March 20, 2021

Final Parole

From Lessons Learned by Antoine Murphy (author's profile)


Date: 3/19/2021 9:51:34 AM
Subject: Final Parole

March 18 approximately 1:15pm

Here's what happened...

As is the case Mrs Pierce took me through the Parole routine.
What I did
What my charges were
how much time I've served (23yrs n 6 months) off my 75yrs sentence
There had 2 be mention of my Parole Eligibility Date n My Presumptive Release Date
My conduct history was brought up as well as my criminal history! N how I worked my way down
from Max 2 Minimum Custody (Gods fault!)
Brought up how I successfully completed all my Programs(Aoda Thinking 4 Change n anger
management) also doing a Bachelor's in Theology course,via correspondence.

Eventually we got 2 the part where it was stated that living with my aunt got approved, the
support she said she could provide! Then git into my financials n my efforts 2 secure
employment the day I get out by way of a Program in Racine called CCEP.
At this point I spoke on wanting 2 work 3rd shift at a bakery,start my own bizz,n do some
fashion designing along the way! Don't want 2 put all my financial eggs in the basket of a single
9-5!!! Gotta make sure that I keep a pink slip back up plan! Learned that from Covid!!!
Course I went on 2 run my mouth bout other things like loving my daughter n wanting 2 b there
4 her! Desiring 2 make teh world space I occupy more better! YouTube channel,going sledding n
just enjoying life...

When I finished she uttered how I did enuff time n that release wouldn't pose an
unreasonable risk 2 the public, my parole plan been approved by my agent.

Mrs Pierce has been recommended

She then went on 2 explain how she gave the 30 day window because of behind the scenes
logistics, paperwork, Social worker meetings,n the like!!!

I asked when I'd know my exact release date 2 which she responded,"If the Chairman approves
then teh EXACT DATE will b reflected on teh GRANT (of release)

I thanked her n tryd 2 write it all down while my hands were shaking! Great time 2 tell her bout
teh last time she blessed me I stumbled into the wall cause of what I'm calling Jello Legs! I said
as well how I'm thankful 4 Amazing Grace n 4 teh Light I had 2 draw at the end of the tunnel .

Course I explained how I got into trouble in teh beginning because there was no light so I
culturally followed teh herd n threw my life away but then flipped teh script under teh premise
that ...
Even if I die in prison want my daughter 2 know she not (destined 2 B) a criminal N that her Dad
did his best 2 live a productive life in spite of having 75yrs in prison.

I asked if I could keep her abreast of my accomplishments seeing she the person
recommending 4 release n if I messed up she would get second guessed! Told her I feel like
she my PO so I want her 2 know I'm serious bout not coming back 2 prison!
She responded,"Do it 4 Ur Family!"
"I will!"
I thanked her again n flew back 2 the unit 2 give the news 2 my moms first n 4most...

as it stands I am waiting 4 an exact release date that should b on or b4 April 13!!!
Believing God that I can b released on March 27!!!
a date that been coming 2 me since 2017!
Oddly enuff a codefendant was released March 27,2020!!!
If sooner I'll take it
if later I'll take it

Right now its 9:06pm n I'm still tasking it all in!
Still gotta stop! n officially thank God
4 releasing me
4 his amazing grace(I could a died here! they technically can hold me till 2072!)
thank God they not!
Thank God my pocket diary had 1 Corinthians 15:21 in it,which gave me hope n
encouragement, so much so I wrote it on my hand n confessed. I'm gone get A Resurrection
Thank U Jesus

What else?
Bout 2 send out these last lil boxes of yarns,books,clothes!
Ain't keeping nothing but a photo album,Bible,daughters letters n my Release fit.

Its time

Pray 4 me.

Antoine J. Murphy

See y'all on Facebook!!!


Replies (3) Replies feed

Unnati.31 Posted 3 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 11 months ago     1 Favorite
Ohmygod yess!! Congratulations I'm so happy for you.

Julia Posted 3 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 11 months ago     1 Favorite
Dear Antoine,
just got your taco letter yesterday, thank you, and what an amazing news! I hope you are doing okay and find the patience for the last days and the insecurity which day it will be.
I'm doing quite good, still healthy, garden season started - preparation work only but still nice.
Warm greetings
ps. you can find me on fb with my name and probably an owl pic :)

tenzintenzin Posted 3 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Outstanding news! Our guy is coming home at last! See you on Facebook

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