May 3, 2014

Thick And Thin

by LeVar E. Jones (author's profile)


6-6-13 Thick and Thin By Levar

I hear your voice and I start to stutter,
I hyperventilate and my heart flutters.
My palms get sweaty and my sleep is few,
soon as I lay down I always think of you.
I get sick to my stomach, intestines tied
in knots, cry myself to sleep cause I don't
deserve what is, my life rejuvenated, you
make me feel brand new. But my past makes
it feel like you're to good to be true,
still by my side and I thank God for that.
He put you in my life so I know you got my
back from all these miles. I send you tender
kissed, I send to you my heart cause you're
my Mrs. No one makes me feel like you, what
you do, I love it, whatever it is, cause your
love gets me. It's hard to describe, even harder
to comprehend how much I love my wife, my companion,
my best friend. Love me like I love you, love me
despite of my mistakes and downfalls. You're too
loveable baby, you got me addicted. When I kiss
your lips, it's like a burden's been lifted. For
God will never put more on us than we can handle
because through thick and thin you were always there.


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