Jan. 20, 2014

Comment Response

by William Irving (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Beautiful In The Poem thumbnail
Beautiful In The Poem
(Nov. 25, 2013)


Reply ID: d8kb

Dear Calhoun25,
Thank you! And remain a friend. I'm glad you liked my poetry.

You sound like someone studied who truly appreciates the art and craft of literature. I have 25 books of poetry I have written. I am presently working on the third and fourth book of sonnets. None of these books have been published. I am a prisoner with little outside support.

Maybe the souls of the immortal poets seep through me because I have studied them at length: Wm. Shakespeare, Wm. Wordsworth, Wm. Cartwright, Robert Frost, Jane Jordan, Robert Burns, Langston Hughs, Nikki Giovanni, Emily Dickerson, Elizabeth Barrett-Browning, etc. etc. I don't think there is anything illusional or imaginary in relation to my creativity in the freedom of being able to express myself well. I am alone and looking for companionship—is that too much to ask?

I have some poetry that I choose not to post on blog age—but I am open to sharing them with you via snail mail. If you decide to write:

William Irving #182906
8200 No More Victims Rd.
Jefferson City, MS 65101

I love poetry and pictures. Best wishes!


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