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little_pilgrim Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
hello dear Kelly,

well life isn't easy, is it? I understand you depend on all sort of things, counts, ICP, meal, and so on and you aren't the boss of your life anymore. Well that may be normal in prison, but I can understand you say you're exhausted. This is a bit too much.

I think your answers and texts are published here with some delay, isn't it? You wrote this post on 10-23-13 and today we are 11-29-13. That's more than a month to get published. Well I don't mind but for a blog it's very slow... Must make you feel very lonely, because you have no reaction on what you tell us before a few weeks... Well you get used to that, I suppose...

I hope you had a nice pizza at Halloween. So there is some kind of group where you can make some propositions or some wishes? Isn't anybody else within the group interested in this then? That's a pity! This is so precious to have all be it a very little bit of power about your life in prison. It would be nice to look together at some beautiful movie... I unerstand your frustration at the absence of other inmates at this meetings... It says something about the despair of your collegues in there to do only that little bit to be present at the meetings... Probably this doesn't make sense to them, as nothing makes sense to them anymore. I think it's beautiful how you yourself still fight for some more quality of life in there. There's a great lack of solidarity between the inmates and that's a pity... You're all in the same situation, aren't you?

Well I pra

Posted on Dear Readers(10-23-13) by Kelly Jones Dear Readers(10-23-13)
kathyf20 Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
At school, my absolute favorite class is science, because I get to see the wonders of God and his mammoth creativity. Just take a look at a simple flower and all its components, or the human body. The fact that all the organs in our body are working together like machines and we don't even realize it. God's wonders are truly amazing. Words can't describe. The fact that we can see color, hear the melodious sound of music, taste delicious food, smell wonderful odors like the smell of food when we're hungry, feel emotions of love, etc., is all a blessing that we take for granted, and just to think that when we die, He has prepared a place for us with colors we've never seen before, and streets of gold. I'm glad that there are people like you who still marvel at the wonders of our Creator. May God bless you.

Posted on Faith by Kyle De Wolf Faith
Paul Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
We always hear the old 'mistakes' mantra. This is the justification used by criminals for their crime. In reality the only mistake they can claim is getting caught.

To be some kind of mathematical genius and not use that to further enhance their lives is plain stupid. To believe that they could have is certainly not far-fetched.

Black on black crime is endemic in lots of places, including Chicago, and the statistics don't lie. Failure to cooperate with law enforcement leaves these amoral gang-bangers on the street to do just as they like resulting in more dead people and grieving families. To believe that you can deal drugs or break into peoples homes and kill them with impunity is the root cause of the statistics.

To say the system is broken is a cop-out. If you do the crime you need to be prepared to do the time. Communities need to man up and reject the people who govern them by threat of violence.

"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing" You will surely have heard this before.


Posted on Untitled by Marcus Harris Untitled
Paul Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
A mistake is turning right instead of left. A mistake is getting vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate chip. Raping and murdering an innocent 21 year old girl is not a mistake!

Claiming innocence for decades further diminishes the worth of the victim in the eyes of the murderer and last minute admission of guilt will do nothing to prevent their journey into hell.

The death penalty is on the statute book because the citizens of the state agree with they agree with all other statutes they vote for.

It is, perhaps, understandable for a murderer convicted under that law to cry foul but the vast majority of citizens do not murder or be party to the murder of their fellow man.

It is what it is...........get over it!

Posted on Two Wrongs, Make It Right by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Two Wrongs, Make It Right
gypsyrose Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Are you keeping all of your poems so you can get them published?? That would be wonderful but I am sure that you have already thought of that!
Lynette (gypsyrose)

Posted on Slice By Slice by Timothy J. Muise Slice By Slice
Johnny E. Mahaffey Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on World Trade Center Trophy?!!? by Johnny E. Mahaffey World Trade Center Trophy?!!?
Luis D. Perez Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Luis D. Perez Untitled
Guadalupe Hernandez Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Guadalupe Hernandez Untitled
Guadalupe Hernandez Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Guadalupe Hernandez Untitled
Marcus Harris Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Marcus Harris Untitled
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