September 06, 2013
To my viewers:
Why is there so many color barrier in our society today> It's doesn't matter who you choose to marry. Interracial marriage should not be a problem. You can choose who you want to love. Race should not be a major factor in this world today. Because we all are important in God's eyes. So why all the hatred in this world concerning racism? Americans need to break the gnerational curse of racism. Just because you was raised that way does not mean you have to remain that way. You can change as Americans and regroup your thinking patterns.
This is a blinded factor that needs to be dealt with in government. Every politician is trying to help the inmates that are minimum or mandatory for drugs. Do you realize that you are saying it's OK to sell drugs or use drugs if you do away with mandatory drug sentence. I have been in prison 16 years. On my one sentence, I have seen these people come in and out of prison. Some have been on my sentence 7 to 10 times. But no, society wants more drug programs etc. Guess what they out in 6 mths. About week or month they back in the county jail. Myself I can't even get out once. Our Government needs to regroup and think about that they are enabling drug dealers and users. Basically saying it's ok.
To my viewers;
Do our society ever put the spotlight on the parole board? No because nobody cares to know how they operate. To the family members who has incarcerated family member. Did you know that the parole Board consider a inmate that has no disciplinary report record the whole time they been locked up. They considered that inmate as trying to manipulate the system. But this person has never been in trouble with the law except for this one time. But when this inmate comes up for parole, they see this inmate prison record is clean. Doesn't care, and deny this inmate parole base on O.C.GA 42-9-42 paragraph C not fit society due to nature of your crime. But another inamate comes up for parole with a violate charge, who just got out of lock down for assault on bunkmate and homosexual disciplinary report. Not only do she make parole. She gets to go to the transitional center. Look like the parole board would let the one who don't get into no trouble make parole instead of troublemakers. So when you all go to meetings as family members you night need to investigate the parole board motives as to why they aren't letting your family members go.
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