Oct. 18, 2014

Am I Remorseful?

by Kiyoshi A. Higashi (author's profile)



First off, I want to start off by letting everyone know that I was one of four people who participated in a home invasion robbery. I also want it to be known that it never was my intention for anyone to get hurt. A lot of people have formed their own opinions and have subsequently made the assumption that the tragedy that took place that night was puposeful. I completely accept that what I was doing was wrong and had I not put myself in that situation that things would have possibly went different. But, as I stated in the beginning, I'm only one of four people who are responsible for what took place. I'm also only capable of controlling my own actions, both then and now.

Am I sorry that this happened? Absolutely. A great man lost his life that night and although it wasn't my intention, it know that it was a direct result of my poor choices. I've played it over and over in my head. I've asked myself what if I never went to that house? What if he never got up and started fighting with us? What if he stopped chasing us through the house after the first gun shot? What if I just fought him and he took my gun, would he have shot me? That's all I can do is ask "What If?".

Despite how bad I want to take it all back, there is nothing I can do. So many lives were ruined that night. The Saunders family lost a wonderful man, a father, a son, and a brother. My family has to deal with the consequences of my actions, as well as my co-defendants families.

I was only 22 years old at the time and now I am doing life in the belly of the beast.

But no one cares to look at the other families who lost the people they love. A lot of people ask "Are you remorseful?", "Are you sorry?" and the answer is yes. I'm not only remorseful for Mr. Sanders and the people who loved him, I'm sorry for all the people who are affected by the hurtful choices I made. I can't take it back but hopefully I can be forgiven. If not, that's okay. I personally know how hard it is to forgive someone who hurts you so bad. I'm sorry.



Replies (7) Replies feed

BostonRocks Posted 10 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

McSev2010 Posted 10 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 2 months ago   Favorite

I read your post, "Am I Remorseful?", and I'm struck by the articulate and expressive way in which you wrote it. Having seen and heard your statements in court and previously while awaiting trial, your sincerity in your current missives are in stark contrast to those times.

Rather than ask you if you're sorry, I'd rather understand what prompted you to write what you did. Or better yet, what (other than incarceration) has changed in your perception of personal responsibility as you reference? Are there programs and services you have now that you have helped you? If so, which ones are most important to you?

Please know I have the utmost respect for what you have expressed and I mean no disrespect by asking these questions. I seek to learn, not condemn. We all, each of us, have to live with the decisions we make.

Keep your chin up,

SAH Posted 10 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
I also watched/read his testimony.
troubling at best.

jhigashi86 Posted 10 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
I love all ur writings. Just know we all love u and are here for u through this all

EricaJM Posted 10 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
I truly believe you will be forgiven for your actions, what you did was bad but the fact that you have come to terms with that is great. Its the first step to moving on and unfortunately accepting your life the way it and making it the best you can. Maybe you can start a group at your prison, or maybe you can blog more to help people understand your side. best of luck

EricaJM Posted 10 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
I have read a lot of your posts, i am truly amazed that someone who has been through so much and who is said to be "bad" can have such an amazing view on life. Its clear you have made mistakes but its also clear that you are still a good person. I respect that your strong enough to share your story with us readers. I wonder how you live everyday in there, for me I hate when people get convicted of a crime and have no chance of freedom again, its like telling the person they will never get better or be better. To me I feel SOME people can be rehabilitated and learn their lesson. I wish you well and hope every day is easier and that you find the most amount of happiness you can in your situation.

Mrs.Link Posted 9 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 10 months ago   Favorite
I have sat many days and thought about the night you ruined my life, how i didn't see the warning signs. I am so disgusted that i let you around my family, my son. I ask myself why you out of all the girlfriends you had why did you choose to eff me over? i had everything going for me and you just come in and take it all away because you wanted to be "hard". you have got to be the dumbest person i know. I don't believe for a second that your sorry. if you were you know that sorry will never be enough. you say the sanders lost a wonderful a man and that is true but sorry doesn't bring him back. Sorry doesn't take back what those little boys had to see. you are the biggest disgrace to this world. i cant believe there are people in this world that feel bad for you or want to get to know you... i know you, you are a con a fake a lie. you could have had the world instead you wanted to a gangster now look at you stuck asking people to understand your situation. you don't deserve any sort of understanding.i wish i would have never met you. i effin hate you and i just want you to know that

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