Oct. 25, 2015


by Perrie Thompson (author's profile)


Me Part 2 of 4 (Family, Friends & Ex's) Pg. 1

July 28, 2015

A lot has been said about how I feel about my family, friends and former girlfriends. Most of the things that has been said, have been misconstrued or simply untrue. So I will take this time to clear up a few things.
First and foremost, I do not hate anyone! Hatred has no place in my heart. Several people have told me they heard I hated them. Simply untrue! My heart is to loving to hate. "I am a true cancer!" I care about people to deeply to hate anyone. So please dismiss these false rumors.
My incarceration has disconnected me from so many of you. Your departures from my life has hurt me deeply... Loyalty has always been important to me. So honestly, I was disappointed in some of you! However, as I have grown older, I understand none of you have an obligation to me. Which is a harsh reality to face, considering I love some of you deeply. Unfortunately, I must accept my incarceration is a reality I created! Many of you tried to pull me away from the street life, but I did not listen. So now, I must deal with the consequences of my...

Pg. 2

...of my choices. Your departures from my life is one of those consequences! If I had listened, I would not be in this situation.
I understand many of you have moved on with your lives. I wish you all the very best! I hope your well, happy and living your life to the fullest.
I hope this explains and proves to all of you, that I am not upset with any of you.
With that said, my love is extended to all of you. I would love to hear from all of you. Write me when you can. See you soon!
Take care of your selves!

Big Love & Huge Respects
Stay Prayed up!

Sincerely yours,
Perrie Thompson


Replies (1) Replies feed

TheShadow07 Posted 9 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Shalom,Mr Thompson. This is a reply from Wm Brinkley. I am not that familiar with Blogs as I have only responded to one which involved the CEO of Postal Credit Union of LA when I was their Collection Mgr. Your Blog appears to be well written. However,it seems that you are trying to negate why people felt or thought of you in a particular manner. Why? You did what you did, when you did and how you did it, with some trepidation, but who has not?
What you should try to do is this: Start where you are,with what you have. Make something of it and Never be Satisfield!(a quote by George Washington Carver)
I worked part-time for over 20 years, doing what I wanted to do,as Mgr and Court Rep for a Group Home called "Touch A Life Foundation". We kept boys between 12-17 years old,for minimum of 6mos who had issues and were at risk. These boys came from Juvenile Hall.
The business closed this year with 2 sites: one on Pomona and the other on 59th Place,just west of Rimpau.
5 years ago I picked up a kid from Santa Monica who is Latino and allegedly a Gang Banger. We talked. He went to Crenshaw High and was assaulted. We transferred him to another school and he was assaulted while being picked up. He was pushed from the back. He turned around and beat the Perpetrator. He was a good student and Never presented a problem with the Group Home or Probation Officers or The schools.o
The bottom line is this:He left our home in April,graduated in June. 4 of our Staff was at his grduation. He won a 4 year Scholarship to UCLA with all expenses paid and living on Campus.
It can be done. We have had one boy leave and attend Cal State LA and 2 at Cal State Sacramento. They made no excuses. These homes were established by my Mother,after she retired from Trade Tech College.
My Mother is 8 credits from her PhD and has 2 Masters Degrees. On 12-24-15, my sMother will be 93 years old.
I graduated from LA High but lived down the street from Fremont
Also went to Jeff for summer school.
I have attended LACC,LA Southwest,UCLA,Univ of Maryland,Univ of Phoenix,CSULA and have my Certificate from the Entrepreneur Fast Trac,School of Bsn Mgmt at USC.
There is nothing special about me other than I believe in ME!
My attitude has been and will continue to be: "If I can not HELP, I will not HURT!
Wow! I have never responded to a Blog with this type of extensive comment.
Trust it will be well received. From WILLIAM JOSEPH BRINKLEY,CUP - Certified Professional Investigator. PS. I am a VietNam Vet and I have been to Laos,Japan,Hong Kong, Canada,Mexico,nCambodia and Thailand. Bangcock, Thailand is fantastic. You have heard of the Siamese Cats. They originated in Thailand. You see b-4 Thailand had their name change, it was called "SIAM". Take care and God Bless you that you may see the Light.

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