March 8, 2012

Daily Journal (2/27/12 to 2/29/12)

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Ronald W. Clark Jr
The Death Row Poet
February 27, 2012

Daily Journal
February 27-29, 2012

Monday February 27, 2012 7:18am: Just finished cleaning my cell up. I have two call outs today, 10:30am I go to see Ms. Sagle the psychologist. And I'm #5 on the writ room, known as the law library. I'm going no matter who's working. I've got to get to that law library. It's still raining outside. It doesn't look good for the Daytona 500. These call outs are messing my workout up.

7:34am: They just called recreation, not me, just the other guys. I got the call out so I wouldn't be going out anyways. I was reading about a hunger strike in Pelican Bay State Prison that took place last year. 6000 participated in the first one in June, 12000 in the Sept and Oct. hunger strike. Sure wish these men here would do that. These damn TVs are the biggest distraction. These guys want their TVs, canteen, visits and just aren't willing to make any sacrifices. There's rumors of a hunger strike this summer, it won't happen. It's just talk. If they do start one, I'll be in it. I'd love to see a major hunger strike go down.

10:23am: Just got back from seeing Ms. Sagle. It was nice to see her and get out of this cell for awhile. I'll go to the writ room this afternoon around 1pm. I'm fixing to eat me a soup now and finish a letter. The staff are making us turn our palms out while being cuffed, which is putting a great deal of pressure and pain on the wrist. Just more stupidity by an administration full of morons. Welcome to UCI where stupidity is an everyday occurrence by this admin.

12:42pm: The race is scheduled for 7:00pm tonight. I'm getting ready for the law library. Should be going down there in about 20 minutes. I need to come back and work out. I'll just have to see how long I'm down there for. And how I feel when I get back.

3:24pm: Just got back from the law library. My cell was searched, but nothing was destroyed. That was the first time I've been down to the law library since Sept 12 because of all the retaliation. I need to get a letter written.

Tuesday February 28, 2012 7:14am: Here we are, another day. The assistant warden came through this morning. I didn't talk to her. I don't have anything to say to any of them any more. I used to enjoy speaking to her, but I don't even trust her any more. She was one of the 3 people in this admin who I thought was trustworthy. They just came by calling recreation. I'd like to go, but I don't know if they will let me. They have to set two officers on me, because of this hyped security, so that's over $90 wasted for two officers to set on me for 3 hours. Wasted tax dollars because I pissed off the administration writing about an "alleged D.U.I. cover up rumor" that was spreading throughout the staff and into the inmate population. All the staff knows this heightened security is a joke, and the results of having a drunk in the upper echelons of the administration who can't keep his drunk a** behind the wheel of a car. Boo hoo! I will never allow these people to silence my pen. Although they have silenced my mouth... for I no longer wish to speak to them, only because the lack of their honor and integrity. I got three letters in last night, one from an org called Life Sparks, one from my dad and Anne, so I need to write them. I also need to do a chest and back workout. The Daytona 500 was pretty good, just wish J.R. would have won it since Danica crashed. Let me getting going. I made my bunk and cleaned up, but I still need to wash the floor. Seems they postponed the rec yard due to fog. I may work out first. I need to hook my radio up.

8:22am: Starting workout. Push ups, 1st set 30, 2nd 20, 3rd 18, 4th 17, 5th 16, 6th 14. Front lat raises 3 bags, 1st set 10, 2nd 10, 3rd 10. Side lat raises, 1st set 10, 2nd 10, 3rd 10. BTB presses 2 bags,1st set 12, 2nd 9, 3rd 7. BTB flies 5 bags, 1st set 16, 2nd set 12, 3rd 9, 50 crunches. DB rows 8 bags, 1st set 14, 2nd 14, 3rd 12. Military presses 10 bags, 1st set 10, 2nd 10, 3rd 8, standing BB rows 10 bags, 1st set 12, 2nd 10, 3rd 10. 75 toe touches. Bench presses 10 bags, 1st set 33, 2nd 16. Bench presses 16 bags, 1st set 10, 2nd 7.

10:34am: I finished the workout, put everything away. Now I'm eating me a tuna. Then I'll do some writing. Canteen is up here waiting on the guys to come back from recreation. They're supposed to have 3 hours out there in accordance with the rules 33-601.830 (7)(i) but they're not going to get it. I'm not looking forward to canteen 'cause I don't have anything coming. I'm going to do an essay on the recreation and show how it's not being given out in the manner we're supposed to get it.

12:40pm: Canteen just showed up. Nothing for me today. :( I just finished a letter and I need to get a card ready to go out. I'm working on my logo. I'm going to put a rope around the outside of it, give it a little more style than the last one. I'll do a little work on that, and pass a few hours there. Got showers tonight. I may do a little cardio workout before I go to down there.

1:21pm: Word is they just come and got David Gore, the governor signed his warrant. He's been here since 85. I've seen him around but I don't know him. We will see what else we hear in the coming days.

3:29pm: It's been confirmed David Gore's warrant has been signed and he's been taken to FSP and put on death watch on Q-Wing. It didn't take Governor Scott two weeks to put his blood signature on another warrant. He seems to enjoy murdering men, and the state has given him a license to commit murder under the fraudulent concept of justice. He's working on his 4th murder. Dumb S.O.B. I'm going to do me a little cardio workout before the showers.

3:40pm: 75 toe touches. 15 min cardio steps.

4:00pm: Got me a little sweat in. I was just thinking about this guy David. I don't know if he's got any family. Back in the 90s I'd see him in the visiting park. I played volleyball against him in 93. I gave that up, and started playing basketball. We lived on 4 wing back in 93 and 94. We were on different floors. Unless someone lived right around me, I didn't go out of my way to talk to guys, or try to make any friends. A lot of people know me and will talk to me, and I don't know them. Makes me think I should have taken a little more time to get to know guys. I need to wash clothes before showers. And wipe my floor down and clean up.

5:14pm: They are running showers. I should be next if they don't skip me. They hate pulling me because of this heightened security. I want to get my shower, get back here, lay down and relax.

February 29, 2012 Wednesday 7:42am: Here we are, another day. I had a rough night's sleep. I'm tired, but I have things to do. I need to work out, write a couple of letters, work on this drawing. Still haven't heard anything else on David Gore's date. May see something on Capital Update today. I'm hoping they call me for recreation. My sheets and pillowcase is up on the bars waiting on exchange. I got my blanket covering my bunk. I need to wash the floor and then see what I'm going to do next.

9:54am: I wrote one letter. And they brought around the emergency contact information which we filled out. So if anything happens to us, our warrant's signed etc, then they know who to contact. I'm eating me a soup and then I'm going to work out.

10:33am: I ate, had me a cup of coffee and now I need to get up and get to this workout. I can't just lay around, so let me get up and work out.

11:03am: Starting workout. Reverse grip curls 3 bags, 1st 20 4 bag, 2nd 12, 3rd 10, 4th 10, 5th 8. Preacher curls 4 bags, 1st 9, 2nd 8, 3rd 10. DB curls 5 bags, 1st set 8, 2nd 7, 3rd 7. Hammer curls 4 bags, 1st 9, 2nd 8, 3rd 8. Toe touches 50, 75. Jumping jacks 100. DB kickbacks 3 bags, 1st set 10, 2nd 10, 3rd 10, 4th 10. Triceps extension 4 bags, 1st set 10, 2nd 8, 3rd 6. Laying triceps ext., 1st 10, 2nd 10, 3rd 10, 4 bags. Knee raises 50.

12:22pm: Just finished my workout. I'm pouring sweat, that was a good workout. I'll wash clothes and bath around 3pm. Only because of the stupid rules they have around here about not washing clothes and hanging them and having to be dressed during the day. I'm going to be writing about a few topics such as this in the next few weeks. Right now I'm fixing to eat my processed patty that they gave me for lunch.

12:33pm: I'm hoping they call me for rec, but it's not looking very promising. I just flipped through the channels, seen that Jerry Springer talk show which encourages these women to fight, and then people ask why all these young girls are fighting and taping it on their phone. 'Cause of B.S. like this on T.V. This bullying has gotten way out of hand. If I seen someone getting picked on, I'd stand up to them which would get me into a fight. I just hated seeing someone get picked on. It would piss me off. I remember in 1981 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, there was this kid who had a hare lip and two boys were picking on him. I came up and stopped. The two boys didn't want to fight me so they left. But the kid they were picking on, was like no one ever took up for me like that, and he followed me around like a puppy. That was just something I thought about.

2:41pm: Was doing some work on my new logo. It's coming out really good. I got two letters ready to go out tonight as well as this and my new logo to be posted. I washed my T-shirt, it's on the fan drying. I've got to wash my socks and the shorts in about 20 minutes. I'll bath about 3:30 and then kick back and relax. Right now I'm going to write Life Sparks.

4:43pm: Just finished bathing, drying that floor is a pain. I washed clothes and I'm fixing to lay down and call it a day. I'll eat dinner and watch some T.V. till mail call or I go to sleep. And I hope to get some mail tonight. Although the rules prohibit me from asking for penpals, it doesn't prohibit them from writing me, or from me writing them back. And any letters I get, I respond back to. Well, let me get this ready for tonight's mail, so I can lay back and relax.

Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974
Union Corr. Inst. P-2204
7819 N.W. 228th Street
Raiford, Florida 32026-4420

Ronald W. Clark Jr
The Death Row Poet
February 29, 2012

Will I live to see another leap year?

[copy of logo]


Replies (5) Replies feed

John Posted 13 years ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
oh I see, ALL replies are "welcome" BUT then the "hypocrite" has them removed. I wrote a reply yesterday, and a woman wrote one as well. Both are now gone. It is sad how ronald can talk the talk, but when something is replied that he dont like, he cant walk the walk, and has them removed. I wont waste my time coming here anymore...very sad and pathetic.!!!

admin Posted 13 years ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Hi John,

Administrator of the site here. We don't remove replies except for spam, or those which violate our guidelines. Yours haven't done that.

You can find your reply from yesterday here:

kimberlita Posted 13 years ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
John, thank you for the post - I had made a comment as well. I had been following this blog for some time, until I realised inmate financial funds are available for the public. It dawned on me that this blog is basically a tool to seek money and self serving needs. They all should stop crying about needing an MP3 player, food boxes etc. Their "needs" are met by the taxpayers already. I too would like some donations of help - for free, I am after all a law abiding citizen. My kids don't even have MP3's !!! Geez - poor poor prisoners, riding the State's funds out on appeals for a crime they should basically admit to get on with it. Ron said he was involved.... his own post. Well, John your post was very good. Thank YOU for serving our country by the way, honorable.

Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

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