Nov. 4, 2013

Ever Missing Jasmyn

by Carlos Brown (author's profile)


Ever Missing Jasmyn

Jasmyn equals honey bears times peanut butter
She don't remember me
I shed my tears now in ink

I can't forgive the years
I shudder to think I have barely lived without her

Protective walls disservice society
Preventing me from holding her
Unforgiving walls do not protect my heart from visiting aches
Heartaches revisited are proofs only of love
And don't negate that I live, that I breathe
That I feel for my heart's sake

And filled with pain the heart does not prevent
Thoughts of her
It is with love for her that I ache

And I ache further
Taken captive by her pictures
I am weak where she is concerned

Paper images capture only the shadows of her sweetness
But love does not escape me
I miss her

Ever missing Jasmyn.

-- Carlos "Sundiata Ibn Islam" Brown

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Replies (4) Replies feed

pat0306 Posted 10 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
That is a beautiful poem. It makes me really think bout my love who is locked away from me. Its peoms like yours that keep me being ever faithful to my lover. I hope that you can keep going.

Tenaj Posted 10 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Paper images capture only the shadows of her sweetness but love does not escape me I miss her.. quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've read in a long time.. Unconditional love is a beautiful thing and your blessed to have been able to experience it. Dont be sad that its gone, be happy that it happened.

punkassbutch Posted 8 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
This is gorgeous. I can feel the power and intensity in your words and in the way you wrote them. I hope that you get to Jasmyn, or find another person who makes you feel even more in love. Do not give up on love. Hold onto the idea of infatuation and adoration and never let go.
Love and Light,

hannahfeldhsn Posted 8 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder but this has convinced me that your love endures with the same intensity whether you are 5 feet apart or 5 miles. The media tries to dehumanize and criminalize those who are incarcerated and yet when you first walk into a prison you do not leave your emotions and humanity on the other side of the gate. Your beautiful writing reminds us all of your humanity and even more so it reminds us that no human was made to live caged. I hope you will get to see your loved ones soon, and get to hold them while you get to breath the free air that is everyone's birthright. I think it would impact many readers, including myself, if you expressed to us your opinions on what it is like to only see the outside world continue moving through a window or fence.

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