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Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
A hoax chess machine nicknamed "the Turk" once sent Napoleon Bonaparte into a fury by beating him in 19 moves. [Hsu]

Inserting seventeen zeros between the two digits of 19 makes another prime of exactly 19 digits. Note that seventeen and 19 are twin primes. [De Geest]

The main building of the North Dakota State Capitol is a 19-story Art Deco skyscraper. It is the tallest building in North Dakota in terms of stories. [Bergane]

Hangeul (the Korean alphabet) has 19 consonants. [Poo Sung]

19 is the smallest prime whose reversal is composite. [Gupta]

The smallest prime using/ending with a composite digit. [Murthy]

The smallest number (coincidentally prime) with a additive persistence of 2. [Gupta]

The only prime that is equal to the difference of two prime cubes. [Gupta]

The decimal expansion of 1919 begins with the digits 19. This is not true for pp, where p is any other prime less than 19,000,000,019. [Caldwell]

"19" is the term used to describe a worthless hand in the game of cribbage. [Cary]

The smallest invertible prime.

Posted on Important to All Persons by Jeremiah Ray Bond Important to All Persons
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Waring conjectured in 1770 that every positive integer can be expressed as a sum of at most 19 biquadrates (fourth powers). This was later proven by Balasubramanian, Deshouillers, and Dress.

Scores of people once died from the Anthrax bacterium following an accident at "Compound 19," a Soviet military facility in the city of Sverdlovsk (now called Yekaterinburg).

19 times its reversal is the famous Hardy-Ramanujan number.

19 is the smallest prime which is the sum of three discrete primes (3 + 5 + 11). [Mander]

The smallest prime that yields another if its sum of digits is sandwiched between its digits. [Silva]

Flight 19 disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. [Leonard]

The Statue of Liberty's torch shines through leaded glass, illuminated by 19 lamps. [Pitkin]

Osama bin Laden has 19 brothers. [NBC News]

In ancient Sweden the dates of the full moon were computed by runic calendar sticks (runstavar) with the full moon marked only at 19 fixed dates within each month. [Haga]

The composer Béla Bartók finished his Opus 19 in 1919, when he was 38 (twice 19) years old; the title in his native Hungarian (A csodálatos mandarin) has 19 letters. [Ace]

Steely Dan had a hit song called "Hey Nineteen."

Posted on Important to All Persons by Jeremiah Ray Bond Important to All Persons
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Consider a chess endgame where a King plus Opposite-Colored Bishops (i.e., two Bishops each residing on opposite-colored squares) versus a King. The checkmate requires, at most, 19 moves (if the side with the bishops move first).

For k = 1, 2, 3, ... 19 at least one of the integers of the form 6k + 1 or 6k - 1 is prime. [Crespi de Valldaura]

The smallest number of neutrons for which there is no stable isotope. [Hartley]

19 divides its following consecutive concatenated composite numbers (202122). [De Geest]

The largest prime on the Ishango bone. This tool (made from the fibula of a baboon) was found on the shore of Africa's Lake Edward and is believed to be at least 20000 years old. The numbers on one of its columns form a prime quadruple. It is now located on the 19th floor of the Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels.

For decades, mathematicians the world over would open their doors to find the homeless Paul Erdős (1913-1996) announcing, "My brain is open!" It is rumored that for 19 hours a day, seven days a week, stimulated by coffee, and later by amphetamines, he worked on mathematics. One of his greatest achievements was the discovery of an elementary proof for the prime number theorem.

If we pretend = 60/19, then a radius of 57 gives a circumference of exactly 360. [Moody]

"The Sun" is numbered with 19 in Tarot cards.

The Metonic cycle, which involves the phase cycle of the Moon, is a period of about 19 Julian years. [Gevisier]

19 is the largest prime that can be expressed pandigitally in some base b > 1 (19 = 201 in base 3). [Keith]

(1919 - 219)/(19 - 2) is prime. [Luhn]

Posted on Important to All Persons by Jeremiah Ray Bond Important to All Persons
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
A street in Rome named St. John's Lane is only 19 inches wide.

The first prime repfigit number. A repfigit (repetitive fibonacci-like digit) number is an n-digit integer N with the following property: if a Fibonacci-like sequence (in which each term in the sequence is the sum of the n previous terms) is formed, with the first n terms being the decimal digits of the number N, then N itself occurs as a term in the sequence. For example, if the digits of 19 start a Fibonacci-like sequence, then 19 appears as a term: 1, 9, 10, 19. These are also known as Keith numbers. [Beedassy]

The number of trailing 0's in 80!.

Amendment 19 to the United States Constitution gave women the right to vote. [Filler]

19 European nations endorsed the first international ban on human cloning.

21 + 32 + 53 + 74 + 115 + 136 + 177 + 198 is prime.

Product 19 is a multi-vitamin and mineral cereal of toasted corn, oats, wheat, and rice.

The Rhind papyrus contained a problem to find x so that x plus one seventh of x will equal 19.

An idiot is someone with an intelligence quotient (IQ) less than or equal to 19. [Brenner]

19 = 8 + 2 + 8 + 1, and its reversal equals the square root of 8281.

Pont du Gard aqueduct in southern France was built in 19 B.C. [Feather]

19 = 4! - 3! + 2! - 1!.

In golf, the clubhouse bar is referred to as the 19th Hole.

195 + 192 + 191 + 193 + 195 + 196 + 194 + 190 = 52135640. [De Geest]

A gene on Chromosome 19 has been linked to Alzheimer's disease.

In the game of Go, two players alternate in placing black and white stones on a large (19-by-19 line) ruled board, with the aim of surrounding territory.

Consider a chess endgame where a King plus

Posted on Important to All Persons by Jeremiah Ray Bond Important to All Persons
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Intercalation in the Chinese Calendar is after the eighth month every 19 years and is called ren ba yue (Double August). According to tradition, tragedy will follow when the month is added at that time. [Gevisier]
Egyptian biochemist Rashad Khalifa (1935-1990) claimed that he discovered an intricate numerical pattern in the text of the Qur'an involving the number 19. Sura 74:30 reads: "Over it are nineteen."

In his August 1941 Afterward to Thomas Wolfe's book The Hills Beyond, NY, Wolfe's editor, Edward C. Aswell, remarks that Thomas Wolfe's second book, never published, was to have been titled K19. When Wolfe died, Aswell watched the train carrying his coffin go by. Train K19! [Haga]

The smallest prime that is equal to the product of its digits plus the sum of its digits: 19 = (1 * 9) + (1 + 9). [Losnak]

The Bahá'í calendar, established in the middle of the 19th century, is based on cycles of 19 years. Years are composed of 19 months of 19 days each. [Dybwad]

(19 - 1) divides (1919 - 1) a prime number of times. [Wagstaff]

19 is the smallest prime p such that 10*p {+ 1, 3, 7, and 9} are all primes. [Das]

19 is the smallest prime p such that p and p2 have the same sum of digits.

The recurring decimal cycles for 1/19 to (19 - 1)/19 form a true magic square.

Blaise Pascal deduced 19 theorems related to his famous triangle.

1111 * 11111 + 111111111 + 1 (19 ones) is prime. [Fougeron]

Posted on Important to All Persons by Jeremiah Ray Bond Important to All Persons
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
then next day the screw is turn up say can come and has a new shower head i let him in the like flat is like a house made into 4 see me on the interent said do i get worried about what i say and read onthe internet being monitored and stuff...seemed bit strange in a hostel for the mentally ill a social worker shud be saying stuff can increase faith in paranoia and fear...i tried not let it bother me is maybe i read to much into it he cud be scared and paranoid and seeking mi advice and counsel for reassurance...i said yeah it is worrying these govt is watching what we do i tried say that when i got sectioned and stuff in oz i emailed them the other day some proof of it from the cia actual site and other more reliable sources of imoformation ...still await replu tho i dont check eimails much too much spam...he had on a black tshirt with picure some ugly ass clown laughing like a hyena banshee lunatick or something and it had writen evil clown...i still aint hating on q if hes a friend of Jah im for her...or him whatever maybe is a few versions..i was thinking of getting a tec poster on mi wall i do think hes gorgeous but is his music i like best and how is teach me about Jah and myself even how i relate soem of wat he says i was wondering if i shud go on his facebook and ask him if he knows about this spaceship but hes probably aware of it how i hear his eye i nthe sky song i try put some lyrics of his up here if your interested i bet his name is encoded in this bible tell them its a remix like updated cos that bibles more twisted than mi spinal column....anyway i better do this and get some sleep no rest for the wicked down here in hell....i need do a remix...Peace Out...Brihon-Ruti-Bhingi....awaiting a new name insha allah not one on some fit up list same as a lot of people....

Posted on Important to All Persons by Jeremiah Ray Bond Important to All Persons
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
WHAT THE FUCK...wish i wasnt so tired to read all that just this bullshit hype trying limit your books n tings...and yeah i agree is important is how Jesus say mi peoples is perish for lack of wisdom...i dont think he be too keen on ppl being in some kind solitary isolation unit cut of from real knowledge and just chained some distorted version of events of the greatest story...most these books is twisted and this dyslexic and etemology stuff is hampering us enuf....i dont mean be like coming over all paranoid Jermimiah but i cant help wondering if its some kind of conspiracy when i was sending money this enemy in friends disguise in Ghana i aint going back there carry none of how he say mi ancestors i doubt it maybe some but Jah will put me in a new family and ewn i never had these internet problems so bad how is with other stuff i hear all this maney system is bit like financial phantasy fiction ..sorry i cant remember whats im saying i just found this but i think u will like a lot i do hope so i gonna put it on mi blog too so i remember a next time tie it in with a article i done about number 19 in quran..i hope we get some work elsewhere soon...yeah nice little couplet of lines how u say can use lot times..i hope u do cos i cant rembr it now i just blazing up some tobacoo and marijuna thinking on Haile still in purgatory somewhat occasional slips into hell yeah i didnt know they had green cards in prison i thought that was do with immigraiton maybe u shud seek asylum i see asylum and immigraito tribunal stret sign near mei was thnking og myself i aint sure mi origins eactly tho i think i part alien i wonder before if i was that alien woman who sucked off immortal technique i couldnt help it im mentally ill i get delusions of granduer maybe its that clown quezecoytal that grotz fake chrisian let it slip he been tracking q for ages for illuminati stil aint sure if its a girl or a boy..if its how i said that tec hing obviously a thing was the worker here turned up after that mark said he needed the shower head made out he had messed his up took it out something fix his bike and the workrs at hostel wouldnt be able come replace it for a week i dont know if i just assumed he didnt also have a bath in with the shower like here so i gave it him thougth i can just bath for the week til get shower back

Posted on Important to All Persons by Jeremiah Ray Bond Important to All Persons
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
i dont mean that in a nasty way by the way and i probalby just being fascisous and sarcastic on myself...i was say to her that is where i live and sometimes cat wants come up mi flat so she dont worry....he said she had had a go at him about it i dont know what the fuck its got to do with him like i said to him thats ridiculous i aint nothing ot do with you if you aint just making it up like u have a few other things and its true i aint gwan assume hes lying but is like on past form seems most likely possiblity probability whatever ALLah knows i dont....then she would either tell me directly if she doesnt think im responsibl enuf to talk to direct then i am under Jah authority...i got meet mi social worker davina in kingston tomorrow some form for job centre do with the dentist i hope i get up and feel ok i think so then i am gonna try go library i copied pasted a thing laron blog but is got like stuff with hierglypics and that i want print off send to him but i thought i just blog it too helps me remember..i will try check that link send money from the libary tho sometimes like inoz they is interfere or seem too wih mi stuff at libary...i gonna email that magazine thing again before i go bed after i skin up i may see can find something onlne copy and paste here maybe some chess thing then insha allah i be on line library tomorrow let u know how i got on i will also send some photos if thats cool i get davina take one of me so is real sorry i couldnt be more help at this time i trust you understand i is like intendng do how i say i not tryng make excuses mroe like just trying explain how it is i dont want you think i aint tryin gto be sincere even a bit same as how i like how you is seem trhyig be like that inyour blog. glad hears sometings is start get a bit better i hope that marianna lass is come across your blog one day..i see someting like that on drwho sometiems when i do my youtubes and that i think someone i knew before is gwan see it one time later or something i guess syncronicitys are gwan continue to increase in these times...Jah bless and may the force be with you....

Posted on Untitled by Jeremiah Ray Bond Untitled
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
i managed maintain calm and didnt drop kick the cracker or even swear or get vex i just say cat is only visiting i am allowed to have visitors i know i not allowed have cat live here thats why original bageera is live in clapham...allegedly..unless he needs an alabi hes elsewhere if someone try do a false flag call the panther a terrorist when hes a terra ra st same as most of us will be sooner or later i guess...i say the man brian in bottom flat is got cat live there has a own door so cat go out but surely shows cats are allowed visit the builidng. then he says the woman where the cat lives or who owns the cat as he calls it like i said allah owns the cat or igzi-abheer if u want play scholar is jah name for landlord i also pointed out mark aint the landlord . i say i aint trying steal the cat or anyting i saw the woman the other day she saw the cat come up to me so knows is friendly i tried to explain to her its a bit like mi cat i was gonna suggest maybe cats have soul walkins like ppl can i read about it and next tings...but i not want like show off she probably wud just think i was nuts anyway i confess i do find it hard explain cant seem stfu sometimes...maybe u noticed that yourself if i need a next witness one day...jokes...i did try explain when she said about not to feed him hes on a 'special diet' for his ticky sick stomach...i said its probalby just temporary some these shaman type cats is hollow out their stomachs for their shaman darts she looked like a nonbeliever so i left it like Krishna tell arunja dont worry for what the less intelligent think...or dont think..

Posted on Untitled by Jeremiah Ray Bond Untitled
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
i just add i then went to check mi emails if had reply form magazine ppl how to put uk address in for mi billing and was not in mi sent box had just vanished sometimes i thik some hater is trying wipe mi name out of history i dont let it bother me if they are trying do that its gwan backfire im just like the voodoo doll crash test dummie these ones gonna get instant karma tribualtions they keep fucking with jah ppl ...i did see name of a comrade in connection with laron who has helped me with stuff for him and remembered to email ask if i can change some few quid for dollars and mail him he can get to laron like has done once previously so maybe thats a next option can do with you...earlier today when i came back from the park the little cat that looks spitting image in some ways of Agent Khat Bageera is come running up street meet me i was so happy he was so pleased to see we coming in the door the mark is going out the door he try put his foot across the thing and deny access to the cat say hes not allowed in the building like he fucking owns it...its some kind counterfeit is called heista i meant be in heista la vista with tecs rebel army...hes probably just trying copycat me in mi nasa capactity saying non pasaran i cant mind how spell that is no facists shall pass like in spanish civil war i remember read about that spanish flu epidemic decades ago is happen everyone who took the antidote died those who didnt survived mostly...i dont now if hes stuck in some timewarp probalby mi fault i can see stuff like stargates around me sometimes by the screeching in the background on some mi youtube videos some of them is not going anywhere nice i hope it aint for me...maybe is that other mark on thegrotz1 channel he says Jesus is coming take him on a rapture yet bans me when i comment on his channel about Jesus dont seem like me mentioning Mary Magdalene lot of these utuber christians got a batty boi fetish maybe they be happpier where u are and u be happier out of the prison sounds shite i sure Jah cud arrange some kind of tagging system so u dont get too spitty sweary and agressive...maybe u cud go to a punk gig and do a bit in a more lowkey way...i hope we not going back days of when b and b's in england had signs no blacks no irish no dogs...and add on no cats...way thats mark got his black panther tattoos and black panther photo sweatshirt u think he be bit kinder to Bageera maybe when he shapeshifts to killah panther mode he will have a change of heart tho cud be too late then...if hes reading this dont be trying call the police on bageera i know u probalbyone i hear kick him other night i say SHalom for now...but they are going to knowl...wonder what ALLAH means by that in quran..

Posted on Untitled by Jeremiah Ray Bond Untitled
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