Oct. 29, 2012

Comment Response

by Marcus T. Rogers Jr (author's profile)



How's it goin? I see I've been able to maintain a constant form of communication with you via BIB blog site. It's cool too because i enjoy hearing about wha's going on around the world in various places and you've enlightened me alot about what Australias like so thanks.

I just write someone else from where your at and I'm sure between the two of you I'll get a good idea as to whart life is like in your country.

I see you messed your camera up but I'm thinking you need to get one of those disposdable ones or something because I'm vey curious to see the things you see everyday but stopped apprdciating. Who knows, you might develop a new appreciation for them trying to share them with someone else.

4 hours to do vegitarian lsagne ... that must've beee awesome! Are you a vegan or do tou just prefer vegan style dishes from time time? What all do oyu put in the lasagne?

I can't believe the super market closed at 12:00pm where you stayed ... that's way too early.

Well, things aren't too bad at my new prison. It's "alot" more movement and things to do. It's also "really" big so finding a job has been hard competing with 1600 inmates. Most the guys who have jobs are alot of time and will be doing their jobs awhile longer. It's very frustrating but hey that's real life I suppose.

Most my days are spent walking out, reading, writing my books (urbaqn novels) and writing "Bee" (a good good friend of mines). I also write blog posts and stay in tune with those who commentto my posts such as you and I enjoy it alot.

It's just really nice to hear from the real world from time to time. I like direct correspondence mainly because of the reasons you mentioned with "handwriting being more personal and a lost art form. Be very curious to see are your handwriting... Maybe you could mail a post card with a brief note?

I do have a laundry list of questions for you so brace yourself (haha):

1) You mentioned your kids... How many do you have?

2) Do you swim at the beach or just hang out?

3) You said you had 2 weeks to study ...
Study for what?

4) What's a typical day like for you?

5) What's Sydney like?

6) What are some of your unfulfilled goals?

7) How old are you? (Hope you don't mind my asking?)

8) Tell me ONE laugh at yourself moment you've had in the past few months?

9) What's your favs: color, #, food, book, movie, song, etc.?

10) When's your b-day?

OK, that's it (ha ha). But fun though. It's been cool having these exchanges from now and then with you and it's VERY cool to hear someone's perspective on things who lives so far away.

I'm going to end this here but it's been a blast, Sami, and I wish you and those closest to you the best.


Marcus T. Rogers #377571
100 Corrections Drive
Stanley, WI 54768


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