Jan. 31, 2013

Comment Response

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Daily Journal (Dec. 10-11, 2012) thumbnail
Daily Journal (Dec. 10-11, 2012)
(Dec. 23, 2012)


Friday January 4, 2013

Dear SAH

Still loving you, girl! But it's quite obvious to me that you're hurting, that you have some mental and emotional issues. For your spending time here on Between the Bars criticizing prisoners and leaving hurtful comments is not really productive for you or the inmates. I think your time could better be used in therapy and self healing. For this is not productive behavior, it's destructive behavior. For if you have such issues that are drawing you to a prison blog site where your sole purpose is to inflict pain, heartache and suffering upon an individual who is already suffering, then you clearly have issues that are not beneficial to you, your children or grandchildren. And I'm not criticizing you with malice. I'm telling you with loving kindness, one human being to another. I know you may not want to hear this, but the facts speak for themselves. 1) Between the Bars is a prison blog site. 2) You're spending valuable time on prisoners' blogs reading them, just to criticize and put the prisoner down and try to belittle them. 3) You're not asking questions to try to understand the prisoner, no, your comments are solely about attack and negativity. I don't mind because it's giving you a place to vent, but I believe you would be better served getting help. Life is too valuable, time is too valuable to be wasted like this. The TIME you spend over here at Between the Bars reading my Daily Journal and others' blogs just so you can attack us with negative comments could be spent elsewhere, and used in a more productive and positive way. And I don't know, you may use some or most of your time doing good deeds, homeless shelters, animal shelters etc. Although I doubt it, 'cause people that engage in positive acts seldomly turn around and engage in negative attacks. But that's irrelevant, your alams are your alams. What is relevant is you are truly a tormented soul, who wants to inflict pain upon others, because deep inside you're hurting. I recognize the pain, I know it all too well. Your inflicting hurtful painful comments upon me and others is making you feel better. I don't know what skeletons you have in your closet, I don't know what's haunting you and tormenting you, and nor do I need to know. I'd gladly help if I could, I'm no trained psychologist, but I can recognize your pain and suffering whether you want to admit it or not.

From one human to another, SAH, I love you! Get yourself some help. It's too late for me, I'm a lost cause, I'm the unforgiven. You on the other hand have a life, don't squander your time spewing hate, inflicting heartache upon men and women on Between the Bars. Please take care of yourself and know you're in my thoughts.

In peace and love

Ronnie :)


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JohnO88 Posted 12 years ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years ago   Favorite
Nicely said ronnie hell yea man thats the damn truth!!!

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