March 19, 2013


by Chris Hall



Who says God is unjust because He allows so much misery in the world? We may as well complain that He allows us to exist. Since we are the direct cause of our misery. All of us have sinned and caused someone either directly, or indirectly as a consequence of our actions, to experience some discomfort. So none of us really want God to remove all the people that cause misery, or not one of us would remain or escape judgement.

God just doesn't work on our time schedule. But work He does. Look at the world. How His creatures, us especially, have an innate tendency to admire and strive for justice. Notice how it moves and attracts us. Yeah, we may have unjust regimes in the world, but more often than not, when an alternative presents itself that is based more on the attributes of a perfect God - justice - righteousness - fairness, etc. people usually choose the party of system more like Him than not. And we begin to see the gradual weakening of power and control on an unjust regime and the gradual strengthening and empowerment of an upstart righteous one. We see it over and over throughout history. It drives revolutions.

America is decaying and falling apart. We all know it. Unless we are so blinded by what we want to be the truth that we can no longer see the plain basic reality in front of our eyes anymore. But most of us know it.

But what will replace it? Or will it necessarily be replaced? I guess if we changed our ways as a nation, people would have less and less grievances to fuel their desire for our demise. But as long as we keep doing wicked and evil things throughout the world, (and even at home to our own people!), we will continue to see an erosion of power and control. Look at all the domestic dissident groups - Communists, Neo-Nazis, Occupiers, Fascists, religious separatists, etc... take your pick, the list continues to grow. What, you ask, fuels the growth and appeal of such groups?

Americans like to tell ourselves that the world hates us because we are wealthy, prosperous and blessed. Usually these are the ignorant types, uneducated with the legitimate grievances that many have against us throughout the world. Greed or envy may fuel a little oppositions, I admit, but seriously, will only fuel so much opposition. It's just not natural for men to be willing to die by the hundreds and thousands, for decade after decade over something as base as greed or envy. But despite that, this is what exactly most of us believe, amazingly.

What does fuel such enduring and insatiable opposition is a just and righteous cause. A legitimate grievance unresolved. What consistently attracts and draws men to a cause is Justice and righteousness. Hence we have, and have had, a seemingly never ending war against "terrorists."

And it won't stop, ever, until we either return to Godly principles, or cease to exist. Period. We even see many of our own people, over and over, turn to the other side. What makes a people so much hate themselves as the loss of virtue and all the qualities that make up the attributes of God? Without God, we are base, animals, motivated by instinct. Without God there is nothing within us to love or fight and die for. Without God, our cause is hopeless. And we, as a people, have abandoned God. Hence God is abandoning us.

And as He abandons us, we see Him draw the hearts and minds to the very people that seek and serve Him, albeit in varying degrees. We see people willing to follow men and ideologies that more accurately conform to the principles of justice and righteousness. Does this surprise us?

Look at how corrupt our nation is. Look at how corrupt our 'leaders' are. Why would people want to fight or die for that? Why would people not want to fight and die for a more righteous, just dissident group? And if you pay attention, time after time, people have been, and will be willing to join the underdog and go against any and all obstacles to support the just cause. It's a motivating principle embedded in the very depths of our being. It's what we are, and how we are created.

So the options? Either repent, or die. That's it! Which way American man?

Chris Hall #1565195
Ellis Unit
1697 FM 980
Huntsville, TX 77343


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