Ronald W. Clark Jr.
May 15, 2015
Den of Thieves
On Monday, May 4, 2015 I was transferred over here to Florida State Prison (FSP). Two days later, my property is shipped over from Union Correctional Institution (UCI).
Missing from my property is my earbuds for my mp3 player, my headphone extension cord, a pair of sunglasses, and $100 in canteen which I had just ordered using money from my birthday. And it was the property room Sgt. and his staff who stole those items. For P-Dorm video of 5-Wing, right side bottom floor will show the property room Sgt. and wing Sgt. getting me from my cell at approximately 3 PM Monday, May 4, 2015. As I'm walked off, the wing CO Duggin from the property room and two property room inmates put my property on a cart and rolled it off the wing.
So they (the property room) have immediate control of my property. The camera confirms that. So anything missing was stolen by the Sgt., CO, and inmates working in the property room.
I know what you're thinking. Why would a man risk his job, livelihood, his career over stealing canteen items? Well, it's no risk. 'Cause you are the law. You're stealing from some scumbag convicted murderer. Your word is taken as gold over that convicted felon. So where's the risk? There is no risk. You have a license to steal anything you want from that scumbag inmate.
Sgt. Stokes and I had our first run-in in April 2012 when he falsified a state document (a disciplinary report) and fabricated evidence (smoking tobacco) saying that he found it between the cell light and door. He did this for a Lt. Oliver, who was doing it for higher ups. I know for a fact that there was no smoking tobacco up there.
How do I know this for sure? Well, if he had searched that area above the light, he would have found my water bag, which was contraband, and had been able to write a me a legitimate DR. That's how I know that not only was there no cigarette tobacco up there, but that he didn't even search that area. Furthermore, he was too short to reach that area. Had anyone searched that area, it would have been the Sgt. who was over six feet tall.
I knew what that DR was all about. It was retaliation over my blog. It was Warden Barry V. Reddishes' doing. CO A.D. Stokes got a promotion for lying and falsifying a state document. Yes, a dishonorable and unethical violation of the rules of conduct got him promoted to Sgt. Can I prove it? Not unless he and I took polygraph exams. I'm willing. But I bet he's not.
I know a current rule that he is violating, and I know how to prove it—for he's left an electronic trail. So if he questions my honor, saying that I'm lying on him, I may file a lawsuit, bring everything out in court, and that electronic trail will be evidence that he's a rule violator and does not follow 33-208.002 Rules of Conduct.
Hey, most officers don't abide by the rules and laws that govern them. UCI is the worst of the worst when it comes to corrupt staff. They are thieves among thieves, criminal among criminals. They are at the heart and soul of what is wrong with the Florida Department of Corrections. They are why we need body cameras on correctional officers and why we need annual polygraph exams to weed the criminal element out from the FDOC.
Yes, a den of thieves, dishonor, unethical, corruption, a real need for SB 7020 and some real change. Hopefully on June 1-20, 2015 during the special session for the Florida Legislature they will pass S73-7020 and put in the House's Amendment for a body camera pilot program at UCI that will one day be implemented throughout the FDOC. Yes, we need change. Pray for it. 'Cause God knows we need it. God bless you.
In peace and love,
Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974
Florida State Prison
7819 N.W. 228th Street
Raiford, FL 32026-1160
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