reply id twqk
I respect the freedom of speech this blog provides to us all. In that constitutional right, you have a venue to vent as I do. My constitutional rights to the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th amendments of the U.S. Constitution have been violated. Indeed, a lot of prisoners come across as persecuted unjustly. With a high number of exonerations, the facts speak for themselves.
I was once blind but now I see. I used to suspect the dp until I was flung into the abysmal system. Witnessing something firsthand speaks volumes to judging something one knows not much about.
There is no foundation of Christian values in saying killing someone brings closure. Society teaches revenge with the dp. It creates more victims, reopens wounds. The prisoner's family and friends are a new set of victims.
In my re-sentencing trial, the victims' families expressed they did not want to see me receive the dp. Overzealous prosecutors chose to seek death again. Harris co. Houston, TX.
I'm at peace with my family and friends, and they all support me, love me, and know the injustices of my situation. This case is not a double murder case.
The hospital suffocated the second person some 8 hours later when prepared for an operation to repair a wound. I was charged with concurrent causation. The burden of proof was shifted to the defense to prove the hospital did not make the patient brain dead, when in fact they did. The family sued the hospital and doctors for wrongful death. There are no winners in this tragic course of events.
Stereotypes and labels are the American way. By dehumanizing someone it is easier to kill them. To debase them. Make them a monster. Fact is convicted murderers who parole have the lowest re-offense rate out of all classes of criminals period. This stigma is something the row must deal with constantly. What message does it send to our young, the next generation that tic for tac and revenge is okay? This cycle fuels violence and the mentality for retribution (another word for revenge). The prison system was created for penance, to reform, for the prisoner to repent. I'm at peace with my salvation. I know my God and it pains me to see my family and friends suffer.
Kelly Seigler TX top prosecutor has been enlightened even. In her new TV show she said, "The execution doesn't bring closure." She's attended executions with victims' families, witnessed men put to death, and it brings no closure. No healing. Kelly told a victim's suffering daughter in an unresolved case to get counseling, seek closure, to move on. Execution wouldn't solve what ailed her.
I've witnessed grieving mothers and children here on a prisoner's last day of visits. It's forever burnt into my brain. This is not right. What we pursue as civilized society, in the name of justice. Life and life without parole are a suitable alternative.
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