Good People
I am always amused by how some people will claim that they are good people then turn around and live a life that contradicts that whole statement. A good person does not intentionally hurt people, let alone their own children.
If I told you acted a certain way, it would hurt your child, would you keep doing it? If not, then I guess that makes you a good person.
Well, what about those who don't care if they hurt they children because they feel like they have the right to? I know what he is talking about. Well, for instance, let's take a mother who takes their child away from their father for no real reason other than their own selfish desires or just to hurt the father. Is that a good woman? That's sad, right? Well, how about the fact that they don't even feel bad that they are actually not only taking a child away from their father, but a father away from their own child. The thing God only gives them one of, they take away.
I will leave you a statement to look up: MALIGNANT NARCISSISM...
William Powers
1 Administration Rd.
Bridgewater, MA 02324
2011 jun 25