March 13, 2013

Can You Hear Me?

by Marcus T. Rogers Jr (author's profile)


Marcus T. Rogers #377571
100 Corrections Drive
Stanley, WI 54768

Can You Hear Me?

Have you ever felt like no matter what you say or how loud you say it... you're just not being heard? I swear I feel like that "all" the time. In addition to that feeling I also feel like no matter how well I articulate something I'm always being misunderstood.

When you're in prison you can go weeks, months, and even years without hearing from anyone from the outside world and it begins to take its toll. People on the outside, be it family, friends, or associates, will hear you out or make your presence known. In here you're just lost in a place where your voice can never be heard and everything positive about you is deemed a threat or overlooked.

I'm in prison right now for committing a crime against someone else's property. In addition to that I have participated in various other acts I'm not proud of. Everything I've ever done weighs very heavily on my conscience because I know it impacted someone other than myself and I know I'm responsible for that impact they endured.

I can't take back any of my past actions but I can and will continue to grow from them. In the meantime I want people out there to know I'm sorry for the actions of myself and others that have impacted your lives. I want to be heard but not for my own selfish reasons... I want to be heard because so many people out there deserve to hear I'm sorry from someone and so many people out there need to know empathy has not been lost. To those in need of that... I'm sorry and I hope that is a piece of what you need to move forward... Can you hear me?


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