Minutes After Six
Toady is Tuesday October 15, 2013 and here we are just minutes after six, as the great state of Florida has just killed, no - murdered, William Frederick Happ, under the Fraudulent Concept of Justice!!
Yes, in the name of God, justice and the American way, we murder our citizens in the great US of A. Kill to prove killing is not acceptable. However, wealthy, prominent, influential citizens, and their families are excluded from America's death chambers. Justice?! Not hardly!! For justice would be equality, and there is no equality in America's Capital Punishment scheme. You have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see this. For it is blatantly obvious that justice is not the motive behind these killings!
One of the things that really concerns me is the lack of unity in these organisations, which state their goal is to abolish capital punishment. For united we stand, and divided we fall. Without unity the goal to abolish will never be met. And as we remain divided, America's death chambers will continue to spit the dead bodies of poor American's out of it, as it so clearly discriminates against the rich upper class, who do not qualify to be murdered under the mantel of justice. Yes many moer william Happs will die because of the lack of unity in the Abolishment Community.
Please open your eyes, see this for what it is, and call for a movement to unite. For united we stand and divided we fall. And the poor will continue to fall as long as we remain ununited.
God Bless
In peace and love
P.S This was written for another blog, which has a similar title, unfortauntely, they would not post it. There's too much censorship over there. Which I am extremely against! I believe in letting the writer (author) be true to themselves as well as being true to the audience. Censorship creates deception. But thats my point of view.
Ronald W. Clark jr #812974
Union Corr Inst P-6115
7819 N.W 228th Street
Raiford, FL, 32026-4460
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