"Elderly Parole" Blogs/1346/
Check this out, there is a few bills in CA. that is up for a vote. The first one is elderly parole. A prisoner must be 60 years old and have 20 years in prison. If you qualify then the BPT will change your parole date and take you in front of the BPT for parole consideration.
There is a old man in here who walks with a walker. He qualified. He had a sentence that was 45 to life or something like that. He wasn't eligible for parole for many years but he now qualified under elderly parole. They already changed his date to like 2 to 5 years until he goes in front of the BPT.
There is another bill that is elderly parole. [In it] you must be 50 years old and have in 15 years. I have 22 years in but I'm only 45. In 2020 I will be eligible for elderly parole if this bill passes. So far there was 3 votes in Feb., 2 in March, 1 on April and haven't heard any news yet. I will post the name and bill when I get time. I think its Elderly Parole 224.
As of today my parole date is 2055 but when this bill passes it will change to 2020. Wow that's my life flashing before my eyes. I was sentenced to 68 years to life in 1994. So this bill will give me a chance at freedom. What ever "Gods" that you pray to please say one for me.
I have been living in cages going on 22 years and first and foremost this prison system hasn't broke me. The Elderly Parole Bill has given me hope at a time when I really need it. Being a lifer in CA. means you never get out. I thought that if you were sentenced to life w-out parole then you never get out but in CA. you can have 15 years to life and never get out.
I know someone who was sentenced to 7 years to life and he has 40 years in with only 1 write up and he still hasn't been given a parole date. The CDCR is a cruel, cruel place to live. In the next 5 yrs or so the inmates who were given 25 years to life 3 strikers will be up for parole. Will CA. allow them freedom? I doubt it.
I have been attending 2 AA alcoholics Anonymous classes every week. The BPT has strict rules to follow and AA and NA you must give them or no freedom. They also want a anger management class. You must bring the BPT Chrono's stating long term attendance. I'm doing what they want even though I'm not even eligible for parole until 2055.
I believe that the Elderly Parole Bill 50 and 15 will pass and become law and my date will change to 2020 so I can start going to board. Honestly I know that if the board grants me parole I will never commit a single crime ever again. I have changed for the better and I'm ready for freedom.
Does a person learn his lesson after doing 22yrs in prison? I learned mine a decade ago. CA isn't a good state to live in. It's a police state with 33 adult prisons. That's just state prisons, they have FED prisons too. They lock you up and throw away the key. There isn't any rehabilitation like they say, that's a lie.
I have been held hostage for decades here in CA and I didn't do anything but assault. Could I have stopped the 187? I just don't know. I would like to think I could have. I'm doing for another man's murder. I just pray that I get a chance to see the streets again.
When the BPT grants me parole I'm going to go work and take care of myself. My brother Levi and his wife Robin raised me and when I get out I owe them everything. I will take care of whatever their needs are. I promised them that and everyone who truly knows me knows that "I'm a man of my word."
Life is hard when your doing life in prison. It's a weird feeling you, just wouldn't believe it. I haven't even kissed a woman in almost 22 years. It's so sad. I want everyone to know that I'll be ready for the board in 2020. I won't get a date at my 1st hearing, it's unheard of, but I'm ready for the streets.
If anyone has any comments on this post [then] get at me. I need friends in my corner.
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