March 1, 2013
by Robert Thrower (author's profile)


The legendary R&B singers, The Temptations, used to sing, in "Ball of Confusion", about the politician who say, "Vote for me, & I'll set you free", new politician don't even promise tolerance, as if the poor are beings of pestilence, who are to be "tolerated". They can't even promise "freedom" in this, the prisonhouse of nations, where 2.4 million souls groan in the American gulag, indeed they cannot began to promise this, for they have been pivotal in the very construction, & consolidation of the prison industrial complex. They are not the solution, for their only claim to fame is to bring in some black management of this menagerie of pain, a few high appointees, some cabinet members, a new diversity over the same system of repression. It's time for us to look further for our political solutions. We need to think in terms of new political configurations that speak to our deeper social, racial, ethnic & class identities, for clearly, this has not, & does not promise to work. The objectives of all politics is power. No major political party in America can even begin to promise black folks in America the power to stand on their own doorstep, or ride their own car, or walk the streets of the urban center, without the very real threat of being accidentally blasted into eternity. A politics that cannot, or will not control the agents of that polity (that is the police) is unworthy of our support.

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