By Francis Soffen
I am dying. Hurts me to admit it, but the truth is often times quite painful. I have been locked up in the Massachusetts prison system since 1971. I have been "eligible" for parole since 1987, but my captors have not thus far seen fit to release me. One time I saved a guards life. Have saved many men from the end of a prison shank as well. Now I am not claiming to be a model convict, sure I have fallen short of that mark on many occasions, but by anyones opinion I have done my time, 40 years now, and it is certainly time to say enough is enough.
Today I lay in my bed in the isolation cell of the Hospital Secure unit at MCI Shirley. I cannot get out of bed and into my wheelchair without someones assistance. I cannot use the bathroom without assistance and am forced to wear and adult diaper. It is humiliating sometimes, but most days I am too sick to be humiliated. My legs are in such bad shape that talk of amputating them has come up as of late. You can never know how that makes your stomach feel, to think of a leg being cut off, it is incomprehensible. My liver cannot filter some of the chemicals my body naturaly produces. My smonia level rises and I get drowsy. People think I am on pain medication, and I probably should be, but that is not the case. I am just drowsy from liver failure. some days it feels like knife punctures when I move, but the strongest pain reliever I can get is Motrin. I suffer for most of my waking hours. If you knew me in my heyday you would be shocked. i was a bull of a man with a very healthy appetite for life. Now I can barely keep my food down. The time has come for a compassionate release here in Massachusetts. Why are the taxpayers being burdened with my expensive care? Keeping me in prison, and affording me healthcare in this environment, is like the inner city families who have to go to emergency rooms at the local hospital for their healthcare. It is the highest costing way for them to have their ailments treated. I have to be transported to outside hospitals by armed guards, afforded very expensive care through that process, and then returned each time a follow-up or additional procedure is required. Just like the inner city family this is the most cost-ineffective way to afford me care. If I was allowed to live in a manged care facility the cost of my care would only be a fraction of what it currently is. I no longer pose any type of threat to society, I cannot hold an ink pen let alone a knife or a gun, and keeping me in prison serves no purpose. I require medical release.
Senator Patricia Jehlen has filed Senate Bill No. #SB-1213, which would make a provision in the law for the medical release of prisoners who no longer pose a threat. The time has come for the passage of this measure, and I need you to contact your local state senator and urge them to support it. Make a call to their office. Send them an Email. Drop them a line through the main. Please have compassion for the men who have served their time and are suffering in prison hospital units. It us up to you to strengthen the moral fabric of society with such mercy.
2011 jul 7
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2010 nov 15
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2010 oct 27
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Replies (17)
The compassion of the people was very clear when you were convicted of your crimes. You got a plea-bargain and were not sentenced to death.
That was compassion.
Yes what he did was wrong but you also need to think that the people he killed weren't the most innocent either. They were in on the deals with him as well, THEY probably killed people too... so to keep Frank in there for so long is crazy. It's time for the justice system to do what's right instead of doing what they FEEL. He stepped on a lot of toes when he was in the system and now it is biting him in the ass.
Sadly I have no love for the man because I never grew to know him(Sorry Frank, the truth hurts), but I can honestly say that if I had no ties to him, I still would press for his release at this moment in time. What harm is it going to do?
The thing that bothers me the most about these posts Frank is you don't even mention your family or ANYTHING. You just mention yourself and your sicknesses... a little selfish don't you think? I do promise that if you don't get out this time and when I come back to MA I am coming to see you. Your story needs to be written.
Gary Dube (One of the men that your Grandfather murdered) is my Uncle, and I know for a fact: HE NEVER MURDERED ANYONE!! HE NEVER ROBBED BANKS OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF BUSINESS EITHER!! Soffen murdered him by putting bullets in the back of his head and then dumped him in the river like he was trash. (Just in case you didn't know the real story). So my dear, he does not deserve anything on this earth other than what he has already received. His CLOSURE will be with God.
I am sorry for you and his entire family, no-one deserves
to have to live with the pain he has caused for so many people. I also often pray for the Perot family, they too have suffered greatly due to Soffen's murderous past.
This was taken from transcripts:
(Soffen was charged with the three armed robberies in March of 1972. Among his co-defendants were Gary Dube, Steven Perrot, Robert Neilson, Louis Swenor, and Edward Uschman.)
Francis has met his maker as of yesterday.
I am glad I will never have to sit thru another parole hearing for him.
Because you see, there's no such thing as revenge. Revenge is merely something WE made up to make ourselvse feel better, but in truth, there is no such thing.
Sonny, your insults don't bother me.