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Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Jerimiah just gonna put a couple of my dreams here quickly. dat freddie kruger dream sounds scary i sure if God is hate him and want kill him and is on yourside u will win. i hear that tireo say god hates jayz and wants to kill him but i thik dats just tireo making shite up same as how he say Jesus not allow us to smoke marijuana or have oral sex. whatever. i know dat film i think is call nightmare on elm street. i used live just off elm road at 10 dorchester mews with Mr Gorgeous dats Bageera alias hes gonna have join anonmyous cat soon if the fake cats dont get of his back. i need look up some of the meanngs of these trees i got a book on wicca i like learn a bit about that but not this counterfeit pagan stuff just like abrahamic stuff did i mention i saw video of leper shaman and Jesus appeared to him say im the one your looking for. i sure whoever you borrowed the pen off is not gonna mind cos how u say it was important that you wrote this and your other blogs, is like george orwell said telling the truth in a time of war is a revolutionary act. finding the truth is a even heroric feat sometimes i feel but i still continue to seik. as long as we try is main thing just trust Jah light guide us even when make mistakes is learn, trust me, i followed a few antichrist but lucky i a lazymuthafuckah soon gave up. i wonder if it was Agent Bageera winding u up in disguise. not in a nasty way he probalby in league with da MF quezcoytal. he did go awol for a while in his black fur but returned safe and sound. i did make a few jokes on line that he had gone in name of Jah to warn the pharisee on ewn stop taking HaShem in vain was gonna put on his inviisble cloak play angel of death on his ephod maybe shapeshift panther and invisible mode bitch slap da crackr with his clenced white fist, like sign of moses.

Posted on Untitled by Jeremiah Ray Bond Untitled
Kat Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Andrew!
I would like to send you some positive thoughts too, like Ali did before me. This is hard stuff you have to deal with every day. By reading what other convicts are writing so are you not the only one.

I hope you not already became to cold to feel, there are people out there who wants to know what you are feeling. I'm reading about the things that you experience. I read all your posts. I read on other convicts blogs too and I have done this for a while. Now, this week I left a comment on all the blogs that I follow. I thought it would be time doing this. Just to let you guys know that I'm reading your words. And to give you some mail. I know, mail is something all the cons are hoping to get every day. I write to an inmate regularly and he told me that my letters are keeping him alive, because I'm the only one who is writing to him. There should be more. I don't want to be the only one, but if I have to I will.
I hope you have a family who cares about you or at least a friend who is writing a letter from time to time. Everybody should have at least one friend.

That's all I have to say.
Keep on being strong and more important keep on writing. I will read.

Posted on Solitary Confinement by Andrew Halfpenny Solitary Confinement
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
The tomb itself is designed as an enormous cosmic egg, which was originally completely covered by quartz stone crystals, that absorb and retain the sun's energy, just like quartz-crystals absorb energy in many modern watches and clocks.

It is egg-shaped to act as a womb within which was placed the remains of Aengus and the entrance-passage represents the uterus up which the fertilizing ray of the Winter Solstice sunrise enters the womb; supposedly impregnates and gives new life to the occupant to be reborn, making them immortal, or, as in Aengus' case immortalised in human-memory because of his magnificent tomb. This tomb is not just the grandest tomb in Ireland, it is reputed to be the grandest in Europe.

Posted on Post (4/30/13) by Jeremiah Ray Bond Post (4/30/13)
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Aengus believed that he could then travel along the light-beam to the sun and join his god and become divine himself. This belief was common in many parts of the world especially in Egypt, where the Celts, who are all Israelites, had been in slavery for 400 years, until Moses delivered them from slavery in the Exodus, after which some of them came to Ireland as Celts. Aengus's great pride and his belief expressed by his tomb caused him to be wrongfully deified, like the pharaohs, by his subjects.
The word Celt is the anglicised version of the Greek word Keltoi, which means the "people who are different" i.e. Israelites. The whole world according to God is populated by Gentiles, with Israelites being the minority who are "different" (as expressed in Deuteronomy 14:2 of The Torah - The Law) because they were commanded to keep only God's Laws - The Torah, which is buried in The Ark of The Covenant at the Hill of Torah-Taueragh-Tara. Israelites were to be a "peculiar people" unto the Lord i.e. "different from other people".

Deuteronomy 14:2 For thou [art] an holy people unto the "I AM" thy God, and the "I AM" hath chosen thee to be a peculiar* people unto Himself, above all the nations that [are] upon the earth.

* Special; Different (Oxford Dictionary).

The other people who came to settle in Ireland were/are the Tuatha de Danaan which means the Tribe of Dan, which was/is the fifth Tribe of Israel (Genesis 30:6), so, they too, like the Celts, are Israelites.

Genesis 30:6 And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan.

Posted on Post (4/30/13) by Jeremiah Ray Bond Post (4/30/13)
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
It was ransacked and robbed, by the vikings exactly as his mother prophesied after seeing a vision, a copy of which is in the "Book of Tephi Queen of Tara", which includes many other prophecies that she was given by God and which have been fulfilled in minute detail.

Because of his mother's prophecy concerning his tomb; that he knew would be fulfilled, for Teia Tephi was God's Chosen Seed and the Tender Twig (daughter) of the lofty Cedar (line of David) that Jeremiah uprooted from Jerusalem and planted in Ireland (Jeremiah 1:10), as he was commanded to do by God; Aengus had the blue-prints / building-plans carved into stone and placed in and around his tomb. He did this so that the tomb could then be rebuilt if it was badly damaged by the prophesied future raiders.

Jeremiah 1:10 See, I (God) have this day set thee (Jeremiah) over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.

The carvings you can see on the stones are astronomical calculations, done in great detail, without which it would have been impossible to construct and align the tomb and its roof-box aperture with the Winter Solstice sunrise. The vertical lines on kerbstones K1 and K52, which are on opposite sides (at the front and the back respectively) of the tomb are sighting-marks for lining-up the passage with the Winter Solstice sunrise.

It was the Winter Solstice (the original pagan Yuletide) that was believed to be the time both of death and rebirth, in pagan Baal-worship, and so the tomb was lined up in order that Aengus could be reborn when the sun (worshipped as a god by Baal-worshippers) pierced his tomb and the beam of light touched his remains.

Posted on Post (4/30/13) by Jeremiah Ray Bond Post (4/30/13)
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
The Lia Fail
The Way Home
Home Page
The Truth About...
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Welcome to
(The Tomb of Aengus - in Mac Oc)
(The Tomb of Aengus - the Young son)

Cead Mile Failte
(A Hundred Thousand Welcomes)

Copyright © 1998 JAH.
All rights reserved.

The word Newgrange is derived from New Grianan which means New Sunhouse and it was built by, and is the tomb of, Aengus the Ard ri (High-king) of Tara, who reigned in the latter-half of the sixth century B.C. and whose name is carved in Ogham Script on Stone C4 in the West Recess inside the tomb.

The hieroglyphics on Stone C4 in Newgrange's West Recess
that show a "ship" (with four passengers: - Jeremiah;
Teia Tephi and her two hand-maidens) and spell
the word "Aengus" carved in Ogham Script.

On the East side of stone C4 there is carved a date-palm with a wavy line attached to it. This date-palm represents queen Teia Tephi, Aengus' mother who came to Ireland by sea over the waves from Jerusalem and confirms that the Aengus referred to in Ogham script, on the same stone, was indeed the third child of Teia Tephi and her husband the Daighda, Eochaidh mac Duach/Dui, the High-king of Tara. Aengus was also known as "in Mac Oc" (the Young Son). Part of the Ogham Script has also been described as a ship, which is further proof of Aengus' relationship with Teia Tephi, his mother, who came by ship from Jerusalem to Ireland with Jeremiah the Bible Prophet. Teia Tephi landed with Jacob's Pillar Stone, the Bethel - Lia Fail Stone, at Howth on the 18th of June in 583 B.C.

West Recess

Posted on Post (4/30/13) by Jeremiah Ray Bond Post (4/30/13)
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
i kept wondering why he always on about getting jobs going uni, we aint here keep this system going like unfair capitalism make a new elite with a black face or any fucking colour face. i think maybe is Jah take it over soon but is for preparations and stuff if this tribualtions come worse, hopefully we been in the righteous judgement and punishment chastisemnt turn to Jah wat i done was like book of Job say i broke the law deserved death got it getting reserection too by blud of Yashuah HaMosiah thenis like pslams and quran says is keep us alive not let these fake system condemn our eternal souls but we be praising Jah forever is time make amends our deeds how ALLah say turn bad to good. i is not bother try sue any of these people i forgive all mi brethren real easy and remember lots of us wud been on some submisison sabatour misisons whatever. one mi chips seem be more vibrate on mi right arm and feels real nice like honey or something...i just pray i not deceived or not be used as a weapon against Jah but i wud thought that was impossible. is some kind of shirk thing they got going with 'idle gods' cud be sleeping lion seekers ID-el identity seekers. 35.14 sura 35 is do with Al-Mala'ikah the angels - if you pray to them they hear not your prayer, and if they heard they couldnt grant it to you. On the day of reserection they will disown association with you. Noone can inform you like He who is aware.

Posted on Post (4/30/13) by Jeremiah Ray Bond Post (4/30/13)
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Hey Jeremiah sorry to read about when you wasnt feeling so good this cc care plan dont seem to be all dat, i was never even motivated to get well until i knew Jesus was real i couldnt see no hope or had much desire get of drugs. i wud have liked to for mi fam and stuff, i having couple of issues around them not sure if they like done some bad stuff, whatever, is not bother me but i is hoping Jah who is come for the fatherless is gwan redemn me give me new fam and guide us all again to live in harmony, maybe u is feel the same way sometimes i sure lots of people do. i was interested read some about how you spent time in kids home i did too. i was in bridgewater first for keep runnng away from school and just general misdemenour get drunk in the park telling coppers to fuck off. one time these coppers arrested me from the park i wasnt doing nothing wrong just drinking and stuff with mi brethren mi 'mum' was cool with it even tho is mostly boys she knows i is not have sex with them if i had a bf i wud took to my garage back of the house, i didnt have much bf like that really tho. in bridgewater i had mi close friend brian winmar i used kiss and stuff like that we was only 13 or something, i thought he was a naive american for a while how he looked cos he didnt have a noongar accent but later i find out is half noongar but is adopted by white folks so has different accent. then i was in walcott street was a bit stricter harder get pass out more secure but not like borstal per se. i used fantasie when i was bouncing on the trampoline about flying over the fence. im 44 now and have upgraded to spaceship phantasy. i keep forget u are only 23 mi friend jonathon is 23, i dont know him well he was at ymca with me sometimes i is meet him in park or that for a smoke has been here once listen some music but i not have any one in my house at the moment ecept social worker and when orion comes occasionally. i is like to hang with jon tho is cool he is like islam and jah and stuff saem as me. he said Jah gave him a dream in mental hospital he was like in some big robot fighting Jah war. i like a lupe fiasco song says about stuff like that. i have try listen more. i wonder what kind of music u like Jerimiah i is reallyinto music, like immortal tec say in a song the streets carry me like the hebrew ark of the coveant, i is more like carried by his music and others i often ask the hip hop utube posse onthe comments to pray for me . i found otu that preacher at the ymca church is suspect too

Posted on Post (4/30/13) by Jeremiah Ray Bond Post (4/30/13)
evageozos Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Scot It's Eva. I figured this will probably get to you the quickest. I scheduled an appointment to bring Seven to come see you this Sunday 6/1 but just received a call from the prison ombudsmand We wont be able to visit until we are re approved. They said the approvals are only good for 2 years. Seven needs to come see you he is making some bad choices (compared to most kids his age they aren't that bad. But for Seven they are and they need to stop before they get out of hand) If you could send some new visitation papers soon I would appreciate that Thanks Scot Hope to see you soon Eva and Seven have your mom call if you need anymore info 661-800-2778

Posted on Untitled by Scot Pinkerton Untitled
Hooker Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
You know people want to know more about you, what you think about school shootings is boring, you're more interesting than that.

Also, when u write in light colored pens it's very hard to read.

Just 2 friendly advices from a friendly Hooker.

Posted on Comment Response by Amber Halling Comment Response
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