Oct. 14, 2012

dear regional director

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Regional Director Ms. Chris Southerland
Office of the Regional Director
P.O. Box 718
Lake Butler, FL 32054

Thursday Sept 13, 2012

Dear Regional Director Ms. Southerland,

Last night I received your 9/7 correspondence, as I've explained to you before, going to the Office of the Inspector General (IG) is a waste of time.

Now I'm currently scheduled to get off disciplinary confinement (DC) on October 3, I've spent 150 days down here on DC due to lying criminal correctional officers falsifying disciplinary reports (DR), which is a violation of state law, falsifying state documents.

This afternoon I was told that I'm NOT getting off DC or out of this cell. The staff member stated and I quote "You've pissed in the warden's cornflakes and you're never getting off D.C. or out of that cell." And there's no reason to mention the officer's name for he's going to deny it.

And the fact remains that state and federal laws are being violated, by correctional staff, who are in all rights "CRIMINALS" under the guise of law enforcement. And the I.G.'s office is turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the criminal activity that staff members are engaging in. Cronyism - plain and simple.

I've reported this abuse to you, time and time again. Yet I'm continuously being victimized by this administration, who's no more than a bunch of criminal thugs. And then you send my letters of complaint to the warden who's behind this criminal activity of victimizing me, and not only violating state and federal law, but human rights as well.

I tried to call a truce with Mr. Reddish and he wanted no part of it. And why should he when he's got the advantage of having his foot on my neck, and can violate the laws with no consequence whatsoever.

You are Mr. Reddish's boss and I need you to go to him, and stop him, or go the secretary about these crimes that are being committed here in the FDOC.

The I.G.'s office is garbage. It's a waste of tax dollars. So sending this letter or any other complaint to them, is as good as balling this up and throwing it in the trash. We need action to stop this criminal conduct.

Thank you for your time and hopefully your help.

Ronald W. Clark Jr.

Ronald W. Clark Jr #812974
Union Correctional Institution
7819 N.A. 228th Street
Raiford, FL 32026-4440


Florida Department of Corrections
An Equal Opportunity Employer
501 South Calhoun Street * Tallahassee, FL 32399-2500




September 7, 2012

Ronald Clark, DC# 81974
Union Correctional Institution
7819 N.W. 228th Street
Raiford, Florida 32026-4000

Re: Letter to Region Office

Inmate Clark:

Your letter, dated August 25, 2012, to this office have been received and reviewed. Please be advised that the allegations in your letter have been reported to the Office of the Inspector General for review and action.

Please advise if you have any further concerns.

G.A. Gullic
Correctional Services Consultant
Region II Office of Institutions

Cc: Barry Reddish, Warden

I just received this last night Sept 12, 2012. You will be able to view my Sept 13 response to this. They're basically rubber stamping it sending it to the I.G. Knowing the I.G. isn't going to do anything. So they're all complicit with this criminal activity that's going on and all these human rights violations. 'Cause baby, this is the dirty south and they don't give a damn about human rights or that raggedy piece of paper they call the U.S. Constitution. Welcome to my world where the only qualification to be a warden is to lack ethical and moral conduct.

Ronald W. Clark Jr Sept 13, 2012



[schematic of cell layout]


Beds are to made-up as shown above. (with tight linen and white collar)

Bed linen is to consist of:
(1) Pillow
(1) Pillow Case
(1) Blanket
(2) Sheets



Due to health, safety and storage requirements, the following rules will be complied with. Your failure to comply with these rules may result with disciplinary action. Also a diagram has been formatted so that each cell in the Northeast Unit is the same.

All beds will be made at 8:00am Mon-Fri. Beds will be made on weekends and holidays prior to exiting cell.

All property will be maintained within current property limits.

All property will be stored in your locker, with the exception of T.V., fan, converter box, and any item in immediate use. This includes when going to the yard, or any call-out.

A second locker is provided for storage of your legal materials. No personal property will be stored in this locker.

All lockers will be placed flat on the floor and against the wall when not in use.

Any property that will not fit in the storage space provided must be placed in the property room for storage or proper disposition.

Nothing will be attached to the walls, ceiling, or air vents, other than the wall hooks you have been provided.

All shoes will be lined up under your bunk.

Wet towels may be hung neatly on the sink if no wall hooks are available. No other items are authorized to be hung on the wall hook or on the sink.

No clothes line authorized AT ANY TIME.

Nothing will obstruct view of the cell.

All cells will be maintained in an orderly manner.

All cells will be cleaned according to the current cleaning schedule.

Effective immediately, Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm all inmates while present in their cells will be dressed in t-shirt/shorts, t-shirt/orange pants, [redacted]. This is a direct written order and failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

Approved by: Captain W.D. Ellis

More garbage rules to make life here on death row more miserable. There's no reason for half of these rules. But the Col did say, I'm going to see how many of you stick around now that it's not so good.


Replies (2) Replies feed

susan Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Dear Ronnie,

I just this evening received your card. I hope this gets to you before a letter from England does but I want you to know I will respond and do a catch up here of your situation. Glad to hear you are off DC.

Take care
Susan G

Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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