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Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Shalom Jeremiah i gwan try write bit more clearer i just took some notes so i can try remember to answer what you said, sorry i dont do that often; i hope that morgellons post thing i put up recent may help show you i am not trying cause difficulties for you i have hard time thinking atm. I like say first off i totally agree how you is say about your blog posts i wouldnt alter them i havent i was gonna transcribe another one yesterday or whenever i was last on here i only just bought a next 5 days internet i cant remember how much days not had it before was only a couple days tops. i was gonna transcribe i thought at least i can do that if i not get mi mind calm to write but was already say transcribe same as just happen now then i start feel bit calmer thought i write a reply so start read it without writing/transcribing sometimes i find that easier...then discover how u say has been altered. i hope it wasnt me im some type of shapeshifter i sometimes think but a good one like how say Jesus is appear symbolically and more than that i feel as lion of Yuhudah etc. i know pslam 91 and a next one or two ask Most High cleanse from secret sins so in case i did transcribe and alter i apoligse but i pretty damn sure i didnt. some cointelpro stunt i wud have thought but only Allah know. i get hit with them tru internet a lot is quite painful be on line sometimes plus concentration wanes. i cud try in future if i get better and have time to try see if i can restore what i didnt alter but i cant promise i probably forget and i got prioritise. yeah sueing sounds a good idea.

Posted on Comment Response by Jeremiah Ray Bond Comment Response
Hooker Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Damn so many stupid people raised by other stupid people and taught to believe a silly fairytale about a man in the sky being born by a virgin, and other crap stolen from other older religions... and here we go, poop this book out into the world and with so many stupid people around (much more now than there were 2000 years ago) they will keep the shit alive for a long long time.

The sad truth is that humans are parasites on earth, all they do is use and destroy everything they have around them. We should and we will be extinct, because we are scum.

And when we die we won't see anything and no evil man in the sky is going to punish us.
I am horrified at the idea of heaven, spending eternity with stupid people-sheep that I try to stay away from on earth? These people are scum and a true hell to be around.

Posted on Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013)
Hooker Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
These are very nice, are you selling them?
People might want to buy alot of your work if it's easy to do so.

"tu fui ego eris"/Latin

=I was you; you will be me
Thus, "what you are, I was; what I am, you will be.". A memento mori gravestone inscription to remind the reader that death is unavoidable.

"testis unus, testis nullus"
= one witness is not a witness.
A law principle expressing that a single witness is not enough to corroborate a story.

Posted on Art Work by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Art Work
Hooker Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
The one with the 2 birds and ocean is so nice, are you selling any of them?

Posted on Art Work by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Art Work
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
i dont know if do with this poem i wrote i kinda having like bit of an update on it in mi head i dont seem be as fake as i first thought....

Im all out of love

im so lost without you

my brother

up in heaven

why did i slay you

i was so wrong

you was so right

tight with God

its an old old story

cain and able

osiris and seth

what was the motive

jealou8sly i guess

only allah knows

your with HIm

so guess you know 2

not sure if it is a literal story

or a symbol, a myth

what difference does it make

these myths aint no

tall tales

more truth than western science

no matter how they search

investigate and measure

they only know half the story

]without spiritual reasoning

logic aint gwan cut it

no matter how hard you seek

trust me i know

i a gemini split

half of me is missing

my better half

my spiritual side

you were righteous

i am lost

pray we be reunited

soon come the crossing

perhaps i get mi wish

until then

i comtemplate

go back mi old ways

slit mi wrists

osiris was dismembered

odin self tortured

they was with god

me i just a pale imitation

devils spawn

carbon copy

full of folly

split within

no sense of wholeness

i start to re-member

sometimes, always

not too often

well not consciously

far too painful

so for now

i the great pretender

make out it doesnt hurt

maybe all mi dreams come true

when 2 worlds collide

rest easy my brother

with the angels

up in heaven

no sleep for the wicked

down here in hell

Posted on Untitled by Jeremiah Ray Bond Untitled
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
sweet one mi real guardian angels must guided me to scroll down the pagei been trying read back where i remember u wrote about the stamps i dont want ge some send and is wrong i hope they let u put that art of war book in the general population libary or something obviously i dont expect you pay to send it back lol. i gwan try order these now instead maybe i do the stamps also later or else a next time next monday i get paid again. i dont know if i killed my brother or even if i had one but i always felt like some part of me was missing im a gemini tho mi new sign under this 13 sun ting, i think i cud be 13th tribe thing also new sign i think wasa do with earth cud be call hathor i cant someone i met call ruben is ghanian but i met in new castle uk selling big issue homeless newspaper i start chat him give some spare change and stuff is come stay mi place couple times also few days sleep on sofa is say i used be woman live in ghana is say i kil my brother also say i had him there as a slave like ruben not mi brother but i treated him really well and i was black then, ppl is try say i from ghana i agree i used be black before i can see now i have some type spiritual tribal marks but i think maybe i was from next place maybe somalia but i was like live in ghana or something i wouldnt be surprised some the ones there is up to some dodgy shit i sent one there who said is related me mi birthdate details i do with the ark of the coveant somehow i know lots is but i mean in a sirus way how mi birthdate and numerology was they tried flip me to a different time or something i keep getting deceived like eve cos they all like made themselves look like my people and stole their voices or some wierd shit....i cant decide stil how true it is i dont remember be there or much of this life i cud sitll be there somehow past/concurrent lifes i see this morgellons particles is multidimensional flicker in out of this reality...on 23rd of december which is a date on mayan calander of signifigance do with quezecoytal 'white man not like a usual white man' hopi is say, some type of snake but good one like ones took out pharoh magi like musa or like sacred serpents in bhagvada gita how is in Krisha....i look in the mirror is like some wierd face in me is bit like the blues one in avatar from panDora....i dont know if is mi twin like brother in some ways is like mi higher self how quran say end of day they only hurting themselves if only they knew...i kinda dying again but is like how say 33 degrees bottom of the cross overcover phsycaal matter get more spiritual or something is pretty painful but is i can start see the benefits in it

Posted on Untitled by Jeremiah Ray Bond Untitled
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
It should be clear from the above photo, to even the novice observer, that I have undergone some type of physiological trauma to my head and face area of some sort. There are some sores on my face that tell of the beginning of the horror of infection with morgellons, and the exposure to many painful, biting insects that would dig under your skin and lay eggs and come out as worms, as well as many other insect types that would go under the skin,. In fact, we were covered from head to toe in these creatures, and I has them in every vein in my body. How I survived is a matter of conjecture for those not privileged enough to access the official account of this incident from the files.

Posted on Comment Response by Jeremiah Ray Bond Comment Response
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Say goodby to the world as you knew it.
That has all changed and we are in for some terrible, terrible times as our ‘masters’ engineer the biggest 9/11 deception of all times!
The changes ushered in by secret global mind control will be unimaginable to the uninitiated. This is a reality you MUST consider if you desire to be in-touch with reality.may god have mercy on our souls!

In this photo I had not yet realized I was a target of secret human experimentation by a well funded, well organized covert group I believe was government funded with cutout hirelings. It is clear I have been damaged greatly, but I still was not fully aware I was being exposed to huge doses of ‘chem-trails” nanotechnology, and developed accelerated morgellons syndrome. I was also being exposed to insane foreign DNA implantation and had creatures shooting out of my head and everywhere on my body. Also, I was being dosed daily with huge doses of arasolized weaponized hallucinogenic (LSD like) drugs in my home and when I went outside, I was sprayed by hand by the operatives who would approach from the rear, and would spray me on the back of the neck with something wet from a small black canister that looked like one of those pepper spray cans, but I believe was drugs. Even now, recounting these events, I am having a strong panic attack reaction. This is PTSD as well as subliminal post hypnotic suggestion, as well as possible influence from the remote neural connection I have with the mind control technology being tested on me by this group. strong emotional reactions can be triggered by electromagnetic pulses aimed at the brain by remote microwave/ELF transmitters. Interference, disruption, as well as control of the human target is possible to varying degrees in many individuals using this technology/drugging combination. I was also exposed to unknown frequencies, power levels, dose levels, durations, and modulation patterns of various radiation devices, either electromagnetic or radioactive in nature on many occasions.

Posted on Comment Response by Jeremiah Ray Bond Comment Response
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Why do we believe the NEWS? the media?
Why do people find it hard to take as fact, difficult secret truths that are being revealed?
we are programmed from birth, daily to disbelieve what we know, deep inside, to be TRUTH. When some people find that their version of “reality” is threatened by an inconvenient TRUTH, the react with ANGER and even Violence. This is a clear indication of the depth of programming they have undergone and accepted.
Most people do not even realize that they have been programmed to allow for only a limited number of emotional responses, limited critical thinking, etc. it is difficult to realize that your mind has become a prison in which we have willing allowed ourselves to be detained in. Breaking free of these artificial constraints and socially imposed self-censorship used by the media/power elites’ mind control system may even be impossible for some.
One day, when the science is perfected, your thoughts will be used against you in a court of law.
Your genetics will decide whether you are allowed to be born and what you will be taught and what work you will be allowed to do.
You will not even realize that many of the choices you made throughout your life were not made by you, but were predetermined by your programming, and the will of your masters.
We are being exposed to morgellons nanotechnology sprayed from chem-trails in the sky. The government has shattered into an evil, black faction that is depopulating the USA and world, destabilizing the world. Secretly deploying, testing and perfecting a GLOBAL MIND CONTROL grid the likes of which would make BIG BROTHER spontaneously orgasm in his party coveralls and black trench-coat!

Posted on Comment Response by Jeremiah Ray Bond Comment Response
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
I speak about the effects of the attacks, the politics of EVIL, frequency range of human hearing, theories on the technology used, microwave hearing, mental & physical health effects, MORGELLONS nano-machine bio-weapon technology function, form, & effects, building semiconductor parts in the human body, adrenal burnout, depopulation, the system, cultists, the state of the world and my understanding of it, personal & global existentialism, the experience of discovering you have been used for trauma based human experimentation since birth, doctors, conspiracy, control, corruption, revolution, change, hopes & hopelessness, catholic charities, adoption, Freemasons, adoption, social responsibility, emotions, & more.

Posted on Comment Response by Jeremiah Ray Bond Comment Response
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