May 8, 2013

Emancipation Proclamation

From JustUs4Michael by Michael Lucas (author's profile)



150 years ago. A people on the planet. Gave another people on the planet permission to not have to be servants to them anymore. They called it: EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. It was signed in 1862 and became law in Jan. 1863. In short, it said that all the slaves of the South are no longer slaves and are free.

For the next 100 years. The so-called free slaves fought to be equal with the same captors, who classified them as chattel property. The once slave owners fought back. Their actions said, "Just because we set you free. Don't mean you are equal to us." "Just because you free don't make us friends." To prove this. A year that should have been of celebration like all other days of pride in this country. Instead, in 1963. 100 years after EP. Medgar Evers. A champion in the efforts for equality for the so-called free slaves, was assassinated. The manner in how justice was met is the measure of equality and true freedom.

Every time a so-called free slave stands up and demands to be treated humanely. The answer from the oppressors is the same. The assassination of a Leader means "NO"!

Here we are 50 years from 1963. Are the ex-slaves any closer to being equal to the ex-slave owners? Just because a Black Man is President of the United States does not mean there is equality. All that means is the elections are not as rigged as we believed... maybe? Or it could mean the ex-slave has a little more power than they think?

There will never be equality between ex-slave owner and ex-slave as long as the ex-slave continues to request. Either you are or you are not. The ex-slave owner will never freely make the ex-slave economically equal in shared profits netted by slave labor from THEN TO TODAY. Like a rich man looking at a peasant. The rich man will never give half his wealth to the poor man and make him his equal. Even if he got rich off the labor of the poor man. The inequality of one is the benefit of being rich.

Because Obama is the President. There seems to be a desire for all to forget about the last 150 years of torment as FREE MAN & WOMEN. Forget the lynchings, killings, raping, kidnappings, beatings and incarcerations that came because of the request to be human. Let alone the past 450 years of bondage. It seems as though they want all to forget that even as free people. Equality and true freedom have yet to be achieved and if you're not satisfied with the freedoms you do have now. Things can go back to the way they used to be where assassinations were prevalent.

The oppressed need to stand up and stop asking permission to be human and demand your place. Stop trying to be equal with others and just be who you are. If being who you are makes you equal, better or worse so-be-it. As long as you are being you. Stop asking for all the things GOD already gave you, from those who can only give to you that which you accept.

Here is a prime opportunity. Ex-slave owners, ex-slaves and the entire world are fully aware that reparations are appropriate. Ex-slave owners are not going to admit it, because they are the ones paying out. I say, Test the genuineness of today's freedom. All President Obama has to do is mention REPARATIONS. If congress agrees and the United Nations agrees, and motions to treat ex-slaves of America half as decent as Jews and the State of Israel. Then, I will be convinced that progress has been made. And Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers and others assassinate for the cause did not die for NOTHING!

If the response to a request of reparation by the President of the United States is Treasonous, or Impeachment. If violence erupts on the streets. Then we'll know we have not moved forward. We live today in the same, just better disguised state, as we did 150 years ago. How much longer until we understand and do better? A free man has no question about his freedom. We are similar to Fiddler from the book ROOTS. How can one know they are truly free if they never experienced freedom before?

The first step to recovery is admitting there is a problem.

I write this as a prayer to my people. I have a real vision for the next 150 years and it looks nothing like today. I will end this with a quote from a book written by Sultan Abdul Latif & Naimah Latif:

"A black face at the helm of government is not the only criterion African-Americans should strive for in seeking self determination. To prevent internal conflicts, the leaders of a country must develop a system which provides fairly and equitably for all the people, without major class distinctions and unfair privileges for the few."



[drawing of an Ancient Egyptian labelled "Ausar"]


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