Feb. 17, 2014

Comment Response

by Marcus R. Ellington (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Profond Greeting's... thumbnail
Profond Greeting's...
(June 12, 2013)



Marcus Ruben Ellington -
CDCR #E44837/D3-140

Hello - lway81:

First and foremost, 'Thank you!' for your comments and encouragement; and your overlooking of my inability to type well. Let me also say, my apologies for the significant delay in responding to your comments. I only received your comments on: (02/10/2014) cannot explain the delay. But, your comments have arrived, and so, I am now responding.

I am 'Jewish' by birth. My mother has always informed us of this fact. I was raised in the 'Christian' faith. But, it was not until my incarceration that, I began to actually 'study' God's word (Tanakh). When I actually began to research the claims of the so called, 'new testiment'. I found that, what Yahshua taught were real to my soul. A realness I did not find with any other way.

Searching from the Tanakh, from a Hebrew view point led me to discover that, the western interpretation of the 'scriptures' was fatally flawed and off base. That if we neglect the Tanakh we will never understand (yahshua). He is the centre of all scripture. I further found that, the entire 'Tanakh' is the good news, as it leads to the coming one (Yahshua) as the fulfilment of all scripture(s).
Yahshua made the statement:
'To not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.'

See, Matthew 5:18. This declaration aided my conclusion that 'Tanakh' had not by any means become void by the coming Masshiach and that, He came to fulfil Yahshua continued to reiterate that:
'Assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or title shall by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these comments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of God, but, whoever does and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.'

See Matthew 5:19. These commandments spoken of by Yahshua, are the 'commandments of God, the Father. Further study led me to understand that, these (10) commandments house/contain, all of the other 'instructions' found in Torah. That is, those not imposed by man. We serve a great God!

Paul also taught to keep the 'Righteous requirements of the law/instructions.' See, Romans 2:26. That is, those handed to Moses by God. In fact, it is Paul commentary that, most westerners stumble over. They fail to comprehend that Paul's teachings were couched, in 'Tanakh'. So, one who did not have proper understanding of 'Tanakh' could not understand or follow Paul. See 2 Peter 3:16 and this is true because where Paul was teaching at 1 Timothy 4:3. Regarding the things that, 'God created to be eaten by man.' Paul was not talking about snakes, bear, cat and dog. Paul was referencing the things that, (YHWH) had declared clean at: Leviticus 11:24. How could anyone think that, Paul was teaching outside of 'Tanakh'. God never made/created the things we consume today, to be eaten by man.

I hope that I answered your question adequately. If not, please feel free to ask further. Also, I may be reached at the address above. However, I am not appreciated by the custodial personnel within our prison system. So delay's and missed mail may be a consequence of this hatred. Nevertheless, I will do all that, depends on me to respond promptly. Again, thanks for your concern.
Wa Alechem Shalom and Barucha!!!!

It is my hope thatm all men and women would study the word that has been made available to them, and not hate the Hebrew. Because in doing so, one may find that, they hate themselves.

February 10, 2014


If you believe that, Yahshuah hu Masshiach (Jesus is Christ) you are messianic. The Messianic believers were falsly called Christians by greeks. Greeds do not define Hebrew's. Se Acts 11:26 and, I have nothing against Greeks. It's simply the truth.


Replies (2) Replies feed

CJP Posted 11 years ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

SOC81 Posted 10 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 8 months ago   Favorite

Thank you for the in-depth answer. I often find that when posed with a question concerning ones faith and belief many, even devoted believers, cannot adequately explain why they believe what they believe. For the most part I do understand where you are coming from, however I am not sure that I quite understand your stance on Paul instructing to keep the righteous requirements of the law (Romans 2:26). Jesus spoke that in loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself the entire law hangs (Matthew 22:36-40). Paul himself instructed numerous times that we are now under grace and no longer slaves to the law (Romans 5-8). Would you please explain your understanding of this a bit further. Nevertheless, I am glad that you and I share the same revelation that Peter shared in that we understand Jesus to be the Christ and that He is our Savior (Matthew 16:16). I pray for you, and hope that all is well with you.


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