June 28, 2012
by Randy Daniels (author's profile)


Well, this is long overdue, I began this at the beginning but because of my spending multiple hours in the law library fighting my case I neglected to keep a commitment to this blog! I do hope that the picture I've included will show that I'm a real person and would enjoy feedback regularly. I'm still not sure how this will actually work because what could I speak about that would be common ground? I stink at law but at least I tried, I enjoy watching the world news however if we begin a dialog on a subject how long of a delay is there in between all responses? Sports is my interest and right now I'm watching the U.S. Open and the NBA finals. On a more personal note I have a 19 year old daughter who I am trying to rebuild a relationship with and a 24 year old son somewhere in either San Diego or Barstow (army) that I need to locate. One of my best friends has early stages of Parkinsons and I can't get enough info. While I am still hoping to connect with pen pals I will keep this blog busy weekly as long as there is conversation.


[photo of inmate in front of a Christmas tree]


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OneLuv<3 Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
I enjoyed reading your blog and I will pray for you in hope that you don't give up and always keep your head held up and keep moving forward. It's always good to have a good attitude in life. Life does throw alot at us but nothing we can't handle.

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