Feb. 5, 2013

Time Spent

by Robert Kramer (author's profile)


Time Spent by Rev. Robert E. Kramer
Jan. 14, 2013

It is difficult for people on the outside of these bars to comprehend the atmosphere of negativity and hate in here. People are always using foul language, arguing, complaining, and fighting. In here I've learned to hunker down into myself and keep my innermost thoughts to myself. So far I've done 21 years of a 35 year sentence for delivery and jumping bail. I go along to get along. Who else is going to do this time but me? Funny thing is that's all I have is time. No home, no money, no real future, and very little hope of having a life when and if I get out of here alive.

This blog will be my venue to give voice to some of my hopes, dreams, and thoughts. I welcome and request any feedback you feel like providing me. I'll not use foul language and try to keep my complaints about the system to a minimum. :) This is my space to inform people outside just how we are treated in here and hope they will understand that this darkness needs light shined on it!

I am hoping that my daughter will read this and that it will help her to get to know me. I am so sorry that I was not there for her. She is the only reason I can keep going. I thank God that she does not hate me.

I am also writing this because I am so tired of being so alone. I never had any real friends and my family, what there is left of them, are either too busy or not proud of me. I do have a lot of cousins but we were never close.

I'd like to meet any ladies that would like to at least correspond with me. I'm looking for someone who shares my hobbies, hopes and dreams. It doesn't matter if you're not a blond haired, blue eyed eye candy. I'd like to hear from intelligent, witty, and caring women. I truly believe real beauty is in the heart and can be seen in the eyes. I especially encourage you to write me if you have low self esteem, as I know all about that and even know how "you" change that self opinion to a more positive outlook.

My stepfather used to always call me names and say I'd never amount to anything. Well, for many many years *I* proved him right. Look where I'm at! But then I started taking advantage of the educational opportunities in here. I currently have Vocational Training Certificates for Circuit Board Repair; Control Technology; Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, and Information Technology. I have on the job training in Industrial Spray Painting, Arc Welding, and Janitor Service. I have an Associate in Art degree with Honors and my GPA is 3.69 after 160 credit hours. I'm currently working on a Bachelor in Ministry.

Yeah, all this I could have accomplished before I came to prison if I'd not listened to my stepdad and listened to myself! Well, I'm going to stop this for now. Next I'll write about some of my hobbies.



Replies (2) Replies feed

Nicki Posted 12 years ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
This is why I believe we have a responsibility to share only words of kindness with each other. Hatred and negativity, although often displayed by others as their own self reflection, can have a deep and lasting effect on the lives of those they target. How very unfair that is.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I look forward to hearing more from you. Take care.


Kramerdaughter1991 Posted 7 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Dear father,

I understand you it just Hard for me write letters to you

Love, someone on your side

P.s I will see you dad K.B.S Krystal Blue Strobel

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