further away from the church you'll observe laughter and seemingly the blood returning to their brain and blank faces.
16). The potential (seed) of enlightenment lies within every individual, you need only allow it to grow inclusively. To trustingly enter into the frictions of life's chaos and despair without security to be tried and trued, dropping all psychological crutches.
17). Truth is in the here/now, a constant uncovering and discovering; like a refinement or increase in magnification. The closer we search, obvious the more clearer and greater truth is revealed and magnified. Like a distant star, the closer you get, the more it reveals itself in clarity and definition.
18). In "our" opposition to abortions, we seemingly only notice those who are having abortions and fail to observe in critique those participating in a world where abortions are being committed.
A). In "OUR" so-called moral outrage and indignation to those having an abortion "WE" negligently and cowardly fail to be aggrieved about the social "INEQUITIES" and injustices that may have caused a women to seek an abortion.
B). The reality of abortions as repugnant as they are is squarely upon us and an undeniable reality of our contemporary humanity

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This issue must be dealt with straightforwardly and honorably.
19). True love is like a double-edge sword, wounds and it heals; freeing you from all others to make you its slave. One who is deeply in love lies mortally wounded; it a state of ambulatory-convalesce, never quite recuperating.
20). The question: Who am I, only arises when you aren't...
21). Hope lies more so within self ad less from the other.
22). You need learn until learning becomes a teaching.
23). Truth and fact aren't necessarily one in the same. Our truth is no more than our be(LIE)fs and our facts are simply our non-be(LIE)fs.
24). Our lives are in a two for one exchange, one step in progression and two steps in regression. We are losing ground, we have not yet learned to be what we idealistically seek to become (i.e, loving, caring and compassionate)
A). Each step takes me one step into the unknown and two steps away from the known. It is a two for one exchange; logically when we enter the unknown, it then becomes the known and leaving the known it becomes the non-existing past.
25). Life is a contradiction and living life is paradoxical, the ultimate dilemma.
26). The best must unite with the best to achieve = better. (Y + B = YB2). Natural selection.
27). Preparation for the unpreparable is found within the preparable. Prepare for tomorrow, by committedly and affirmatively meeting the challenges of today. It is only in enduring today that will engender within you the endurance to endure tomorrow. In truth, how could it be otherwise? Living life is like a progression of steps. One simply cannot prepare for the unknown without fully experiencing the known or the knowable. There lies no gap in existence, the unknown lies at the border of the known and can only be found/entered through the known; they are flipsides of the same coin, like an extension ladder.

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28). That is why you must experience vicarious or otherwise, the known and the knowable to be able to have solid footing to figuratively stand straight up, extending yourself into the unknown.
29). You are a rose in a weed garden, so there is much weeding needed to give you room to grow as an individual.
30). Your responsibility lies only within the purview of your responsibleness.
A). Most of us fail intaking responsibility. In truth, we need only learn to be responsible, starting with the near (responsibleness), rather than the far (responsibility). Your responsibility is obviously limited within your responsibleness. You only have responsibility within the experience of self. Plainly put you have no responsibility to another (excluding your children and dependents) and need only interfere or assist when asked or when an emergency situation becomes apparent to you that assist is urgently needed. Again, it is stressed this area of responsibility is to the near and not the far. Your responsibleness within self determines your responsibility to another.
31). If you would change the conditions of your life than first change the grounds/environment within which the root-cause of the maladies of within why the conditions lie.
32). Thinking is merely a process that must be mastered; not what to think rather how to think.
33). You help the other by first helping yourself; in understanding yourself. By not only being more tolerant, but by becoming more accepting of the differences and diversities among others.
34). There is something terrible that occurs when the one joins the many, fundamentally the one ceases to exist and to think independently of the other.
35). Truth lies more so with the one than with the many. For the simple fact that truth is an individualistic-experience. It simply cannot be shared or given to the one by the many.
36). It is only the strength of the individual that will make a strong group or nation. WEAKNESS BEGETS WEAKNESS EVEN IN NUMBERS.

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37). It is only in accomplishing the known, filling oneself up with the known that the unknown is revealed. A basis law of physics once something reaches it's full capacity, it then naturally enters into another space, another dimensions of existence. As a form of meditativeness, learn to master your day-to-day activities and changes. Concern yourself first with the near (trees) before you attempt to take in the far (forest).
38). There cannot be empathy for another without sympathy for self.
39). You are a rose in a weed garden, so there is much weeding needed to give you room to grow AS AN INDIVIDUAL.
40). In just about every imaginable situation here lies the crux of the problem; the means may have created/allowed the ends; but generally fails to sustain or support the ends. If the means are wrongs by which you accomplished your ends than so shall the ends.
41). It is because we view the ends as justification for the means that we suffer so. Whereas, you must not only question if the means will justify the ends; we must also question if the means will support the ends? If your thought processes leading to a conclusion are deficient than so shall the conclusions be similarly so.
42). Indeed the first criminal, the true criminal is one who has taken more of anything than is needed; any scarce needed resources.
43). Understand a be(LIE)f system teaches you what to think rather than how to think.
44). What I am advocating is to be true to self, when in doubt remember self and return to the self-interest of self. When there is a tragedy or conflict, return to what is in the best interest of self. When lost you search for a familiar location or landmark, likewise when in a feaRFUL SITUATION YOU NEED SEEK OUT OR return to a sanctuary or place of safety. You are your own true and ultimate sanctuary.
45). We were taught to wipe our noses and bottoms, but were negligently weren't taught to wipe away the mess away from our minds in times of stress, tragedies and tribulations. When experiencing emotional conflict we need to discern the difference between illusion and our realities and rely solely on the latter.

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46). It can be sad that life is a circle from learning to knowing to unknowing. In truth most die at the learning stage and a few at the knowing stage, thinking that they have known. There is no ultimate knowing, only a continuous unknowing and even that is unlikely to ever be achieved. A dumping of our acquired be(lie)fs about the unknown.
47). Those who would have us think that their ancestors' history were one of honor, dignity, triumph and glory are not being entirely forthright. For nearly in every instance, the prosperity of one people or nation was upon the death, dying, exploitation and suffering of others.
48). Information is knowledge, knowledge is empowerment and empowerment is the first step towards enlightenment, the dropping of all superstitious fears, ignorance and of the unknown.
49). The past is safe because the script is already written. You must look anew each and every day for the wisdom within the knowledge of the present, this is a true, continuous rebirth; of continuous searching for the truth.
50). Enlightenment becomes not an answer, rather an understanding of the question. The difference between one who is enlightened and one who isn't. is that the enlightened individual knows how now to search for truth and the unenlightened just the opposite. The unenlightened seeks to know; whereas, the enlightened seeks merely to understand.
51). The present day ills of humanity are the results of a lack of maternalism, a lack of nurturing, understanding and love, in need of a passive-aggressive energy. Why this explanation isn't readily understood is that we have been dominated by the male-ego, the male aggressive-passive energy since the very beginning.
The dominate male-energy is still seeking to cure by conquering the maladies of the world, a relatively simple problem with an aggressive-complexed solution, leading mankind even further away from a solution. _Plainly put: The world's maladies are in need of a women's solutions.

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52). The reality of abortions as repugnant as it is, it is squarely upon us and an undeniable reality of our contemporary world. This issue need to be dealt with straightforwardly and honestly.
53). Historically, it is the ameri-Kan way to preach peace, ethics and morality while committing acts of atrocities, war and immorality against others as is evident of our nefarious exploitative dealings with OVR fellow ameri-Kans and nearly every other nation in the world.
54). Mankind found out early on that it is easier to lead than to follow easier to dominate and conquer the world than it is to conquer oneself. Each person remains their final frontier, their unexplored abiding frontier and mystery.
55). The ameri-Kan people have sowed a rotten seed of greed and selfishness and now we are reaping the rotten fruits of our vile deeds: Labelling others and ostracizing the stolen fruits of our collective trees and injustice as criminals. Criminality is an innate and inherent way of life in ameri-K, as wet is to water.
56). It isn't a question of finding or losing. If your purpose seems have lost meaning, than look not for lost meaning rather reexamine your purpose.
57). Purpose is in the seeking, the process and death is in the finding, the results. Therefore, purpose is life and meaning is ultimately the death of purpose.
58). Life's true meaning is in its un/knowing/ness and not in its knowing. It is in this unknowingness (ignorance) that is bliss and not its opposite. It is continued returning to a state of unknowingness that one is again able to find purpose in what gives life its meaning.
59). In our delirious and desperate search for others and more things - we do not fully understand and appreciate what we have until we've lost it. Then we only want back what we've lost. We seemingly are unable to grasp in real time the significance of the values of what we have when we have it in the here/now' seemingly only able to do so in reflection of its passing; usually beyond our ability to recapture or exercise any influence or control over. We are simply not balance. Our evolutionary ratio of appreciation, preserving and improving is at a deficit. A heightened consciousness would allow us to understand, protect, correct and improve upon.

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What we have when we have simultaneously within our lives and that of the other.
59). Just to live is both its purpose (meaning) and means)ends), that true meaning in life must be uncovered within self. Look outwardly for purpose and inwardly for meaning.
60). Staying focus the religiousness of living life, is the most essential of all disciplines.
61). In any given situation it is the near that contains the answer to the far. Likewise it is the near that will engender you with the strength and wherewithal to travel far. Your foundation is always near and without a foundation what can you build upon?
62). Rape is something that occurs moreso to the psyche. Have you notice that rape is he most definitive sounding, reflective word in our english language? Even the most hardened are caused to pause and reflect when a women has truly been raped. Yes, a male can be raped, but in most respects it is a rape of the body. A rape of a women goes far deeper than her body it touches her psyche. There being an inextricable connection between her body and her psychosexual/psychological wellbeing. A women's emotional-equilibrium is also raped and wounded. The wounds go deep and the scars are most often permanent. One of the many reasons and decisive factors why no man should rape a women.
63). Being deeply and absolutely in love, a merging of two individuals is indeed the Ultimate Enlightenment.
64). There are no absolutes your be(LIE)fs are no more than the flipside of another's disbe(LIE)fs.
65). It is through the Universal Language of Silence that all things can be said...
66). The vastness of time makes it conceivable the workings of the pendulum of life, its balance, by any one generation and thus, the lessons learned by one generation are easily forgotten by the next.
67). The general consensus is, truth is consistent and un/truth is inconsistent. Not realizing that there is inconsistency in every aspects of our lives. Truth being both inconsistent and consistent; it consistency is only with the evolving truth of the changing situations and circumstances.

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68). We are beggars, touting and begging the so-called glorious past to ensure us of the future.
69). Historically, ameri-Kans have been more participants and less recipients.
70). Let the dead teach the dead and let us begin anew.
71). In refusing to do what's right you have already committed yourself to doing what is wrong. When you fail to do what's in your best interest, you have likewise failed to do what's in the best interest of others.
72). The authority of the government extends no further than the consensus and will of the people.
73). We can no longer entertain the concept of "Collective Empowerment" as a means to a social "equity".
74). In searching for the truth of my experience, you offer me only the truth of your be(LIE)fs/hearsay, that which you have no even known. You would ask me to follow in your blind ignorance (unknowingness).
75). Most men buy sex out of expediency, having more money than time or patient to secure it otherwise...
77). In life accept either victory or defeat; making surrender unthinkable and only as a means of surviving for future victories.
78). He who has loved you are "guilty" of rape.
79). Yesterday's cures, usually won't solve today's ills.
80). At any given time an individual is doing the very best he or she can. No one deliberately does their worst, even when they are actually doing it. Conversely, most do wrong thinking they are doing right; of which is in their best interest.
81). It is not a contradiction to become exactly what you seek to destroy. E.G. Fighting violence with violence.
82). You can never be guilty od doing wrong trying to do right. You are only guilty of doing wrong trying to do right. To do wrong in

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pursuit of right you have committed no more less than a human error.
83). Truth isn't an object or a thought, it is a continuous feeling of an unexplainable understanding of what it, as it.
84). As your understanding becomes greater, your interpretation of the facts will also become more precise.
85). Limited within these three words: "WE DON'T KNOW!" sums up mankind's entire truth about the Why, How and the Who! The unknowable.
86). History teaches that one is in error to judge another solely by their actions. Reality teaches that an individual isn't their actions and if we are to be so foolish as to judge (alienate and ostracize) an individual by their actions, then we need more harshly judge their environment (E.G. discrimination, poverty, racism, equal access and opportunities).
87). Truth isn't horizontal, it is vertical, it doesn't necessarily stretch from yesterday into the future. Truth is no more than one's perception of the perceived facts at that time period. If the facts of yesterday are the same as today, it is more likely than not that you'll
88). The failure of the Women's Liberation Movement will occur for the same reasons as the decline of male dominate. It takes both genders to make a complete human being, neither can arbitrarily or unilaterally liberate themselves from the other; or procreate themselves without the other.
89). Most of us fails to take responsibility. In truth we need only learn to be responsible, starting with the near (responsibleness), rather than the far (responsibility). Your responsibility is limited within the experience of self. In essence you have no responsibility to the other and need only interfere or assist the other when asked or assist when an urgency or exigent circumstance becomes apparent that your assistance is needed. Again, it is stressed this area of responsibility is to the near and not the far. Your responsibleness is determines your responsibility to another.
90). Power and knowledge are synonymous and only an unknowing mind would think that knowledge could be utilized without the power to implement its usage.

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101). Love is a phenomenon, it doesn't belong to the receiver nor the giver, it is its own master and it comes to us unconditionally without permission and it will leave similarly so. Yet, once we receive this gift of love we attempt to possess the unpossessable; this phenomenal gift which is beyond our ability to discern, control or to understand.
102). I don't want you to help me, you need only take the time to understand yourself and in doing so, you will have helped me an all other in the universal sense, by taking responsibility for self. Thereby, becoming a responsible individual and less of a burden on others and society at large,
103). Each step takes me one step into the unknown and two steps away from the known. It is a two for one exchange. Logically, when you enter the unknown it becomes the nonexisting past for you.
104). Look outwardly for knowledge and inwardly for understanding.
105). Can you not imagine two roads leading you to the same destination? Likewise, you need similarly conceived that there are more than one road upon which you may search for your truth. Concern yourself not with the number of roads that are traveled and more with the road that you need travel.
106). You are not what you see in the mirror; nor even what other see of you; in fact you have never seen your true face and the mirror is just a poor reflection. Your eyes see outwardly and that is why it is so difficult for us to see in us what other claim that we are portraying to them.
107). You have not known death, you have only known life. You have no reason not to think that you and your life are inextricably inseparable and that you will abide forever.
108). In times of great tragedy you need look away from the problem and reflect moreso on your individual day-to-day activities and there lies the first step, the near(self) and not the far (the problem) in responding to the crisis. It has always been resolving the near in reaching a solution to the far (problem).
109). Remember: Forgiveness isn't forgiving it is simply not remembering.

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110). Intellectually, I may never agree with you and if I did more like than not I will one day disagree with you. You see it is that I never agree or disagree with you that we are in accordance. Agreeing by its truest definition is listening with an open mind. Results change even for the results giver, thus to truly agree with the other is to be in a state of continuous and sincere listening.
111). My words are no different than yours yet you cannot tell that this is so because you are simply hearing my words and not listening with an open non **not understandable*
112). What is commonly considered as an answer is generally no more than an explanation of the question.
113). Usually when the question is an passionate, anguish, why? The answer is already known.
114). We attempt to do good but we soon discover that doing wrong in nearly every instance gets the job done more readily than not.
115). Your rebirth is involuntary and quite mundane, it is "only" your rebirth of wisdom and understanding that is of any importance and cause for jubilation.
116). As we must forget, its hardships and failures of our past, similarly we must also forget the jaded solution of the present and look anew. Albeit, forgive remembering the lessons of the past.
117). It is easier to misunderstand than to understand, this being so because the latter requires patience and a sincere desire to listen, while he former requires "only" ones reactive judgment.
118). Accept only responsibility for your actions or inactions, never the debilitating burden of "guilt".
119). Those who are motivate by love and compassion to bring con(can't transcribe) into the hearts and minds of other shall themselves find the (can't transcribe).
120). Agreeing or disagreeing isn't necessarily determinative or reflective of another's true feelings and genuine opinions.
121). At some time-period in our evolution we must decide between negative-retribution or positive-contribution.

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122). The essence of life is discipline: Life's failures usually are the results of a lack of discipline.
123). Discipline is synonymous with empowerment. It is the undisciplined life that is more likely to experience chaos, indecisiveness and uncertainty...
124). In every community truth resides less in what things ought to be and more in what they are not.
125). While our avenues of communications are enormous and phenomenal, true communication is now furthest away.
126). True knowledge is not in the denial of life, rather in its affirmation.
127). The unenlightened seeks merely to know whereas, the enlightened seeks to understand what s/he doesn't know.
128). "INCREASE THE PEACE" There are those who's slogan is "STOP THE violence and increase the peace!" I tell you "STOP THE LIES AND INCREASE THE TRUTH". Peace without truth is no peace at all. Before you can know peace you must know truth; to understand how your part in the epidemic of violence NOW permeating our world; of which we now lament we seek to stop.
129). SELF-DEFINING AS A MEANS OF COPING WITH STRESS DURING A CRISIS. In extreme adversity one need not necessarily look to the other, rather continuously define self and describing your relationship with and to the situation. It is in this self-defining that places into perspective, allowing you to conquer your fears and tether's one to his or her realities. Remember: psychological tragedies doesn't exist in your physical realities; only in your subjective perception. The fact that you aren't... doesn't necessarily mean that the other is... It is in this realization that most often you'll discover your realities; that will allow you to rebuild your emotional foundation and recover...
130). OUR PSYCHOLOGY IS PRIMITIVE. With few exceptions, we are all emotionally and psychologically in regression: emotionally we have grown very little since the advent of humanity. We still make wars, rob, kill and exploit each other over ideas, property and each other. The christian dogma claims "Mankind will grow weaker but wiser."

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There is simply no evidence that "we" are any wiser than "we" were centuries or even thousands of years ago. In fact it is just the opposite, we have indeed grown stronger (physically with a longer life-expectancy and dumber (e.g. creating products and technology to our demise, chemical pollution, plastic, nuclear waste, etc.))
131). LIFE AND DEATH. Neither has anything in common with the other. The alternative to life isn't death. Life and death aren't opposites, in fact they are inopposites. Opposites infer that there is a relationship between the two. One complementing each other. Life is not a means unto an end, rather an end unto itself. Only dead things die, that which is alive has and always will be alive.
132) NEGATIVITY? You are asking me to explain your perception of what is as, to do so I must accept this as a premise. Truth is neither negative or positive. What you perceive as negative, is more likely than not, merely indifferent to your be(LIE)fs and projections. My authority is that of a teacher and my loyalty is solely to the truth of my experience. I HAVE NO VESTED INTEREST IN SUPPORTING YOUR BE(LIE)fs, mines or anyone elses; and especially that of the status-quo.
The essence of a person is not to whom their loyalties lie, rather the integrity of their loyalties. Self-loyalty is more than just an affirmation, it is loyalty in its truest application. In a world where there are more lies than truth, more pain than pleasure there can only be black or white and no shades of grey. A person of loyalty who can find no kinship amongst others has no recourse saving to be loyal to self. One who loves, must love even if it is to love oneself. Loyalty to oneself is no different than loyalty to another, it is blind, unyielding, without respect to right or wrong.
There cannot be empathy for another without sympathy for self.

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"Beyond a reasonable doubt", in laymen term exactly what does it mean? Moreover, what average citizen actually analyze their actions and reactions by such a esoteric, nebulous terms?
The evil of or social-political, economic-injustice cannot be described in neutral, clinical, passivity, rather it must be rigorously and adamantly denounced and condemned. Otherwise, it is only a cowardly explanation.
The religiousness of truth is a verb in that it is a continuous searching, defining, refining, exposing and revealing.
The contradiction between what we say as oppose to what we are doing, lies moreso in the paradoxical difference between the conscious goodness in our heart and the unconscionable evil (selfishness) fermented in our actions
Violence begets violence - and that is why the masters of old taught the masses to meditate (art of silence and reconciliation) and forgiveness (art of forgetfulness, acceptance and tolerance).
Good versus evil have seemingly always existed and most likely always will. Nevertheless, in this age of treachery, disunity, terroristic governmental manicured lies, corruption and imperialistic-capitalism, it is the abiding duty of the "individual", to become an island of revolutionary, revolutionist of one.
...all that being said you don't punish a person's humanity. Sex is an instinctive, psychosexual-biological, hormonal need, an innate instinctive aspect of our humanity.


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