May 9, 2013

Daily Journal - April 8-11, 2013

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Daily Journal
April 8-11, 2013

Monday April 8, 2013 5:11am: Just cleaned the cell, made the bunk and waiting on breakfast. I'm going to start writing here in a few minutes. And then do some work on a card and go from there. See what else today holds.
11:45am: Just been doing some walking. I'm going to start exercising here shortly. I wrote 4 letters this morning, but I'm out of envelopes now. I also was reading the bible and did a little bit of work on this card. I gave my lunch tray away and had a soup. Well, need to do some pushups, and then some cardio.
1:05pm: Did some cardio and abs, but that's it. Now I'm going to watch the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. See what they're going to be talking about over there. It was supposed to have started at 1pm.
4:46pm: Making my dinner right now. I've cleaned out my lockers earlier and did some art work as I listened to the senate hearing. A lot of crap. Giving kids life in prison. Well, I'm fixing to wash some clothes after I eat then watch some news, wait for the shower and then go to sleep.

Tuesday April 9, 2013 6:09am: Just finished writing a letter. I didn't get any mail last night. I did find 2 small envelopes cleaning the locker yesterday. Been up since 4:30, cleaned up, ate and been thinking about Larry. I hope he's okay. This is his last full day alive. And I wonder who the Governor will sign up next week to kill? I know too many of them guys on that list. That's what makes it so difficult. Well, I'm going to go write another ministry and then do some art.
7:05am: I have a dental call out this morning, but now I'm hearing this idiotic crap about they've got to have a white shirt to pull me for any call outs. That's all good. These stupid MF, just motivated me to push this in court. And right now I'm fixing to file a motion.
9:56am: I wrote a motion up which the court will hopefully provide the secretary a copy. I'm just tired of dealing with a bunch of mentally ill rednecks! Could they be any dumber? Hell no! Stupid idiots! Anyways, I'll file this motion. I'm also going to have some people call the senator about this retarded ass idiotic crap! Guess I'll do some art work.
10:58am: They just picked up legal mail and that motion is on its way to the court. I'll also be filing a grievance tomorrow morning that I wrote a few minutes ago.
1:48pm: They had a recount, which finally cleared. The guys just went out to recreation. Captain came by too, but I'm done trying to talk. I'll write the courts, grievances, secretary. But talking to these people isn't getting me anywhere. It's bullshit! Oh well.
3:59pm: The guys just came back from rec. I'm just sitting here waiting on dinner. I'm ready to eat, wash clothes and go to sleep, and hopefully wake up and get some mail. I've just been sitting here watching some of these Christian programs on TBN. Couple of Christian volunteers came by earlier. One of them prayed for me. He knows I lack faith. Today is our regular sgt's last day. He's leaving for surgery and probably won't be back this year. Double hip replacement.

Wednesday April 10, 2013 6:53am: Been writing. Wrote my mom. Got up at 4:30, cleaned up, watched some news and then went to the Christian channels. Fixing to write a few ministries. Well, they will be killing Larry in 11 hours. This is some sick crap. This is the last morning of the rest of his life. Imagine what it feels like to wake up on that morning and know that you will be killed. You sit there in your cell/cage and count down the hours and minutes all day. Cruel and unusual punishment. That's cruel. It would be more compassionate to just walk up to the cage and shoot the person unsuspectingly. Holding someone captive and telling them what you're going to do, and when you're going to do it. Well, that's just sick and twisted. But it is what it is. Well, I'm going to write Anne and then a couple of ministries and take it from there.
8:20am: Just filed that grievance to get off of this heightened security. That drunk incompetent warden is gone, and they need to take the heightened security with him. Incompetent no good unethical criminal is what he is!
9:16am: Canteen is on the wing. They only have one canteen man. The other one got fired, so they have to hire a new one. I just finished changing my sheets and making my bunk. After canteen I'll write some letters since I ordered envelopes.
11:10am: Just took some food off the tray and made me a stew. I'll eat about 12pm. In 7 hours Larry will be in the death chamber. He's a true Christian. He accepted Christ long ago. But still this is so wrong, murdering to prove murdering is wrong. But most of our Christians are fraudulent anyways. So if it's true, Hell will be overrun with these fraudulent self-proclaimed Christs. Christ's words MT 7:21-23, MT 25:40-46, not mine. Self-proclaimed followers of Christ can get mad at me all you want. James 2:24, baby, "you see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone." Which goes hand in hand with what Christ is preaching there in MT 25:31-46. John 3:16 means nothing if you fail to obey, John 14:15. I forgot more about the bible than most self-proclaimed Christians will ever know. Well, time to do some writing.
2:14pm: The MP3 guy just picked up the player. I got some new music coming. I'm really looking forward to that. I was just cleaning the sink and toilet. Was thinking about Larry and how he has less than 4 hours left to live. Real Christlike nation. These people straight up perpetrate a fraud of this stinking one nation under God. Read the Bible, you righteous Christians. He said, Love, be compassionate, be merciful. Not vengeful. I don't follow the teaching 'cause I lost faith. That's better than these hypocrites that even Christ said you are, MT 7:21-25, MT 25:40-46. You're busting hell wide open with your I'm holier than thou attitude. When you're no more than an evildoer. His words, not mine, MT 7:23. I get so angry about these state sanctioned murders. 'Cause it serves no purpose other than to show America's stupidity!
5:43pm: Just finished eating, it was late. I'm watching the news to see if they say anything about Larry. I don't see him getting a stay. He's in the death chamber right now, I.V.'s hooked up, and they'll push the poison into him in about 25 minutes. I'm first in the shower tonight. Soon as I get my shower I'm going to sleep. MP3 man still hasn't brought the players back.

Thursday April 11, 2013 4:23am: Been up since 3am. Just cleaned up and going to get my day going. They killed Larry last night. I really didn't know anything about his case until they put it on the news. I try not to know about what guys are in here for. I judge them on who they are not what they done. And no matter what someone has done, when we as a society allow our government to murder in the name of God, justice and the American way, we accomplish nothing more than creating a sick vindictive bloodthirsty people. Well, I'm going to do some writing. I got two letters in last night. So I'll write, do some artwork and pass the day. Right now I'm just listening to my music.
9:16am: Just finished eating a soup. I talked to my psychologist about an hour ago. I've written two letters and a blog. Fixing to do some art. Working on something for my mom for Mother's Day. Other than that I'm just sitting here listening to music. I need to read my sports paper here shortly as well.
11:38am: Just finished eating. Just processed sloppy joe meat and bread. They called recreation for everyone. And one of the officers told me Warden Reddish is in some type of trouble in the prison he's at.
3:51pm: The guys just come in from rec. I just finished a letter. Was doing art. One of the officers came by earlier and asked what I got a DR for. I stopped the Captain and talked to him, he said I didn't get a DR. I talked to him about this heightened security. But he put me in to have me taken off. He can't do anything else about it. It's out of his hands. Well, I'm waiting on dinner. I don't think I'll eat that. I'll make a chili or a fish and soup. I'll let someone else have my tray that wants it. I'm going to wash clothes here shortly, lay down and call it a day. It was productive, I got a few letters written, some art done and not a bad overall day. I think I'm fixing to stop keeping a journal, and blogging. It's taking up a lot of time, and nothing positive is coming out of this. I've been considering it for awhile. So there's a good chance I'm going to shut this down and focus on some other stuff. Until then I send everyone peace + love, and please be merciful and compassionate to one another. 'Cause life is hard on us all.


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