Sept. 29, 2013

Comment Response

From Lessons Learned by Antoine Murphy (author's profile)
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Comment Response
(Aug. 2, 2013)



Well your appreciation for my response is greatly accepted, if I
can use that word. Good to hear that you're not "weirded out"
that helps me not be "weirded out" myself! Then there's just the
thankfulness to God that I seemingly seem to find in now everyday
life. I mean there are thousands of millions of blogs out there
yet god, I feel led you, you to the one that has him high & lifted up
Honestly I'm still surprised that you stumbled upon mines. I
know that it cant be nothing but god, cause I'm not smart. Plus
I'm sure that my blog isn't average especially among those behind
bars. so often we use every platform presented to "us" to garnish
legal assistance or support..... Because god has set me free I
delight at the opportunity to help others, especially those in he
"free world" find the FREEDOM hat is only available in Christ
jesus. Even despite the political taunts of "you ain't nothing
but a jailhouse Christian" think I've mentioned that b4 so I'll
stop. I was most excited to see that you found in bogs to be
uplifting shows my life truly is going in a different direction.
Cause lord knows I used to uplift others to engage in behavior
that was nonconductive to growth & development. Ask Dawn Norton.
... Well don't , don't want make this about "her" well uplifting
you is the least I could do, by uplifting & encouraging other I
find the strength & encouragement to carry on. Amen. Daily I
battle with "life" being choked out of me
_literally-&-figuratively. Yikes. Prison is an angry place that
doesn't promote life or living it to the upmost....
Nuff of that don't need to make myself any sadder :) :) :) so
what do I say on today....
tomorrow officially marks 12 years since my last ay of freedom!
tomorrow is also 9/11... So I'm "weirded out" by those nuances &
similarities cause I also drove a weapon into a building :( :( :(
9/11 makes me confront my own guilt. . . I only plan to embrace the
day though. Decided to forgive myself after all god has. Is that
wrong? Some think everyday I should wake up crying for the crime
I did & never feel like I committed a crime against myself as
that didn't come out right. Basically here it is when I shot
I plan to wear new shoes, they're white. Sort of like my new life
& my glasses :) :) :) I walk on snowflakes sometimes. For my16h
anniversary I hope to complete by Sept 30th to have this book
done & get it to a publisher I believe god has opened the door
to one place so I'll contact them first. Amen. Jesus opens doors
no man can shut :) :) :) :) :) inspired by "your" encouragement I've
penned a book of encouragement why should I be sad & god has
keep reading :) :) :) :)

As someone who has hurt too many people I apologize on b1/2 of
those who did the same to u. sure they didn't know better. life
is like that stead of multiplying love & peace we multiply hate &
pain. we're taught wrong. God said B fruitful & multiply but
because of our nature we multiply unfruitfulness. Like
today men are building familys backward. WE get a girl pregnant
then find out that we don't really "love her... :( so now life
consists of baby mamas & baby daddys stead of husbands & wives
:( :( :( If u've been hurt in that fashion please know that it's
gone be alright. WHY? Jesus loves u plus the bible says that your
Maker - God- is your husband ?Isaiah 54:5)
Yes the things we go through do help make us who we are but there
are something's I'd rather not had went through personally. I've
heard 'em say, "that which don't kill you only makes you stronger" but
I argue if it makes U stronger why make the same mistake? (Not
saying you have).
Praise god here it is
whatever u went through what hurtful as a teenager was the
enemy of your soul Satan trying to kill me since
I was like 4. Playing a "game" I was just "touched" b4 it was
time. than at 7 I prayed to get hit by a car & throughout life
I've often just wanted to die I had my midlife crisis
at 11! do the math (thank you) prison didn't help... I came at
at 24 I met Jesus. well actually he met me. While I was in the
midst of tears he whispered. "trust me" . You'll be alright." then
history wrote itself with gods pen. the best pen I might add.
Jesus not only helps me through my day he helps me through my
life. Had it not been for him I would probably be looney-tooney.
Just saying without Jesus I'm a hot mess o the way to hell in a
handbasket. Jesus has me clothes in my right mind. Because of
him I know why Im alive & my gifts & my purpose for being born
in the first place. With Jesus I can use the writing talent he
blessed me with lovingly to help people rather than manipulator
swindle or hustle or encourage to throw my they life away. Does that
make sense. Without Jesus I'm nothing. I mean I got a lot of "good
person" credentials --> Skipped 1/2 a grade: honor roll student
(kindergarten-9th) bee working since 14! Even had 3 jobs once
as a teenager; I've done even made str8 A's : got numerous awards
that filled 2 big photo albums; been on student council; been vice
president of school clubs I've sung carrols at nursing homes
though I was called the "N-word" ; I even graduated high school! \
But at the end o he day I shot somebody so......... I'm naturally no
good without Jesus...
With Jesus I have hope-for today- 4 tomorrow- for 4 ever! I'm now
able to take the ood with the bad & make the most of the moment.
With god I'm able to add to community rather then substract from
It with god I can mean what I say & not just say empty words.
With god by my side I can serve others. & 4 my 33rd B-day I was
ne-who (lol) u were 2 :) :) :)


Replies (2) Replies feed

noemi Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hey there, stay positive.. People make mistakes.. God forgives than so should everyone else.. I'm in a relationship were my boyfriend dis 16 years for murder.. He is out, accepted by his community and a great person! He made a mistake and paid or him.. But you seem to have a good head on your shoulders and with not knowing your circumstances.. I hope you have freedom in your future! GOD BLESS and keep your chin up high, and always remember "YOU ARE WORTH IT!"
Sincerely-Ashley Mae

Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Antoine Murphy Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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