"Laws To Obey" 9/15/2015
Everyone has there opinion on the Kentucky Clerk's stand regarding marriage of same sex couples, and Hilary Clinton's E-mail server. I would only like to share two (2) personal observations:
First, the news media keeps spouting out how anyone serving in a government office is under obligation to obey all the laws of that office. During my service in the military I knew from day-1 that it was my duty to obey all lawful orders. If I was given an order to kill civilians (not being a threat) or plunder locals - these were "unlawful" and against my conscience.
Our nation was founded on "moral" laws that most of the world understands and are found in Christianity, Islam and Judaism. These first laws guide our reason and conscience. So where is the "tolerance" so often spoken of? We are establishing "laws" of a Roman Empire - Paganism nature and demanding everyone throw-out their "moral conscience." This is a slippery slope and will lead to a complete collapse of the U.S.A.
Be careful what you wish for...
Second, while on Embassy duty I...
pg. 2 (Laws To Obey - cont...)
...was probably the low man on the totem pole, yet every day I handled classified material from Confidential to Top Secret. I was always aware of what was classified information. If I was at a local party and some Brit or Ausie asked me if the, "Ambassador was going to meet the host nations President next Friday", no matter how drunk I was... instantly, red flags went off in my mind - that's very classified information.
So to hear the top-dog of the State Department making all those excuses... I'm sorry, I have no respect left for that person. That's not a "leader's attitude", that's a "politician".
But I'm in prison, 22-veterans commit suicide every day, and the V.A. harasses anyone trying to get help or disability. Makes me sick! God help us!
My thoughts and viewpoints,
I welcome yours
[signature William D. Linley]
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