by: Allen Johnson
A Look at my Life
Sadness plagues the depths of my soul,
reflecting in my eyes that which will never be whole,
Selfishly describing my mood as cold
remnants of a turbulent childhood in which only I know!
Now behold..... for I am the truth of an undeniable and even more unbelievable past,
an offspring of the environment in which I was cast,
reminding me that nothing but a words that for-never lasts,
and a term frequently used to mask- and conceal what's only glass!
Because it's breakable,
which is why my anger is unmistakable,
but I would not offer pity even if I were capable.
because what's instilled only allows what is favourable.
"nuh" now my heart
it doesn't know what it wants, only what it needs,
and is shamefully fragile beyond belief,
lacks drive and ambition and also the will to succeed,
so it doesn't believe,
because time and time again it was forced to bleed,
and nothing of worth to achieve;
besides more pain,
why would I contribute to my own heartache,
it would only be in vain,
because only a momentary high would be gained!
A stream of memories and blank emotions cause I don't think I know how I feel,
I only know how to accept what is real,
and look forward to what time is to reveal.
As I continue to live and make mistakes battling my soul,
my heart, and conscious in situations in which I earn my wisdom stripes,
I will continuously administer life's brutal message of spite
all on the strength that I don't have the courage to take a look at my life.
2014 mar 4
2013 oct 25
2013 oct 25
2012 dec 22
2012 nov 25
2012 nov 25
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