Special Warehouse Surprise
Do you like shopping? Do you like gifts? How about special surprises? I know of a place that may be of interest to you.
Imagine, if you will, a warehouse. See yourself standing in the middle of this warehouse. All around you are approximately 160,000 packages. If you enjoy shopping, no shopping experience is greater than this. this is by far the most unfashionable gifts that everyone wants. This gift is a high risk high reward warranty. Some have longer investment periods than others. Still the potential for high dividend return makes this investment a great investment. Your investment requires more than financial, so to will your returns be, a great value.
There are packages as far as you can see. In any one of these packages could be the perfect gift for you. It can be the answer to your prayers, loneliness, heartache, success, happiness, progress, and spiritual growth. Yet, you can't possibly thoroughly examine the contents of every package. You have to judge each package by its outward presentation and after choosing said package you have to be diligent. For some of these packages are not for everyone and the outside may not be the true description of the inside contents.
All of these packages are different. They come in all shapes, sizes, hues, heights, weights, lengths, and depths. Some of the packages are nicely gift wrapped others are dented and little beat up. Some are more fragile than others, so handle with care. Some of the packages truthfully represent themselves on their label. Others, not so much. However, the labels are the best clue you have to judging if the contents are what you are looking for.
Some of the packages have been in this warehouse for Days, others for Decades. Some have discharge or delivery dates that are days away, some months away, some decades away and some have no delivery dates at all. Some need help to obtain delivery dates, some help making it to their delivery dates. Some just need delivery destinations. No package is released without a date, or destination, and all require permission of the warehouse man.
There are numerous titles on the label that may or may not describe the true contents of the package. Some titles may have at one time been correct yet not so today. Also, some of the packages already belong to someone else. They could have been first possessors or had rights to the contents before it was places in the warehouse. Also, some are returned packages. For whatever reason (like damaged goods).
Some of the packages have been beat up over the years. Some of by being mishandled by the so-called Package Protectors, some by the other packages, some simply by time itself. Some contents have evolved over time. Reshaping and redefining themselves. Some have simply just sat here waiting. There's a secret to choosing good. Along with judging by the label. The packages that have been in the warehouse for long periods of time tend to have the best return value.
The best part is. There's no mandatory purchase. If you don't like the package you chose you don't have to accept it upon delivery. Return to sender. Yet if you choose correct you can build a bond and make plans before receiving the package. I will say this. There have been many successful matches. Most people tend to look down on these special packages. Yet, I can guarantee. If you choose the perfect package and receive the gift specially for you. Everyone is going to want what you have. Just like mall shopping. There is only one place to get special packages. These gift are only in: California State Penitentiary!
If you choose correctly your gift will be special. This warehouse contains only special packages. Only special people can handle special gifts. I can't tell you hat prison house the best gifts. I can only encourage one to pick a box and inspect the contents. You'll find Friends, Confidants, Husbands, Lovers, Fathers, Teachers, Students, Sons, source material, etc...the penitentiary has it all. If you are having no luck finding what you want in malls, clubs, parks, streets, workplaces, Mosques, churches, gyms, movies, etc...maybe you need to shop at the State Prison for special warehouse surprise.
Granted some of the packages and their contents may never be more than occupying space on a shelf. Some have great potential. Some have plans and ideas that will help heal the ills of communities, reach the unreachable, improve the conditions of people's lives, lead the oppress to freedom, create jobs, introduce innovations that may change and enhance civilization, and teach the unteachable.
I can speak for myself, and a couple others I know. We are special and worth the investment. For more info contact
Michael Lucas
P.O. Box 2349
Blythe, CA 92226
Happy Shoppin'
2015 nov 19
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Replies (4)
I really enjoy the letter you make about the Warehouse. We only have a Life to live and we need to learn from our experiences and forgives our past. We all deserves a 2nd. chance or a 2nd. opportunity.
"If life give us lemons, we made lemonade"
Thank you for sharing your letter.
Evelyn :-)