Why is loving self the sin of vanity?
Why is being different labeled as insanity?
Why must people treat me as mad?
Why are Jehovah and Allah names of God?
Why isn't a threat to myself equal to others?
Why aren't equal men more like my brothers?
Why can't people believe love is half pain?
Why can't you understand life and death are the same?
Why must money determine my wealth?
Why can't you see loving my wife is loving myself?
Why must men take the power of flight from birds?
Why am I confined in speech to words?
Why is the top of the chain where men stop?
Why can't man see at the top he's not?
Why can't you see in caterpillars what you see in butterflies?
Why can't you enjoy the sound of baby cries?
Why is ice called cold and fire called hot?
Why are heaven and hell the only options we got?
Why is peace easy to see and hate easy to be?
Why are you, you and why am I, me?
Why did God order angles to bow down to man?
Why can't the rebellious ones still understand?
Why is racism based on color and not creed?
Why is it difficult to see a bad man do a good deed?
Why can't I walk my own path?
Why don't you know your supreme math?
Why don't you believe in the power of we?
Why not get rid of words like "you", "I", and "me"?
Why is a new idea like a fresh spark?
Why was God in the dark?
2015 nov 19
2015 nov 19
2015 may 19
2015 jan 5
2014 dec 22
2014 dec 22
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