June 12, 2013

Profond Greeting's...

by Marcus R. Ellington (author's profile)


CDCR #E-44837/B3-140L
CSP-LAC., POB 4490
Lancaster, CA. 93539

"And because lawlessness will abound,
the love of many will grow cold. But
he who engures to the end shall be saved."

May 16, 2013

Dear Reader(s):

"Profound Greeting's..."

We are existing in a world where, good is hated and evil is loved. See Micah 3:@., Justice
is being aborted and muscarried in our courthouses. As the Judges forsake justice for their
own will. a will not born from the mind of a loving and almight G'd whose tenets are before
us in his word. and are not obscure.
Jese (Jashua) taught the first believers that: "You will be hated by all for My names' sake." See,
Matt 10:22. How is it that, we who righteously believe and faithfully follow the LORD, frind
ourselves returning to the way of the world to address the circumstances and conditons we
are in. This is error/wrong! I had a brother in the LORD while at Salinas Valley State-
Prison (SVSP) whose family always made sure that, he has all of the things that he could
have and posses as a California Prisoner living on a Level IV (4) prison yard. Due to the
level of care that his family provided him he was able to shun the offers from formers acqua-
intances to sell jailhouse drugs, ect. But, when his family found themselves unable to
provide him with the level of confort of which he has become accustomed to. He immediately
resorted to the prison drug trade. This conduct is indicative of many here in prison. and,
if shameful! How many G'd (YWHY) teach you. or, show you his ability to provide for you if,
whenever you find yourself into a situation whereby G'd may show himself strong, provider,
protector, teacher, priest, mighty, lover of your sould, father and G'd. If you will not wait
to receive it? You must trust G'd, and these circumstances arise for that purpose. To raise
Because we are "hated" for his sake. We are to expect that, the world/evil ruler of the
worlds system will undoubtedly bring his house of evil beings against us. Where we fail I
think, is that, we forget that, on the otherside of that "Hate" is "love" form our G'd
that far exceeds any hate that may be produces by our enemy. and, from this love, our G'd
will bring us through the rough times. When you see the "Hate" you react. But, you will
not wait on the father. and trust him to see and react to his "Love?" G'd reacts to the
"Hate focused upon us, his children. Hence, the scripture: "He sent me after glory, to the
nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye." See, Zechariah 2:8. Just
strike at someones eye. and see the reaction you get. This manner of speaking from g'd was
to show us houw fast He will move to protect us from harm.
Pleas do not get me wrong, I do not wish to teach that, 'people that serve G'd will not
suffer harm.' not true. Remember: Matt 10:22, Supra. cf. John 15:18-25. Hate produces
'Persecution.' [persecution] means-'to subject to hostility or/an illtreatment. Many
people that are being used by the devil to "pesecute" you, do not even know that they are.
This is why, I believe that, G'd instructs us to "Bless them." which being translated may
mean-"Speak well of." and that, to G'd and other's including the individual themselves.
Thus, waking them up to the wrong doing they may not even be aware that0they are engaging
in. and, is an opportunity to spread the Kingdom.
A little child that calls his Father, Mommy. is found funny. However when the child becomes (19) and still
thinks that his Father is the Mother. Something is wrong. The same is true with Our G'd. When are not growing
as we should G'd becomes concerned. It is innate in children to learn. So, learn of you G'd. and show him that,
you are approved. and know all things concerning your Fathers will and so, may chepard the flock, head the house.
and rule and reign.

Love in Christ,


Replies (4) Replies feed

irishkitten24 Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Marcus R. Ellington Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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1Way81 Posted 11 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years ago   Favorite
Hello Marcus,

I enjoyed reading your profile letter. I have one question, how did you become a Messianic believer?


Marcus R. Ellington Posted 11 years ago.   Favorite
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