April 16, 2013

Comment Response

by William Goehler (author's profile)
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Comment Response
(Dec. 5, 2012)


Reply: nybq
31 Mar 13

"When we learn to trust the Universe, we shall be happy, prosperous and well."

Zap! Hey Rick E., how are you bro? It was nice to receive your early March message just the other day. It was especially nice to see you say that I'm considered one of your best friends ever. Yea, I had genuine love toward you and your family back then - and I still do. "Back then", wow! Yea, back then I really had it to give... and readily withdrew from those who prove to be unworthy - So thank you Rick, for providing, and accepting, opportunities to prove our true friendship. You and Tina never disappointed me nor betrayed my expectations or trust. I'm grateful that you were worthy of the same from me. Man, I so miss the virtue of integrity in friendships - which in my jaded state I'm sad to say are only worthy to merely be called associations nowadays. Yup, I suppose 20 years of supervising work crews has jaded you a bit too, huh? It's pretty certain that you suffered plenty of disappointments and betrayals from holding that position because you have that friendly disposition that the average angry wage-slave readily sacrifices for their own selfish ambitions. Dude, I hope you never really took such betrayals personally, in that dog eat dog rat race. Such let-downs in the work-world often are taken back home... and you know what they say about "hurt people hurt people"? And SADLY, in such states of frustration, some/most of us tend to lash-out at loved ones... who, ironically, depend on home-life to be a refuge from the battlegrounds of experience each of our lives are filled with. That was my tragedy, at least. I mean, Debbie and I weren't exactly domesticated creatures of conformity, but we accepted - and respected, that our lives were an adventure... until we got married into Responsibilities.

The god-damned church-state conspiracy of conformity - sweet as it was for a spell, ultimately was doomed by the paradigm of "marriage-responsibilities" we learned from all the tumultuous marriages we seen growing-up and never wanted to be a part of. Damnedest thing, isn't it?! I watched in horror as we played-out the roles of our parents' turbulent example. Yet there was enough nobility in our heart and soul to vow that we would break that chain of dysfunction before we also set that same example for our progeny to inherit. D'oh. Who knew that would mean that other people would have to raise them? Sixteen years later I get an occasional letter from a couple of them on my blog-site now - and I get recent pictures of them lately too, other people send in to me. I've got to say that they are an impressive brood. Debbie did bring some beautiful people into the world, and it seems more responsible adults helped us break our dysfunctional chain by raising them. I wish that I knew more, but they're graduating high school, starting families of their own, and apparently have a penchant for altruism, so I'd say they were raised properly - regardless of how much they despise their "parents", as kids are prone to do. Someone told me that Debbie just got remarried recently - and she is very much a part of the kids' lives too, by the way. I'm happy for her, dude - it took her a long time to genuinely forgive me and move on with her life. How is it with you and Tina... did yer kids see/hear any hostility or did you two just grow apart while remaining amicable? No doubt Deb remembers you two bringing her to me when I was released from Folsom, ummm. I think you two were our only married friends our own age. Yea, good times bro. So, I wonder if you've figured out how to go back through all my previous blog pages yet. I wonder how many hundred I've written? There is definitely a way to navigate your way through the collection... via: Recent Posts, I think, and then working your way back through More Posts. Let me know what you find - and feel free to ask me anything. Haven't you ever Googled my name to see what you'd find on-line about me? My life was certainly an adventure.

Okay then - you're an eBay entrepreneur with vintage toys and such? Do a lil research on Prison Artwork and see if that might be worth marketing on-line. If so then I will be your 'inside' (import-export) agent if you'd like. I will need an address - and postage stamps - though. I'm needing an address to mail a few Visitor Applications for you to fill out too - so write me directly at:

Wm Goehler, #K-77832
Box 409020, A2-204
Ione, CA 95640

and send along a few pictures of you all.

Be blessed.


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