You taught my husband his first guitar chords. He was 12, on the back of the 51 bus back to Youth Adventures down on the Clackamas River. He plays a strat now :-) and taught me and our kids how to play. I dont know what to say except we believe that you should be paroled by now. You are thought of often and fondly. I will do what I can do make sure your video interview is spread all over the place. With Love, Scott and Holleigh Smith (and Tom Gibson too)
i write you all the time and 99% get returned because it is a factory printed envelope.. or something stupid happened.. so why go off on me about it.. i tried for almost 2 months to get your b-day to you.. the bue envelope it is in now is my finaly attempt to send it.. yeah i know how hard it is on the inside.. you forget i know people who have been in mych worse situations and know a guy right now who has been gone thru the hell you are and was/is INNONCENT and proved so by a lie detector test and the witness recanted her story.. but only after he served the time. now as far as my love life goes you can like them or not.. but theatening bodily harm or anything else is going too far.. i want to you like them not try and run my life.. it is still my life to live.. and if i so choose i can do as i please as i am an adult and over 21.. i know i have made some big mistakes in the past.. but let old dogs lie and have faith in me.. if nothing but for mom because she approved of this guy a long time ago.. she knew him a long time ago when i was writing, which i have started to do again i am looking to be published... i want to have my name on a book and be famous.. i want nothing for the best for you.. but until i get money other then my check coming in i could do it.. i want to pay for your pc.. but i cant yet.. i want to be able to afford to go get the money orders and send then in and keep doing it til you didnt need anything.. not a guilt trip just a reality.. why is it when i talk about the reality of the situation we are in you yell i am throwing you a guilt trip.. it isnt.. i want. to impress uon you how bad things are... and crys.. as much as i love her.. she doesnt help.. she wants me to pack the car with clothes, dottie, and just leave.. Fudge that.. i worked too hard for what little i have.. and if it isnt mineit is moms.. her last idea was to rent a house together and share all the bills down the middle.. i would be getting screwed.. she , turtle, bubba, and quint linve there and then me.. so i would be stay broke to help pay there bills... that isnt right.. it should be split equally.. 4 of them 1 of me.. so we have alot to talk about before i think of moving there.. besides saving money is hard to do when your bills eat everything you bring in.. now.. i am trying to hatch schemes here and there to get moved of at least come for a visit.. the visit would be to scout out apts and fill out apts for section 8 and disability apts.i have been calling but they want you to show up in person.. stupid i know but what can i do..i just want a nice quiet place for me and dotti to live where noone bothers us and we can be ourselves... when i eventually get a place i will be looking into getting a guard dog since i will be living alone for a time.. not sure what yet but will keep my options open.. now.. i have to go.. it is getting late and dottie wants her fishes before bed..
Best of luck with 'Bread & Water'. What Einstein thought that one up? Let me guess!
Civil disobedience the Occupy Prisons debacle. I suppose it is feasible to have a presence inside and outside the State House but won't they miss each other?
No matter how much you hate.......come the night the doors are locked and you are incapable of anything but raging against the world.
I wonder how long after release your recidivism theory and your institutionalization will invoke your inevitable return to 'Shirleyworld' A year would be a result. I just pray that it won't involve the murder of another innocent.
You taught my husband his first guitar chords. He was 12, on the back of the 51 bus back to Youth Adventures down on the Clackamas River. He plays a strat now :-) and taught me and our kids how to play.
I dont know what to say except we believe that you should be paroled by now. You are thought of often and fondly. I will do what I can do make sure your video interview is spread all over the place.
With Love,
Scott and Holleigh Smith (and Tom Gibson too)
Lts Of Love
Sunning Bear
I did find Clint Black's "My Imagination" with those lyrics though. Nice country song, but not sure if it is the one you were thinking of.
- Chris
Civil disobedience the Occupy Prisons debacle. I suppose it is feasible to have a presence inside and outside the State House but won't they miss each other?
No matter how much you hate.......come the night the doors are locked and you are incapable of anything but raging against the world.
I wonder how long after release your recidivism theory and your institutionalization will invoke your inevitable return to 'Shirleyworld' A year would be a result. I just pray that it won't involve the murder of another innocent.