Dec. 24, 2012

Comment Response

by Marcus T. Rogers Jr (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Things I Need In Medium security Prison thumbnail
Things I Need In Medium security Prison
(Sept. 2, 2012)



I was unsure if I'd hear from you but I'm so glad to receive a response. :) Your reply to my message is dated 11/12/2012 but I just received it 12/8/2012 along with others so I'm responding to everyone now.

I want to say thank you for your compliments in reference to accepting of my responsibilities for my actions. I've prided myself in being real about who I am, what I've done, what I need to do to correct myself/things in my life, and just genuinely be a good man in this world that we all live in.

I'm EXTREMELY sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter and the costs you endured. I'm sure the financial loss pales in comparison to the loss of a child and my heart goes out to you for your experience in its "TOTALITY".

I think the fact that you're talking about it and aren't 100% torn apart is a testament to the strength you possess as a mother and woman. It seems I've been fortunate to meet A LOT of amazing people lately on this blog and it's an honor to have had this chance to experience you and your strengths.

SAH, I think you're a good spirit as well and your interaction with me has been truly rewarding. I would love to know more about what you experienced in terms of the loss of your daughter but I understand if that's something you don't want to talk about.

However, if it's something you'd like to/need to vent about to a non-judgmental ear... I'd humbly listen to you and love to be that person should you need it. I can't do much for people being in the conditions and circumstances I'm in... I can listen and give advice though and I extend that should you want/need it.

It probably be better to write me directly for that though, seeing how it may entail information or details you don't want posted on a blog for everyone to see. Either way, my offer to listen will always stand should you need it.

Your compliments in saying I'm a good spirit have been received graciously and I must say that your spirit is not only good but obviously very strong.

I'm unsure when you'll receive this response but I hope whenever you do that you're in good spirits and comfort has found you. I wish you the best over this holiday season SAH and I truly do mean that. If nothing else your strength has been very impressive and you should be proud of that.

Take care SAH and always remember that should you need a listening ear... I'd be honored to simply "LISTEN".

Happy holidays,

Marcus T. Rogers #377571
100 Corrections Drive
Stanley, WI 54768


Replies (7) Replies feed

SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Thank you for your gracious reply. You know what? I'll take you up on your offer to be a "listening ear". Obviously I'm not doing well blogging here because there are SO MANY bleeding hearts who have never been victimized by crime. Just my opinion, this site should advocate for those who were just random victims as well as the criminals who committed the crime(s).

I wish you a very heartfelt XMas holiday, Marcus.

SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
I'm going to snail you, Marcus. I have alot of questions and hope that you will tolerate my rant. I honestly feel like IF I could rid myself of the angst, the anger, the pain...I could be the person with empathy and compassion that I once was.

Merry XMas and Happy New Year.

I will ask you to share with other convicts and PLEASE give me some answers. The WHY is the most important one.

Thank You.


SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
I've been in counseling and she keeps talking "CLOSURE". The only closure I'm going to get is when you tell me WHY and that you are sorry.

You may be able to bridge that for me. Please help me understand the WHY. Please have your other "inmates" weigh in. Tell me something that explains the loss of an innocent life. Tell me ANYTHING that helps.

Holidays? Hell no. Birthdays, Easter, XMas, Thanksgiving...all I want is a bottle of vodka and a mattress.

That is the honesty of crime. Please help me understand and not hate.

SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Oh, and I want to know what your fellow did to her. I want to know her last words. Did she say I love you mom? Grandma, HELP ME. I'm ripped up about those thoughts. I'd like to think she was not terrorized. My baby...being brutally murdered is NOT what I had planned for motherhood . You bet I'm angry. I'm fighting (not you) but the criminals who took her life. I HATE it that some of you guys post day after day (journals) of the poor treatment. Ronald Clarke, for instance, has 2 HOMICIDES. His other charges didn't even factor into his death sentence.

SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
ronald clarke NEVER speaks of his other homicide. Just the "injust" treatment he receives at his institution *he is on death row*. In all reality, he is GUILTY of at least two homicides and child abuse.

Marcus T. Rogers Jr Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
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Marcus T. Rogers Jr Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
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