June 6, 2015

Post Card

by William Goehler (author's profile)


(photo of two pairs of adult hands holding a baby's feet, in the shape of a heart)


Welcome to the world Grandson!

You've been born into a strong family, tempered in
the forges of fortitude! We are survivors!

May you always live a life of No Regrets,
and ever BE all you can be.

This is my B-day wish for you, every day your whole life long!

Make your ancestor's proud!

Much Love!
Grandfather Will

Our Ancestor's Ode to You

When the flames of freedom have become a
dying ember, who will be the last brave soul that
history will remember?

Will he be a biker with a lone and fading voice,
who rides without a helmet because it is his choice?
Will he be a preacher who spirit won't conform
to the mandates of the state, a beacon in the storm?
Will he be a publisher who risks financial harm,
to wake the sleeping people by sounding his alarm?
Will he be a farmer, alone in the last house
against the host of Babylon, the illegal banking powers?
Will he be a father, who tried to educate his children
at home instead of schools corrupted by the state/
Will he be a doctor who faces public scorn
because he will not murder the innocent unborn?
Will he be a sportsman who won't turn in his gun
because some legislature determines what is fun?
Will he be a citizen who trusts and faith and reason
and won't support the public servants blatant acts of treason?

Who will be this Patriot like his fore bearers
of the past who hold to faith and courage while
freedom's fading fast?

Who will be this person with courage bold
and true; a soul ablaze for freedom...

Will that Patriot be you?


Replies (1) Replies feed

tangerine0516 Posted 9 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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