S/N Otis Lee Rodgers
This next writer is a revolutionary in a whole lot of ways. For starters he uses this great publication to change ways of thinking, offer powerful ideas, and give his perspective on a number of ills that plague this country. But not only does he do that, he also writes about subjects that most people are afraid to write about. And although we don't believe in fighting a particular group because they're oppressive with oppressive tactics, we do believe something needs to change in order for this country to keep from spiraling downwards. This week he tackles, the forbidden for some, term of endearment for others, 'N' word. He gives the perspective of older Black folks as well as the perspective of younger Black folks and then wraps it up with his own conclusion. The same way you would do in a college paper, only people in college are doing it for credit while Brotha Achim is obviously doing it to teach and influence change. He's writing from a state prison correctional training facility in Soledad, CA. We encourage all readers of his work or any work we publish to respond, if inspired to, respectfully.
America's 21st Century Neo/Nazism
We are now in the vile grips of fascist/neo-Nazism and Nazism this time is "targeted" towards criminals, indiscriminately against all people who break their "race-bias" draconian laws. It is now OK, and socially acceptable to hate, berate and condemn an entire group of diverse offenders, irregardless of their offenses; to publicly call them animals, scumbags and say "fry 'em and watch them die". SS-politicians have begun a propaganda campaign of unparalleled media blitz to convince the sheep-like frighten public that criminals are the blame for all their economic woes, moral depravities and current state of decadent society.
Thus, it is NOW OK to genocide by long-term incarceration this "targeted group". Soon we will all have a family member or friend in prison. As we continuously define aberrant behavior as punishment by imprisonment to justify keeping all of those prison creating jobs and multi-billion dollar industry going. Obviously, all criminals aren't mad dogs and do not deserve to be dehumanized, brutalized and animalized in slavery/prisons or stoned to death in a public execution. This is Nazi Germany reborn, the holocaust revisited.
The Nigga "N" Word
A most profound sounding word when spoken cross-racially in anger and in its entirety, so alarmingly abhorrently - repugnant to many that the general media will only print or speak this word in abbreviated form(s) to avoid offending its readers/listeners. The history of this word is well known by those who oppose its continued usage and those who continuously use this word are now being ostracized, targeted for censorship, condemnation and reeducation.
Undeniably, historically this word used by primitive, savage white in this country represented the absolute most odious, unconscionable-incomprehensive pathological form of racial oppression and cancerous ignorance in history. Nevertheless and notwithstanding all the painful memories of the holocaust that the African nation has had to suffer and still enduring - it simply does not explain the neurotic-paranoia and near psychosis of 21st Century blacks. Needless to say we are not a monolithic people and our beliefs and understanding are as varied as our skin color.
Unquestionably and indisputably all decent-minded, morally intact individuals would oppose the usage of this word by non-blacks directed at blacks.
This writer is neither "pro" nor "con" to the "N" word usage. Albeit, as a black man if a non-black were to call me the N-word, violence would most assuredly ensue and not necessarily so if another black were to do similarly so. This obvious double standard is called tolerance. Blacks do naturally and should as all other races have more tolerance towards each other than they would towards another race. This is fortunately or unfortunately an aspect of our humanity. While at first glance this may appear discriminatory, but more realistic and accurately put it is called - tolerance.
The Anglo-judicial system is a classical example of this disparate in treatment. Statistics upon statistics have revealed discrimination across the board - white judges are more lenient and tolerant towards white defendants than they are towards non-whites.
Probably to the bourgeois black intellect, these double standards make their "con" argument. As to the danger, harm and negativity of blacks' continued usage of this nefarious word towards each other. Pointing out: 1) the usage of this word by non-blacks towards blacks 2) its continued wholesale usage may promote anew the usage of this word towards blacks by non-blacks. That it may indicate that it is now OK, chic and en vogue to once again use this somewhat abandoned, near forbidden word.
Those examples of prophecy do support the "con" argument, but constraint as a means of restraint is a form of cowardice, a surrender to a seemingly insurmountable problem. Logic and intelligence dictates that the word isn't the problem, it is the history of the monsters who coined and used this word to abuse, decimate and destroy that it is the problem.
In the atypical American mentality of easy and instant solutions conservative, middle-class blacks would have "us" believe that by blacks eradicating this word out of their vocabulary usage, it will somewhat or somehow in effect eliminate the cancerous scourge of hatred within the hearts of minds or racist white Americans against new Africans - even black intra-racism. I'm sure those blacks who oppose the usage of this word would have an even more comprehensive rationalization for the cessation and condemnation of its usage by blacks.
I confess to have used the "N" word casually and in anger, having also witnessed other blacks' usage of this word as the repetitious centerpiece and focal point of their discourse, ad nauseam - ad absurdum.
Needless to say I was annoyed at their limited vocabulary and vacuous repetitiveness of this word, especially in a mixed company, even feeling a tinge of embarrassment. Having witnessed this so-called faux pas and observed the disquieting disgust by some blacks and non-blacks I, not unlike others, usually discount the speaker as ignorant and conclude he or she is unworthy of any further consideration or interest.
The pro argument is as persuasive as the "con" argument is against - a vast assortment of rationalizations. Basically, those blacks who are addicted to the "N" word usage contend first and foremost: 1) It is their right to use the word or any other that they choose to use 2) Their usage is in most instances harmless and in many instances a term of endearment. 3) They aren't racist against blacks, nor do they harbor any ill-will towards blacks. And more pointedly: 4) Their multiple variation of change in dialect - usage has divorce this word from its original, hateful, cruel, ugly intent. That sometimes in the history of a word, its meaning changes - even to its opposite. Adding: 5) that their usage is utilitarian, an exclamation and even playful. Seldom, if ever, their usage of the "N" word the cause of violence or hatred. Suggesting that the opposition need let go of the past, forgive, evolve and move on.
Notwithstanding my prior comment, when I genuinely listen to those blacks who have a proliferous usage of this word, who appear to have it almost ingrained in their psyche, a somewhat exclamation of the first order. Then hearing this word spoken from those blacks I have sometimes felt their A) anger B) frustration with America's cancerous racism, C) bravo - machismo, D) Symbol of unity and, E) That they were just clowning and kidding around, etc, etc. In passing I have never felt intra-racism coming from one black towards another.
The "pro" and "con" arguments are equally postured and both representing legitimate and reasonably held belief. This isn't a debate of right vs. wrong, rather right vs. ultimate right and this is where this debate empties into... in my opinion inter alia.
The "pro" position is one of individual liberty with grave political indictment against the new African Nation that "we" not unlike our forefathers have failed miserably in bringing this white vs. black race war to a just conclusion. The "con" position is one of contemporary moral ethics, respect cosmetics and image building.
Logic, intelligence and maturity dictates that a word is just a word, a powerless, blameless entity and a simple configuration of recognized alphabets. As noted before, we are not a monolithic people; there are black Republicans, atheists, Muslims, gays, hypocrites, Uncle Toms, etc. Even more so, there are some blacks, especially young ones, who claim that they have never been the victims of white racism. Therefore, the "N" word has no history of negative connotation of painful psychological memories.
Here lies the crux of this debate. One side sees danger and the other side does not - a paradigm of perception. The opposition's general criticism of those who use this word is that they are simply being grossly insensitive to the feeling of those who are aggrieved by their usage of the word - ignorant and ignoring the painful history of the evil ramification of the "N" word. Conversely, the other side's counter-criticism is that those blacks who criticize their usage of this word are just bourgeoisie, pseudo-alarmist, who are not in touch with contemporary reality - that what is evil is more or less their conscience bothering them - guilt.
My criticism and counsel to those blacks who have an excessive use of the "N" word - is, you're annoying, continue to educate yourself, travel and get over your limited vocabulary.
My criticism and counsel to those blacks, especially the likes of Bill Cosby, grow up, you don't own the new African Nation. We are many, completed, diversified, and multifaceted. We are a first people, the original people, the strong, personification of a survivor, the creme de la creme. Cosby need to be mindful that he acquired his wealth as a steppin' fetchin' buffoon for whites.
In no uncertain terms 21st century blacks do not need protection from a jaded, obsolete, antiquated word. My advice to those blacks aggrieved and truly concerned is that they need to concentrate their frustration/anger resource/energies on addressing/solving the vast assortments of ills that the "N" word does and once represented. What isn't needed is a cosmetic, superficial, finger in the dam, victim reeducation program of how to be a better victim and to suffer in silence.
Simply because you do not want to be embarrassed, well, shame is good, it serves a purpose. Just maybe if your African Nation is shamed enough we will stand up and bring the five hundred year race war to a just conclusion.
The "N" word is the extract-descendant of the "R" word (racism). It is puerile and moral cowardice of the first degree for 21st century black bourgeoisie intellect to engage in an abjectly pathetic debate of reeducation and condemnation of those blacks for their usage of the "N" word. When the true cancer, the true case of the "N" is the "R" word. The true enemy of new Africans in America is alive and well and has after all these centuries, not yet been soundly addressed and attacked. This neo-reeducation and condemnation campaign is traitorous smokescreen to divert attention away from black leaderless-ship and blacks in general, strategy-less, complete failure in this multi-century old war against racism in America.
in many respects "we" all owe those Africans whose prolific usage of the "N" word in mixed company and in their music our gratitude. For they have caused a resurgent in intellectual debate of blackness and black consciousness of self-esteem. Each and every time the "N" word is used. It need be a renewed opportunity of awakening and reminder to both blacks and non-blacks - that there is yet an unresolved problem of diseases cataclysmic magnitude in America. All is not right, all is not well and we are not all O.K. It appears as if it is the instructive-intuitiveness almost mystically driven need of many blacks to raise the "N" word up until the "R" word falls.
America must never be allowed to renege upon its promise/guarantees of equality and justice for all. Therefore, it is the unstoppable, never-ending duty of all new African blacks to declare war to the up most in the crusade to ensure that while Americans live up to its promise of freedom, equality and justice from oppression and discrimination for all its citizens, voluntary and involuntary ones - and in the end liberation/reparation/independence and separation - with the establishment of the Provisional Government - Republic of new Africa.
In parting. Despite the anticipated sanctimonious outcry of disagreement to this axiom - there is no universal right or wrong, an experience and the horrors of history clearly detail. Ultimately right is whatever the individual says it to be and is able to impose upon others. In this instance an individual has the right to use whatever words he or she chooses to use. Those who do not approve have the right to inculcate or force the other to cease and desist usage... failing that the aggrieved party simply have the right not to listen and/or attempt to change the conditions that causes the usage of this objectionable word.
While a severe painful annoyance to some, this debate in the face of "our" unresolved cowardly unilateral surrender in this centuries old race war without honor or restitution is insidiously dishonorable - and this debate is a cowardly diversion.
Logic, intelligence and maturity dictates that a word is just a word, a powerless, blameless entity and a simple configuration of recognized alphabets. Brotha Achim RA, 117-L
by La Cin Achim 18-21
Founder of the Congress of African-American Reeducation and Treatment (CART)-brain trust
Working to Bring Justice to the Unjustly Imprisoned
I'D LIKE TO OWN A PRISON. You know, the abused-child-grows-up-to-become-an-abusive-parent syndrome. SERIOUSLY, there is so much that can be done here AND SO MANY INTELLIGENT, THIRSTY SOULS searching for justice.
If society wasn't such a hypocrisy, we would take advantage of this window of opportunity in the lives of this captive audience of prisoners to reeducate, to reprogram, for the betterment of all.
STOP THE LIES AND INCREASE THE TRUTH! Prisoners are disenfranchised, without representation. Most prisoners are in prison for committing nonviolent offenses. I don't think committing this type of human error warrants banishment from the human race. That is exactly what occurs here. Humans are banished until the state in its infinite incompetence determines to release them considerably worse off than before prison. Then some idiotic TV actor spouts off his script lines: "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime!" Therefore, when I am filing suit against these mindless prison guards, I tell them: "If you don't want to pay the FINE, then don't do the crime!"
Nevertheless, if that jaded cliche were true - that do-the-crime-do-the-time nonsense - then we all need to surrender ourselves to the nearest jail. "We all", including those in the White House and State Houses. Because we are all guilty of something, even if it is only indifference or negligence.
love is indeed, the Ultimate Enlightenment! We are one people, one humanity, and it is time that we all grew up, as opposed to growing old. We must realize that we'll either teach others or live in fear with them. We need to practice what most of us have been taught in one way or another, and that is to love each other - including PRISONERS. We need to care for those on the inside... to empower them for a better life on the outside...
Love Begets Love. I have chosen to teach. The fate of the other will ultimately be visited upon us all, as each day we read about or see rampant crime, race hatred and wars. None of us will be safe unless every one of us are safe. I personally SHALL NOT surrender this world, this paradise, to ignorance.
Have you visited a prison lately? Surely, you must know some unfortunate individual? Outside support can turn around the lives of those who have simply lost their way. Understanding and love can change attitudes. Your active support will not only help a prisoner reclaim his or her sense of self-worth and esteem, it will also enrich the giver.
This isn't a debate as to "Why fifty-one plus percentage of all American prisoners are Black, or as to their innocence or guilt?" This is a human rights issue: Humane treatment for Afro-Americans in prison and upon their release. There are so many of us; none should be alone and hurting.
I am seek ORGANIZERS to establish contacts, list resources and facilitate correspondence from sincere interested parties. For more information as to how you can get involved and make a difference, please write:
Achim Rodgers
I am not tired of being kicked, deprived and
I am not tired of being held hostage, enduring poor
medical care, exploited and served bad food.
What tires my tirelessness is the continual lack of
creative abuse heaped upon my life by my mundane
By La Cin Achim 18-21
S/N Otis Lee Rodgers
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