Ronald W. Clark Jr
Sept 17, 2013
Stop the Madness of Capital Punishment
The time is here and now, that we stop this madness, called capital punishment. For this madness has went on far too long in America. This so called penalty accomplishes absolutely nothing, other than causing its citizens to suffer further pain and anguish. This penalty violates the Eighth Amendment of the family members of the death row inmate, who has to endure this cruel and highly unusual circumstance, where they are forced to live in total and absolute fear that one day the state is going to murder their loved one, under the false pretense of justice.
No - this is not like receiving a phone call or receiving a visit where someone says, "I'm sorry to have to inform you, but so and so has died." That's a terrible situation. But it cannot be compared to having to sit for years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds count down, knowing that the person you love is going to be killed, and one of the main reasons of their death is your financial situation. For wealthy people will not endure the brutality of losing a loved one in America's death chambers. And that's just the cold hard facts of this bias and prejudicial penalty that is designated for poor and uneducated trash that America has no use for. Worst of the worst. Not hardly! I can take you into population and show you case after case, where for one reason or another, the murderer of a woman, or children are doing life in prison. My father being one of them. But here you find cases, some far more severe than cases you will find on death row, where the family members of that inmate serving life, is not enduring the emotional and physical suffering that a death row inmate's family has to endure. My mother, I've seen the tears, the pain that this sentence is causing her. She's under a doctor's care, and taking anti-depressants. This penalty is violating her 8th Amendment rights, to be free from cruel and unusual circumstances, that is a result of our government.
There's a guy down the hall, he has a 13 year old daughter, who's emotionally stressed out over the fact that her father is going to be killed. She's stopped visiting, and tried distancing herself from it. One day she will probably live with the guilt of that, but not long ago this poor little girl, who did nothing to deserve this stress, tried to take her own life. This penalty is undeniably causing this little girl a great deal of suffering and is violating her 8th Amendment constitutional right, to be free from cruel and unusual punishment.
A murderer has no consideration for one's constitutional rights. For it's done out of stupidity, blind anger, alcohol, drugs, or mental illness. Our country, our state, has an "obligation", as a so called civilized society, to uphold our United States Constitution, to see that we are fair and impartial, and that we do not cause undue harm to our citizens. Well, we know the death penalty is not fair. Rick Scott's loved ones would never face this penalty. He has the money and the connections to keep his loved ones off death row. Attorney General Pam Bondi, her loved ones, if they killed someone, would not face Florida, or America's death chambers. We seen OJ Simpson, Robert Blake and Marlon Brando's son all avoid convictions and capital punishment, so it's obviously not applied fairly.
It is time that we end this madness we call capital punishment. There's no reason for families to have to stand outside prison gates and wallow in pain, endure cruel and unusual suffering, as the state murders their loved ones. In 99% of the cases, the killer was not this cruel, so how can we say we are a civilized nation, that we have a higher ethical standard, when we are willing to stoop below the level of a cold blooded killer, and create harm to families, whose only fault is they are related to this alcoholic, drug addict, mentally ill individual, who's now under the sentence of death. And then they have to deal with the facts, only if we were rich, we could have kept the state from murdering him or her. Yes, the time is here and now, to do something about this. And I need your help.
We need to find a law firm who will represent the family members of death row inmates and immediately file a 42 USC 1983 class action law suit, on an 8th Amendment violation, asking for a trial to show how this 13 year old girl is suffering, how our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins and others are suffering, and how family members of the loved ones in population do not have to suffer. Bill Happ sister and family is going to suffer. I want to stop his execution, and all other executions. Please help me! Help me find a law firm that will represent our families.
Thank you for your time and hopefully your help.
God bless you
In peace + love
Ronald W. Clark Jr #812974
Union Correctional Institution
7819 N.W. 228th Street
Raiford, FL 32026-4460
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