March 1, 2013

Love Expressing

From Barnone by Richard Blackstone (author's profile)


"Love Expressing"
Love is all there is and love is enough:
Justice is love holding the balance,
Mercy is love being gracious,
Faith is love believing,
Charity is love giving,
Patience is love waiting,
Endurance is love abiding,
Hope is love expecting,
Prayer is love communing,
Sympathy is love tenderly touching,
Comfort is love soothing,
Enthusiasm is love burning,
Work is love laboring,
Peace is love resting,
Understanding is love accepting,
Listening is love receiving,
Teaching is love reaching,
Giving is love circulating,
Receiving is love blessing,
Forgiving is love cleansing,
Love is enough....
Because Love cannot fail.

BAR 1999


Replies (5) Replies feed

Ajj13 Posted 8 years ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years ago   Favorite
Hello Richard. I read your blog posts and really enjoyed them. My name is Alyssa and I am asking a few people on the blogs some questions for my own research and was wondering if you would answer them if you felt like it. What are ways that some men deal with missing women in prison? Do you think men change not being around women? If so in what ways? How do you think this affects them when they are released? How do men deal with their "needs"? Do you think men become more reserved or dont know how to deal with a womens "touch" when released? ;) I just want to hear your input on this out of curiosity. Speak your mind. You don’t have to hold back. Nothing will offend me. Haha. I would love to maybe see a blog post about this too. Thank you. Hope to hear back soon:)

Send a new picture also if you have one. I would love to see you post more blogs as well;)

I also see your address has changed since the last time you have posted. Hopefully between the bars will send it to this address.

Richard Blackstone 125637
North Fork Correctional Center
1605 East Main St
Sayre, OK 73662

dcoplien Posted 2 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 2 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Hi Richard

My name is Dori Coplien. I am your mothers first cousin.

Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know you are not forgotten by family.

I wish we could have met. I did get to meet your older brother when he was a baby. That is also the last time I saw your mother. I so wanted to see her again. My sister's and I have such fond memories of her especially at Christmas at our grandparents house in Monroe.

Hope all is well with you.


Richard Blackstone Posted 1 year, 9 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

itzelmarissa Posted 1 year, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 1 year, 9 months ago   Favorite
Dear Dori;
Do hope this is finding you and yours doing well?
I would just like to take this time for you responding to my blog site. What a surprise to get it in the mail and what a good blessing it was, as well as very uplifting for me at the time; plus someone on my mothers side of family is a gift.

You made me so happy to know even though I'm locked away, that true family; that you've never met before, let's you know that I wasn't forgotten by family. So many miracles have came into my life since my mom's death, and it seems that it doesn't stop these past 10 yrs. Hope it never does!
Thank you so much and may you be blessed.

dcoplien Posted 1 year, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 1 year, 9 months ago   Favorite
Hello Richard

Nice to hear from you and hope you are well.

Will be heading to the cemeteries here later this month and one stop will be your Grandma's. You,your brothers and mother were always in her thoughts and prayers. So wish she could have seen you before she passed.

So wish I could have reconnected with your mother. As a child I absolutely adored her.The last time I saw her was when your family moved from Monroe.


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