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corina_brook Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
I didn't live in Springfield when you met me my mom did and i lived in Millegardens Subdivision in Ponchatoula by the tracks with my sister and her boyfriend. I met you threw a friend named Bobby Whitecloud and his cousin Dawn Burke. BTW i didnt tell you because ive been a lil scared to, too scared you were to get mad at me to scared to cause of the way it hurt me that you left. Now i am very happily married to a wondeful man so im NOT looking for a relationship i just really need to get some things off of my chest ive been keeping inside for about 14 years, I have 3 beautiful children two i have custody of one i adopted out when i was 16 his name is Jordan Nations Landry he is 13 and is a very bright young man! Brooklynn is 9 and is an AB honor roll student she just got an Award for Perfect Attendance she is at school today when she didnt even have to go she's alot like her momma it scares me lol both her and Jordan have Fathers named Joseph lol must have had a thing about Joseph my dad was even named Joseph, he Lived in ponchatoula also on 4th street by the tracks on the other side by the Strawberry Festible park. My Youngest is 5 he just completed Pre-K he looks like his dad and acts like me i love it lol. Hopefully this will help you remember me and yes i will write you and become your friend again but you see the other woman that writes you she is a very sweet woman and has been talking to me she is a great listener also, She really loves you allot! Treat her right.

Posted on Corina by Joseph Thibodeaux Corina
calico Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Wow Joe really? I can only take just so much you know. You talk to whomever you want, what i said before was true but you just tossed it out the window. Have a great life.- Poodle

Posted on Corina by Joseph Thibodeaux Corina
Latsac2013 Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Well now...I have read your posts with great interest. It gave me a progress report of your development. First, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is rehabilative in name only. Too many of the skills shops are empty and gathering dust. Out of 1200 inmates in yard four at avenal state prison, there are no rehab programs for the greater majority. The Paisas are used to work in jobs that have no work numbers, therefore, no pay. The most mis-used words are "But they have to.." Or "They can't do that to us...," or, "My house my rules..." Of coure ownership of the "house" and the "rules" change with every shift.
As for the fix-all AB109, it had an important sentence in the copy: "This bill will not be implemented if the money isn't there." Oh well, the counties can attest to that line being ignored.
Guess what, just last week condums were made available to inmates.
There was afellow who was constantly busted smoking in the bathrooms they asked in why he did it...he told them he would stop when custody staff stopped bring in the tabacco.
As for the Governor bragging about improved mental health services...there was a fellow who spent his time talking to an imaginary friend. He would actually argue with him, and they would walk around the yard, and skip. Another fellow is called "Orbit" because he spends the whole day inside walking in an orit-like circle a round four or five tables. There are so much psychotropic drugs handed out during pill call, that you didn't stand in front of the door or be stampeded. The most narcotic of the pills were sold bt inmates to other inmates.Its the culture.
Well, a better stop here...but there is much more to say.

God Bless, Pablo...or are you not called Spanky, any :) By the way, freedom outside isn't all it's cracked up to's better!!!!

Posted on Untitled by Paul J. Martinez Untitled
Carlos Brown Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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Voice12 Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Trevin - I love your insight about how "people only have compassion for one another when a tragedy happens". That is such a good point, and it really does need to change, because it's the only way we're going to be able to have fewer tragedies!! Sounds like you have been keeping busy between basketball, toastmasters and everything else. I have been watching the NBA playoffs, but it hasn't really been too interesting this year. Your tournament sounds better.

Anyway, don't know if you'll even get this...good luck with your fight to get out!!


Posted on Untitled by Trevin Gamble Untitled
bluelotus Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
i hear you...i think it is completely unnatural to be in a "warfare state of mind" all the time but I guess the mind just adapts to any situation and you do what you have to do. In "normal" life (if there is such a thing), you get into dangerous situations where you are more alert than normally and put all your defences up, but when the danger passes by, you relax and let go again. I guess in prison that is never possible. Being injured is something that just happens in life, to everyone, and in a functional society people would be extra considerate around you, offer you help and provide you assistance if you need it so you can recover as quickly as possible. In prison however it seems to be the opposite, as the weak are preyed upon. It is a very sad thing. I wish you that you get through your injured state safely and that your mind doesn't become so institutionalized that you believe that is the natural thing to happen to someone who is injured...

Posted on Vulnerability by Bobby Villado Vulnerability
Rita Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
correction: 'mom' and not 'momo' and Elke is 34yrs young,sorry about that mistake.

Ps Are you speaking Spanish? I do!

Posted on First Of All Please Excuse My Typing by Frederick A. Jimenez First Of All Please Excuse My Typing
Rita Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Hello Frederic,

I noticed you haven't a penpal yet, and that especially stroke me; and here's my writing then. ;-)

It even dates from Christmas...! So better put myself here to write you right away.

I see you'll get it by Monday 20th.. big surprise eh?!
Me too I love very much surprises, -smile-

And I'm an Aries myself as well :-o. Funny.

I read you love drawing, reading, writing, just as my own self! I love many things and I also am busy with several activities.

In March (what's your birthday?) I turned 65, but i've a young spirit and I seem to look much younger.. well, it's a trait from my own mom. :-))) She is 87, but she still does cruises, and has a fabulous young mind!

Momo still lives in her apartment in Brussels.
As you probably can see, I'm a Belgian, yes, that very small country, haha...

Our population must be around 11 million of people. And it has the surface of your Maryland!

Ufos, well, i can very well imagine that there are people living out there!

There are documents about it, about people who have seen abnormal things, etc...

Frederick,(nice name!), I've been in San Antonio, way back in time!:-)))
To tell you, I've lived with my family 7 yrs in the States. 3 in Utah and 4 in Ohio.

Our second daughter Leslie (32) was born in Utah. Our oldest daughter Elke (43) was 9 months when I arrived for the first time in America.
There is so much more to tell!

Well, as for now have a great day and talk to you sometime later, ok?

greetings from Rita

Posted on First Of All Please Excuse My Typing by Frederick A. Jimenez First Of All Please Excuse My Typing
lru Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Regarding Swedish prostitution laws, there may be goals behind the laws that are not immediately obvious.

For example, as Wikipedia states: "In Canada, the buying and selling of sexual services are legal, but most surrounding activities, such as public communication for the purpose of prostitution, brothels and procuring are offences under the law.

"While the prohibition of the activities surrounding the sex trade makes it difficult to practice prostitution without breaking any law, the act of exchanging sex for money has never been illegal in Canada, a situation which has created and continues to create confusion and controversy."

So in other words (and not legal advice), prostitution is strongly discouraged, but if you keep it off the streets, avoid making a hierarchical business out of it, and don't fill the media with adverts for it, then the police will look the other way.

Perhaps the Swedes have similar goals of keeping the streets clean.

Posted on Scandinavia by Kyle De Wolf Scandinavia
Chris Hall Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Comment Response by Chris Hall Comment Response
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