Deception and The Judas Kiss
Ronald W. Clark Jr
July 8, 2013
Do you know who Jesus was speaking to in John 3:16? Most Christians can't tell you, they don't have a clue. John 3:16 is a very deceptive verse, when it stands alone. For people then say, "All I need to do is believe." That's not the message. See, Jesus was teaching a Pharisee, named Nicodemus, that in order to reach the Kingdom of God, one must be born again. One must believe in him, to have eternal life, and walk in the light. Your deeds must be pure, not dark and evil. You must remain in the truth so everyone can see. John 3:1-21 goes hand in hand and John 3:16 should not be taken out of context as it so often is.
The problem is, there's far too many demonic disciples, who are distorting the word of God. Some of these demonic disciples don't even realize they're planting the seeds of Satan in the hearts and minds of their fellow believers. We see Christ addressing these false disciples, there in Matthew 7:15-23. For verse 22, Christ says:
22 Many will say to me on that day "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?
And look what Christ says to these believers in verse 23.
23 Then I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you. Away from me you evil doers!"
The message, the warning doesn't get any plainer than that right there. Believers are going to be given gifts, that they believe are through the Holy Spirit of God, but are in fact gifts from Satan, and his demonic spirit. You can't argue it, unless you're calling Christ a liar! Read Timothy 4:1.
The spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
Paul warns us of these deceiving demonic spirits. And Christ showed us above, that there's a great threat, not to the wicked man who wallows in sin, but to the believer who through the distorted word, believes he has come into possession of the truth, when in fact he has embraced a lie.
Judas, the demonic disciple, who embraced and kissed the Son of God, Matthew 26:49, and who healed, cast out demons, and taught the Kingdom of God, with the eleven, Luke 9:1-6, was undetectable by the eleven up until the end. Judas spent three years, eating, sleeping, drink and breathing the same air as the eleven. Yet only Christ knew he was a devil, John 6:70.
This is why true believers should take refuge in the Lord and the Word and not put his trust in man. Psalms 118:8 and Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure, who can understand it?
Many self-professed Christians, are anything but "Christ like". They are truly weeds who have disguised themselves as wheat, see Matthew 13:24-30, which harms the true believers, who looks at these judgmental, merciless, uncompassionate, greedy, sexually immoral, impure individuals who are impersonating Christians, and say, "I can be a Christian and act like that too."
Many Christians are taught that godliness is a means to financial gain. Those who teach that are Satanic disciples. See 1 Timothy 6:3-5 and 2 Timothy 4:3, which reads:
3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
Titus 1:11 also supports this. There are many believers, who are putting their refuge and trust in man, instead of putting their trust in the Lord and the Word.
These mega preachers and their mega churches are choking the Word with the deceitfulness of wealth, which Jesus spoke of in Matthew 13:22, N.I.V. When you see these men and women preaching, who have designer clothing, luxury cars and homes, what you are seeing is not one of Christ's disciples, but one of Satan's deceiving disciples, who are being blessed by Satan in order to choke the Word and lead believers into the pits of hell. These preachers/teachers who are wearing three piece suits in your living rooms every Sunday morning on T.V. asking for money are Judas disciples that believers are blindly following behind. Charismatic deceptive spirits as Judas was. So this is a warning to all true believers. Stop taking refuge in man, and put your trust in God, and the Word. Stop letting demonic spirits teach, and deceive you! God said with the new covenant he would make it where man would no longer need to teach his neighbor or brother. See Jeremiah 31:34. See also Hebrews 8:11. There's no need to put our trust in man, and clearly God does not want you to do that. No, if you put your trust in man, and you're led by a Judas disciple who is a devil in disguise, then you will be held accountable. For the word says what it says, and means what it says. And all the warning signs are there to show you that Christ = love, mercy, compassion, grace, giving and caring. Satan = deceit, destruction, hate, greed, self-satisfaction and impurities. So whose seed is planted in your mind and heart? Only you know. And even if you lie to yourself, you will not lie to Christ, Matthew 7:22-23, Matthew 25:44. Believing is only half the battle. Following him, Luke 9:23, is our goal.
Please take care and be scared, be very scared because Satan is a Judas kiss away.
God bless you.
In peace + love
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